But it’s FREE!
And we’ve got idiots here that are “feeling the Bern.”
The people deserve to get what they want.
And they deserve to get it good and hard.
I’m going to say what Trump would say:
“Sorry we can’t help you, but our country is broke, and it is broken and our people are more important right now than anything or anyone in the World...please take care, hope things work out for you”....
Socialism. Crappy health care. Eating dogs. Now I know where Obama can retire to after he leaves the White House.
As for the soap: My wife uses a liquid hand soap. I use Ivory bars. When the bars get small, I melt them down and make new larger bars. I use these bars on my boat and in my shop, but if it would help, I’d be happy to send them my small bars and soap chips.
No food, no beer and their Dear Leader is threatening to jail suppliers if they don’t deliver. There’s nothing to deliver. Earlier on he forced the prices of everything down to where no supplier would ship anything since it costs more than what they’d receive to pay for manufacturing it which included food. He had people go to farms to confiscate produce. Now farms are not producing anything. Why do that if the government will come and take it all. History showed that Stalin did the same thing during the Thirties and Kulaks by the thousands died of starvation. Now this moron is doing the same thing to Venezuela. Hey Bernie, check it out.
Bernie’s vision for America.
I just sent them my junk drawer full of moist towettes misc take out food accuments and some first aid kits from the 98 cent store
Venezuela has the world’s largest oil reserves but it took Hugo Chavez and socialism less than 15 years to turn it into North Korea.
Coming soon to an Obamanation near you!
3 days ago, this
A great number here wish it on the US.
They said that these people go weekly to garage sales and buy all the suite cases they can find, fill them with food and take them to Venezuela. Things are desperate there, they say.
The Venezuelans are just getting what they voted for. This expected outcome was delayed for about 10 years or so.
Sometime the only way for people to learn is via the school of hard knocks.
Yet, I have seen MSM analysts state that a poor economy with high unemployment causes people to favor socialism, and that is why Bern has so much support.
It makes no sense.
Socialist policies lead to job loss and poor economy. Why that should cause more people to turn to socialism as an answer is mystifying.
The cult of personality built around Chavez will be increasing hard to sustain among the peasants as their stomachs become emptier and emptier.
Stupid people vote for freebies stupidly...and die. Couldn’t care less. I take them as just another example as to what we already know about socialism and are trying to stop that crap from happening here.
A privately owned business is accountable to its customers and must produce a quality product better than it's competitors to stay in business. that's called capitalism and that's why it works :accountability and competition.
Socialism has neither because government bureaucrats get government grants no matter if they produce any results or not and usually they don't as in the IRS totally being unaccountable for oppressing conservatives