If you want to know the truth I think Obama just wanted to ruin her from the outset. She played right into his hands, like a dummy, and allowed herself to be surrounded by his appointees and since that time what have we seen? Disaster after disaster at the State Department. We had hacking, we had Bengazi, we had seriously questionable calls on all things Middle Eastern.
It’s a natural thing for leadership types to try to destroy any potential rivals but our Founders resisted that urge and instead pulled together rather than wasting the talents in their midst.
Agreed....Obama doesn’t want Hillary to succeed him as President. He wants someone more like him. Hillary, while despicable, it just too American for him.
I think you are right. I remember laughing when he first appointed her as Sec. of State. It was a good way to get her out of town, keep her occupied, and let her hang herself at the same time.
I agree with you. I think that using a private e- mail system might of even of been a set up of Hillary so she could never run as president. I would love to know witch adviser presented the idea to Hillary of having her own private server. I am sure that it was not her idea but her listening to an adviser she trusts.