The FBI lost track of her like a Fast and Furious gun.
Sort of the like those odd folks that disappeared from the hospital after the Boston Marathon bombing...
The Nazis fled Europe via ODESSA.
Jihadis flee the US via Obama.
This is something State should have noticed. Or am I wrong and they aren’t concerned with Americans going to other countries?
Still, not gonna say I’m surprised even if I think it prudent to reserve judgment of the report.
If this is true, she isn’t coming back.
Safely out of the country./s
And she will probably have an “accident” to remove any threat of any more truth from coming out...
Allegedly deceased? Is there something you are not telling us?
This seems to be SOP. Killings by Moslems in the USA bring the FBI to hustle any possibly involved other people out of the country. Lots of Saudis were moved after 9-11. That told me right then that the FBI knew who was behind that attack. The feds don,t want anyone talking to the press and making it apparent, even to the snowflakes, that Islam causes the attacks and the Sauds and the Imams organize them.
Omar Mateen was probably an FBI asset that went rogue.
Can’t have the wife spilling the beans,can we?
IIRC, FR has long suspected that’s where she skipped off to. She is also a relative of some prince so can’t have the royals mixed up in this. Just like when Bush got OBL’s family out of the country after 9/11.
Anyone know the whereabouts of the San Bernardino killer’s mama and baby? Notice how the msm has shoved her under the rug, too.
And the Boston Bomber’s wife is out wandering the streets free as a bird but then her family is CIA. The Bombers’ uncle is also CIA.
Notice how many of the BLM cop killers are ex military. Were they working for the feds or is that just a boatload of coincidences?
They probably flew her out on the same plane used for Osama Bin Laden’s relatives.
My son created this meme last night as we were discussing the whereabouts of Noor Salman:
The Obama Administration is a vast and all encompassing Middle East conspiracy to take down the West and bring Muslim Sharia law to the world. Obama is their willing dupe and a deeply convicted Marxist to boot. JMHO! Its a terrible twofer.
This is just more proof that giving trillions of dollars for snooping on everyone is a colossal waste of money.
Although my gut tells me they can find her, but they do not want her to talk to the public. After all it might ruin the narrative or reveal something the feds want to keep hidden from the public.
I cannot believe this to be true. The FBI would immediately have placed her on the no fly list, and she could not have fled.
I predicted she was out of the country, and I further stated that she was aided by the Justice Department or some other government entity.
Was flown out on Air Force One.
Has anyone pointed out she could not leave the country without our gummint letting her use a passport?
Omar’s dad: We STILL don’t know what he does for an actual living.
Has he ever been an ASSET of the US Gummint..?
How about Omar HIMSELF.
As if by magic, the wifie proves able to disappear and cross oceans, continents.
Pretty amazing, huh?
Gimme my tinfoil hat —make that TWO.