Okay, so here’s what you’re doing on these threads.
1: Attack every single candidate for not being good enough on illegal invaders, especially the first one who’s actually put forth a pro-American plan. You offer exactly zero alternatives; I can’t even call you an annoyed Cruz supporter because you don’t trust him either.
2: ???
3: America is saved!
What’s your game here, man?
You need to go back to strawman setup 101. You flunked.
1: Attack every single candidate for not being good enough on illegal invaders,
Not true. I praise them for what I think will work and offer criticism for what I think will not. If you don't like that, then you can take them up point by point.
You know you can't. So you don't.
3: America is saved!
What's your game here, man?
What it's been since 2001. Since then, I've written three books and lot of articles, all of which were well received here. So, what's your game here, man?