Posted on 11/30/2015 10:42:15 AM PST by BlackFemaleArmyColonel
It is very hard to know what “Cruz’s position is” since he changes his positions often.
Whoever is nominated and elected, Trump or Cruz, must honor the Constitution and rule of law, otherwise we will have another Obama.
As head of the Executive branch of government, the illegals have to go and the power given the Executive branch must used to see that the existing laws are followed. And those who enter our country illegally and defy our laws know they will be found and deported.
Yes, some will be allowed to apply and return within the existing immigration laws. But it will be limited and controlled by the laws which govern us.
I trust Cruz has the leadership, knowledge, and experience to follow the rule of law and re-establish the Republic which our founding fathers gave us.
Cruz is wrong in claiming that it is okay or even good for a presidential candidate not to tell voters his position on an issue that is important to them.
Shame on him.
Cruz is wrong in claiming that it is okay or even good for a presidential candidate not to tell voters his position on an issue that is important to them.
Shame on him.
Cruz is wrong in claiming that it is okay or even good for a presidential candidate not to tell voters his position on an issue that is important to them.
Shame on him.
“Cruz is the stealth GOPe candidate.”
Which is why the GOPe despises him. Makes sense.
Cruz has made his positions on illegal immigration extremely clear:
He specifies building a wall, tripling the number of border patrol, repealing Obama’s amnesty program, enforcing deportations and returns, ending sanctuary policies, prohibiting illegal immigrants from receiving financial benefits, suspending H-1B visas, halting *legal* immigration, ending birthright citizenship, and so on.
What in the world is there not to like?? His policies are specific, and bold.
No, when in the past he has addressed illegal immigrants here now he has talked about legalization. Now that he’s running for president he neither admits nor denies that he will legalize them. Yet, he rails against amnesty (and legalization is amnesty). It’s pretty easy to surmise that Cruz doesn’t tell GOP primary voters what he’ll do with them because he’ll legalize them and he knows that’s not what the conservative voting base wants.
Still it is misleading and deceptive and less than forthcoming to say he’s against “amnesty”, but not say that he won’t actually give illegals legalization as a form of amnesty. Even Jeb admits what he’ll do with current illegals. Cruz owes prospective voters more.
Did the Cruz campaign feed you that line directly to troll with on FR? Because, it just doesn't come off like we're talking to a human being here.
The GOPe does not despise him, and clearly the billionaire donors don’t either. Now he is disliked by his colleges in the Senate. They seems to think he uses his position there to play politics.
The details are spelled out very clearly on his website. I provided the specific link to Cruz’s plan. How is that a bad thing?
GW Bush said he “does not like” Ted Cruz. Cruz is the only candidate Bush has had such negative words for. The GOPe despises Cruz. And you sincerely believe the GOPe adores Cruz, above all other candidates? Really?
Indeed they should....but how you gonna get that done as long as the border is porous? Answer: you can't. Sometimes reality is just a bitch.
Okay, so here’s what you’re doing on these threads.
1: Attack every single candidate for not being good enough on illegal invaders, especially the first one who’s actually put forth a pro-American plan. You offer exactly zero alternatives; I can’t even call you an annoyed Cruz supporter because you don’t trust him either.
2: ???
3: America is saved!
What’s your game here, man?
Ignores virtually the entire thread and hopes we're too stupid to read what Cruz is saying himself. The "highly specific" thing is a fun, but sad joke.
Makes about as much sense as saying that Trump is a stealth media candidate when the media despises him.
I think Ted Cruz is not particularly liked by our globalist ruling class. His is the "bad boy" in "the club", but he is in the club. Trump on the other hand terrifies the GOPe he is a monster to them,so much so that they will back the bad boy to stop the monster.
Trump is the only candidate not owned by the billionaire GOPe donors. The only candidate free to speak his mind and tell people what he really thinks. So I like Trump, he is the only candidate I trust. Now if Cruz is the nominee and wins fair and square I'll support him in the general as long as he does not go wobbly on immigration.
This is the part I don’t like about Ted Cruz. He just keeps slippin and slidin. If you are not willing to get rid of the illegals who are here or at least a good portion of them then you are going to do amnesty at some point. Its not that complicated. That’s why I’m voting for Trump. He is at least going to make an effort to get rid of the illegals or as many as possible.
Nobody is trashing Ted Cruz we are disagreeing with his less than forthright position. He keeps swearing he is the only candidate who always opposed amnesty but cannot get the word deportation through his lips. Its a problem.
It's slippery lawyer jargon, which is exactly what we don't want at this critical time. Such lawyerly wordsmanship allows a future loophole to have "conversations" about whether or not to deport those here illegally - even IF the southern border is secured with an impenetrable physical barrier.
It troubles me that Ted isn't speaking in Reaganesque "bold colors" on this, the most serious issue the nation faces, but chooses instead to employ the "pale pastels" of the GOP-e.
I'm sorry, but it makes me nervous.
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