How about an executive order empowering all LEO’s recognized by a State to enforce Federal immigration laws?
B S. Nice sentiment but patently unconstitutional.
I see no reason that the penalty for killing a cop should be harsher than the killing of any other person.
Can someone explain how the president can change state and federal laws to make murdering a police officer a capital offense?
First of all, I’m not against the idea, but it is something that needs to go through congress and state legislatures before it becomes law.
Perhaps someone can enlighten me as to where a U.S. president would get the authority to impose such an action.
only a king or dictator would even entertain the notion that he all by his lonesome should have the power of life and death over his citizens
sorry, Mr. Trump, but you ain’t batting 100% anymore...
Well, this is the very first troubling thing Mr. Trump has said (to me) so far.
Mr. Trump doesn’t understand the difference between state and federal governments.
Reading the actual quote, Daily Caller is inventing the “mandatory” phrase, and making it sound like a proclamation Trump intends to make is supposed to be binding law.
Nice sentiment I guess but not within his immediate Executive power if he became President. I suppose it could be made a Federal crime through Congress and then his EO could cover the DoJ going after a death sentence mandatorily. Ima just gonna chalk it up to wishful thinking campaign rhetoric.
Why just cop killers? Anyone committing murder should be eliminated.
is the daily caller, glenn beck site?
Wow the Palin or rather Trump haters are out..
Trump: I’ll Use An Executive Order To Give All Cop Killers The Death Penalty
Amen brother.
Could it be that Trump puts this out there.
The mainstream media jumps all over it pointing out the President can not do that using Executive Orders...
Then Trump says, “I know that, I was just wondering if you knew that, and if you did, why haven’t you brought it up when Obama oversteps his authority?”
In most instances, the killing of a police officer is a state’s matter government and the federal keep its hands off such issue. Is Trump trying to cozy up to the GOPe?
What about the Constitution?
Does the Constitution factor into anything that Trump has to say?
Will they be hung from light poles with piano wire?
I am all for shooting cop killers. But I don’t need the Federal government telling the States what they should do.
(*sigh*) Shouldn't someone point out to Trump that in most cases killing a police officer is not a federal crime but a state one? And he can't establish penalties by executive order?
When is comes to some aspects of business, Trump is smart, but he’s retarded regarding the basics of American Law and civics. There’s no general homicide statute on the federal level, because the power to prosecute and punish common-law crimes is reversed to the States. Another way of saying it is that there’s no enumerated Constitutional power for the federal government address common-law crimes.
He could advocate for the death penalty for killing FBI agents or other federal officials, but that’s not what Trump is talking about. But the audience ate it up, because they shared that quintessential ‘tard quality with Trump.