New way=rude and obnoxious.
In your face - these wackos think disrupting people’s good time will get them liked.
They’re just flies no one wants around.
I’d like to see these loud-mouthed morons try this nonsense in fly-over country and then see what happens.
Softselling such hate speech (and the assault of patrons) is journalistic malfeasance.
BULLSTALIN, this flips the lunch counter protests on their head. This time it is black separatists telling peaceful white diners that they have no right to be there and are physically assaulting them and shouting at them with abusive language.
The Injustice Department will not intervene.
.....because eating lunch has so much to do with judgements in police cases.....
Also known as #NegroNosh.
Hey, if they had a legitimate complaint against society I would applaud these tactics... As it is, its a Communist funded agenda against the rule of law.. Brown was a burly criminal am who tried to ram a cop. The other guy resisted arrest and had underlying medical issues that caused his death. We have to living in
Reality not fantasy
It would be helpful if these clowns would post a schedule of where they will be protesting.
Disrupt Christmas tree lightings
Disrupt WW2 medal award ceremonies
Disrupt brunches
I hope they continue it —all sorts of new people will start hating them.
food aggression meets micro aggression. Duel to the death!
The ironic thing about this is that they are hitting upscale eateries in big cities. In other words, they are getting in the faces of young, upwardly-mobile, college-educated caucasians who are most likely to be Liberal — and thus most likely to be (at least putatively) in their corner to begin with.
I say cheer them on! They say inside every Conservative is a Liberal who has been mugged. Peachy! They’re mass producing the muggings for us.
Why don’t these same people go to Chicago and protest if life matters so much
As long as they keep it up in leftist cities, I don’t see a problem.
The clientele should pummel them about the head and shoulders with baguettes until their knees get weak..........LOL
These clowns are gonna walk into the wrong place someday. What are they doing anyway? Simply PO’ing people is all they are accomplishing.
What’d be funny is if restaurants started providing patrons with a can of pepper spray on each table. The next time these clowns chose to invade some one’s space they could be properly hosed down.
Ah, the democrats’ petulant children strike yet again. They seem to be trying to make up for their small numbers via sheer volume of noise. They have yet to meet any real resistance, and the pot simmers.