Posted on 07/20/2015 3:41:21 AM PDT by rickyrikardo
It was the spring of 1968 and Donald Trump had it good.
He was 21 years old and handsome with a full head of hair. He avoided the Vietnam War draft on his way to earning an Ivy League degree. He was fond of fancy dinners, beautiful women and outrageous clubs. Most important, he had a job in his fathers real estate company and a brain bursting with money-making ideas that would make him a billionaire.
When I graduated from college, I had a net worth of perhaps $200,000, he said in his 1987 autobiography Trump: The Art of the Deal, written with Tony Schwartz. (Thats about $1.4 million in 2015 dollars.) I had my eye on Manhattan.
More than 8,000 miles away, John McCain sat in a tiny, squalid North Vietnamese prison cell. The Navy pilots body was broken from a plane crash, starvation, botched operations and months of torture.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Go Scott
Great comment. Trump could’ve served his country, but chose not to. He received four student deferments to avoid service. I’m not saying he broke the law, but the fact he avoided military service is unassailable.
“Does anybody know Trumps position on: abortion, gun rights, eminent domain, taxes, health care, defense, race, militarization of law enforcement, gay marriage, religious freedom, freedom of speech and association, etc.?”
Well, let’s see... We’re in the third week of July. What color is the chameleon sporting today?
Trump stepped into this mess. There was no constructive point in dragging McCain’s POW status into the debate. This now distracts from highly important issues.
Part of being a good candidate is not being drawn into negative territory by your opponent. Something very rookie has to learn. McCain is an evil old pro who was on a cage-rattling recon mission. He rattled Trump’s cage just the right way and drew him out into a 200Gev rookie mistake.
According to whom?
In 1968 I was a democrat working as a McGovern volunteer
Then I grew up
The most dangerous place in America is standing between John McCain and a microphone.
He was eager to get to the mike for the Cong, and he’s eager to get to a mike now.
There will ALWAYS be someone waving the bloody shirt - McCain, Kerry, Kerrey, Duckworth - Leftists who use mask of patriotism to insulate them from scrutiny.
Now there is a lot of scuttle on the Forrestal disaster and just because McCain was there doesn’t mean he started it
Yup. Just like saving Germany was the most important task for Germans in the 20s and 30s.
Didn’t make their way of going about it a good idea.
Not trying to compare Trump to you-know-who, just trying to point out that just because someone shares your sense of urgency about the situation doesn’t mean their approach to solving it will be a good one.
Though I must admit that those who don’t even see the problem are even less likely to solve it.
Does thinking Trump should not have made those remarks about McCain’s capture — since McCain suffered 5 years of beatings and torture — make me a bad person?
Disclaimer: usual boilerplate about not liking RINO McCain, blah blah blah.
What was their war hero Bill Clinton doing? Or that Hell on wheels,sniper fire eluding hero Hillary!
Lets get out what Trump actually said,not the twisted establishment’s version,put it all in context,the feud and what he actually said
On the other hand, my Grandfather benefited from deferments in WWII, until he got word about what the Nazis were doing to the Jews. He forewent his latest deferment to sign up and go over there to fight. He was trained to be a scout in the upcoming invasion of Japan, but before he went over, the A-bombs were dropped, and Japan surrendered. Since V-E day had already happened, he went on to become a member of the Allied occupation forces in Germany for a year.
If Grandpa were alive today, Trump wouldn't be fit to shine his shoes.
...from the comments in the WaPo article:
“Funny but I don’t recall the WaPo writing anything positive about McCain in 2008.”
Have you ever seen Obama’s draft registration card?
The one Obama handlers have shown is as legitimate as his birth certificate they have shown
See #53.
Wait a minute, I’m confused...
In the 60s, the left was PRAISING anyone who skipped town and didn’t serve. Now they’re saying what Trump did was disgraceful???
...I really have a hard time keeping up.
John McCain was selling out to North Korea and now he sells out to Soros. F McCain.
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