Posted on 05/30/2015 8:19:28 AM PDT by rktman
The Environmental Protection Agency on Friday released a much-delayed proposal for the amount of biofuel that must be blended into conventional vehicle fuel. The proposal, which would become final by the end of November, would set levels for last year at what producers actually made but increase the total volume of renewable fuel required by 1.5 billion gallons, roughly 9 percent, by the end of 2016. That would bring the volume to 17.4 billion gallons[.]
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The reason they can is the law of supply and demand. The drought in the Midwest in 2011-2012 reduced herd levels to the lowest since 1951 (as of last year). Now many farmers are breeding more and selling less in order to build the herds back up.
They are also trying to reduce the energy supply along the way. No lights, no meat. GMO everything else.
Yeah? Well what about the price of potato chips?
didn’t the reduction to herds involve killing and burying the herds? Don’t know here am just asking. Were the herds killed because of low prices being offered and not placed on open market but instead killed and buried on site?
Let’s bite the hand that feeds us.
Generally farmers prefer dinosaur juice over ethanol. And are extremely conservative people.
All according to evil plan agenda 21.
Yes. That’s why Iowa ALWAYS goes GOP, doesn’t it?
Lots of ethanol blended into our gasoline in California. That’s green, right? Yet the production of corn releases more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than the ethanol-blended gasoline prevents. Lots of corn produced in California, about 16 percent of the nation’s production. Corn production depletes aquifers and streams and contributes to oxygen-deprived dead zones lethal to marine life. In California, where we have an extreme water shortage, it can take more than 3,500 liters of water to produce a single liter of ethanol (according to researchers at UC Berkeley). The EPA is our enemy, making things worse for all of us!
Demanding and picketing the stores for lower prices seems to work well for all the 3rd World Hell Holes might as well try it here. Maybe we can get a Chavez To lead the protests?
While we are at it lets do the same for higher wages.
We should be picketing the SEIU and unelected rule-making bureaucRATs....if only we had the balls.
That sounds better! Businesses are tax collectors and welfare dispensers. If you accept the government’s offer of limited liability then, as a business, you must also accept the government’s diktats
No point in blaming the businesses. Picket the government. bureaucrats.
My wife and I retired in 2011, moved from Arizona to Florida and started raising Angus beef cattle to keep the taxes down on our acreage and maybe pay our high property taxes on our house. After four years we are still growing our herd through breeding.
Back in 2011, our cows would have brought a $1.00 or less at auction before the drought started driving prices up. Same drought that affected herds throughout the midwest, especially Texas. No water, no grass. No grass, no food. So you have to buy hay. But hay is expensive if you have to truck it in from places with wetter weather. If you can't feed your cows you have to destroy them or they die. Since we were just starting out, we only had a few cows and didn't feel the pinch too bad.
But the last two years things have turned in the other direction and it has been raining a lot, so there's plenty of grass and hay. Now we are up to 18 head. We just took our first two steers to auction a month ago and those two boys brought us a check for $2,800. They averaged over $3.00 a pound, over triple what the price was fours years ago.
We will butcher our first steer from our herd this fall and put him up in the freezer to eat. But until then, we can't afford the high price of beef in the market. We're on fixed incomes, Social Security. So we eat a lot out of our garden, fruit from our 18 fruit trees and eggs and chicken from our layers and fryers. Hamburger has been a luxury and steaks, forget it.
The prices of everything at the grocery store that makes up the basics of people's meals, are at all time records highs. But this Obama recovery is hummin' along just fine. Or so the b*stard tells us.
Just like other states, the population of Iowa is more urban than rural.
Family owned farms are shrinking in numbers and have no political clout. Further, my peers recognize that the EPA is a people control racket.
Bacon is down 25% YTD!!! WooHoo!!!
WOOHOO for your neck of the woods. Holding steady in mine.
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