Posted on 08/31/2015 6:40:11 PM PDT by Helicondelta
Real estate magnate Trump has spent weeks dominating the Republican field, and has emerged as a credible White House candidate for many voters in Iowa, the first crucible of the 2016 nominating contest.
But with Carsons stellar showing in a series of recent polls in Iowa and nationwide, and another survey showing Senator Bernie Sanders nipping at Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clintons heels, the second-place candidates are exhibiting considerable power on the campaign trail.
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The GOPe is probably using walking around money to people other than conservatives, republicans or and giving to “special minorities to vote for Dr. Carson. He was a great teacher is a kind and good man, but I doubt he has the brass to negotiate with professional, sneaky, lying professional politicians. Also, he’s receiving BIG money from BIG corporations, national chamber of commerce, lobbyists and probably from the GOPe. The money he’s getting from the public is peanuts.
Sousa IV was in the GOP primary in my cong dist in the 1990s
He’s anti-gun (wants gun-free zones for starters).
No thank you.
He seems like an honestly nice person, but the Oval Office is not the place to learn the basics of governance.
It sure is, but lots are falling for it.
Carly keeps bashing Trump and couldn’t beat Boxer.
And then what? He’s not presidential enough although a lot better then Jeb.
He’s heading up the Dr Ben Carson effort. I’ve been getting spammed with catalog sized mailers since just after the Presidential breakfast.
Carson is not a factor.
Both the RNC and the DNC must stop Trump, because he is the lone POTUS candidate who does not appear to be hogtied to the NWO globalist anarchist ideology.
Trump is the final, last and best chance for USA citizens to regain any controll over our own government.
It may already be too late to avoid a violent world wide revolution.
Carson is merely a bit player.
Nothing. He is a businessman. He is a very successful capitalist and no doubt considered the enemy of the UN’s Mega Agenda 21, which will destroy the world’s economy as we know it.
Despite the failure of Agenda 21 to end poverty, the pope and the U.N. will ask 193 national leaders to go home from the Sept. 25-27 summit and promote the new U.N. plan to usher in its planned global utopia.
These same NGOs (who failed to end poverty through Agenda 21) are headed to New York City to announce their new 2030 Agenda to Transform the World, said said Tom DeWeese, president and founder of the American Policy Center. The preamble to the document says All countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, will implement this plan.
If the world continues on this trajectory, we will lose everything that sustains any semblance of individual liberty and freedom Someone else will decide what to manufacture, how much to make, who and how much an individual may purchase, and at what cost. Someone else will tell you where you can work, for how long, at what wage. Someone else will tell you where you can live, how big it will be, how many children you can have and where you will send them for indoctrination. There will be no private property rights, no ability to pass wealth to your children.
IMHO obammy has been such a bad president, I doubt if we will elect another black guy any time soon .
Carson is popular because it’s just such a relief to see a decent man run for president after all these years of obama.
I agree. What the pundits are missing is that neither Trump nor Carson are politicians. And even Bernie Sanders is not a democrat, which means that the top three candidates are effectively third party candidates.
I very much doubt it.
[Its early, very, very early]
Four months from the first primary is NOT very,very, very early.
I'm not claiming that he isn't one; however,he hasn't been vetted, none of us know if he had secrets in his closets.
Babycakes Kelly was pushing Carson pretty hard tonight. Ailes has given her her marching orders.
Yup. We need a street fighter.
A tough man to beat back Marxist political correctness!
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