Most likely, he is doing the same.
Because Hillary when mad is a like a beast from hell ...
Anybody ever wonder why hussein loves to golf so much?
Think of the golf course as having a private email server....
Who is to say that private e-mail accounts weren’t a secret operating policy coming from the Oval Office to operate the government within the government.
I’d love to see a Freeper in charge of the investigation!
Because Obama not running the show. valjar gets all emails first.
He dint know nutting, he majored in choom after all, not IT...
No possible or thinkable answer to THAT question is flattering to “O” or good for the US.
More like why did Jarrett allow it? Answer, they are operating a shadow government by use of private emails. Simple.
Probably because he is doing the same as is others in his admin.
Why did Obama tolerate it?
Plausible deniability.
He can claim he didn’t know what Hillary was doing. Hillary was basically running a shadow govt without his knowledge and approval.
The whole ‘Obama Machine’ myth just is that; people who work for him have far more power and political muscle than he'll ever have. He is, and will forever remain, just a token occupant of the White House.
If you want to know the truth I think Obama just wanted to ruin her from the outset. She played right into his hands, like a dummy, and allowed herself to be surrounded by his appointees and since that time what have we seen? Disaster after disaster at the State Department. We had hacking, we had Bengazi, we had seriously questionable calls on all things Middle Eastern.
It’s a natural thing for leadership types to try to destroy any potential rivals but our Founders resisted that urge and instead pulled together rather than wasting the talents in their midst.
How about, because they both have so much destructive factual ammunition on each other, that each has to be extremely careful of how and when to use it.
He knew he could get away with saying he did not know what she was doing. Besides, he is out of office soon.
Mainly because he could have someone drop a dime on her at the right time to scuttle her chances of running. Today is the right time. It stops big donors from channeling money in to her pockets. Her got two for one too because it stops money going in to the Clinton Foundation from foreigners. He wants that money for his own foundation. Obama, like the Clintons, the Bush family, the Gore family and the list goes on do not make their big money until they are out of office. Why? Because they have loaded the entire government with their own people who will channel money in to their pockets after they leave. It is all setup before they are out if office.
Does anyone thing Jebbie Bush is running for the presidency to serve the public. Lol! No! He and his family know how rich they can continue to become.
This is not about America or the public or doing what’s right. It is only about enriching these families. That’s why I like Scott Walker and Ted Cruz, at least they may have an inkling of decency. The Clintons and Obamas are especially crass people. Perverts and cold blooded. The Bush family are simply thieves who see the public at all levels as their own personal piggy banks.
Sites like FR are a threat to all these devoids. They have the media controlled and through that media they push the black people matter BS, class warfare and a whole host of three card monty type card tricks to keep the morons in the country paying attention to what does not matter. They don’t want informed folks paying attention to the incredible debt they have run up and the moral decay they have pushed upon our society through things like abortion and homo agendas. The next card will be domestic terror via moslems that they will use to keep our off off what they don’t want us paying attention to. The bad guys are here, they have been here and they are just waiting for the word “go”.
Perhaps to use it as a weapon against Hillary when the time came to pave the way for Obama’s successor...
So he could use it against her, which he will do.
Keep in mind that Baraq and the Beast have never been friends or allies. She got the Sec of State post as a payoff for allowing 0bama to go forward as the nominee and steal the election.
Of course she setup her own homegrown email without regard to laws or regulations so she could shield her correspondence from any scrutiny. 0bama, not being the brightest bulb in the box (remember he got through on affirmative action and foreign student credits, along with generous donations from FM Davis and the American Communist Party) may have truly not known what she was doing. As ayatollah, some underling was probably tasked with looking at his email. He couldn't be bothered to attend security briefings and he certainly didn't want to wade through the ramblings of the Beast. At any rate, even if he did know, he wouldn't be inclined to call her on something of this nature and risk the klintons' payback.
He is doing it, also. They have both gotten away with so much already, and there is no reason for either one of them to refrain from bending the rules in any way they can.
I personally think she will skate through this, too. As we speak, there is a witch hunt out now to try to find as many Republicans who are guilty of something like this and anything else they can drum up. She won’t go down without a fight.