Since when has this administration ever moved towards smaller, limited government?
Oh sure Bronco Bama, now you want itty bitty gummit.
Did you not read the first sentence where it says he was mocking us?
Obama’s default position is “Screw America” with “Screw the Western World” running a very close second.
EXCLUSIVE: Obama/Clinton Secret Operation Handed Port Canaveral To Brother/Business Partner Of Saddam Husseins Nuclear Bomb Mastermind; Submarine And Space Bases In Grave Danger The American Report
September 22, 2016
“After an apparent Clinton pay-to-play operation, Barack Hussein Obama administration officials handed over control of Port Canaverals cargo container operations to the brother of Saddam Husseins chief WMD nuclear physicist, Dr. Jafar Dhia Jafar.
Port Canaveral is home to a U.S. Navy submarine base and sits within the nexus of U.S. Air Force and NASA space operations. Canaveral is also the second largest cruise ship port in the world.
The secretly-negotiated 2014 backroom deal, code named Project Pelican, covertly awarded the Crescent Groups GT USA LLC a 35-year container terminal lease at Port Canaveral. GT USA is owned by Gulftainer Company Limited, a unit of the United Arab Emirates (UAE)-based Crescent Group of Companies.
Crescent Petroleum, another Crescent Group affiliate, came under investigation in 1993 by the U.S. Department of Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control and three House of Representatives committees (Foreign Affairs, Banking, and Ways and Means) to determine if Crescent Petroleum, the privately owned oil and gas company, was a front company acting for Saddam Hussein, according to The Independent and congressional records.”
Traitors need hanging.
Like letting Hitler have western europe is ‘limited government’.
It's like arguing that limited government does not defend private property rights. No government at all is certainly limited government to the extreme. But we did not adopt anarchy. We adopted a constitutional republic.
I am not up to date on this issue-— If Obama transfers control, then it is possible that the net could be censored by foreign countries?
Please feel free to add key words...Can someone tag with
internet giveaway
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Taking over healthcare, but...they REALLY want small government..!
There’s a 99.999999% chance Obama has already made a Secret Deal with the New Owner to enlarge his Retirement Fund
Limited government is good in general, but not when it potentially threatens our national security and Constitutional rights (the First Amendment). These are some of the few things the federal government was always supposed to deal with.
John Bolton on Obamas Internet Handover: Within Ten Years, the Internet as We Know It Will End
Such a smug little idiot is Josh Earnest. You know he’s lying when he opens his mouth.
This bastard must face due process.
What total a-holes.