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The NYPD’s Revolt Is A Direct Threat To Democracy
The Federalist ^
| 12/31/2014
| Ben Domenech
Posted on 12/31/2014 11:08:55 AM PST by SeekAndFind
Since the moment when police officers turned their backs in protest on New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, we’ve seen the type of escalating activity in the city which would be more recognizable as the preview to a messy Latin American coup d’etat. The latest is a form of purposeful sabotage on the part of the NYPD, which is now actively shirking its duty to enforce the law. According to the New York Post, traffic tickets and summonses have plummeted by 94 percent, and overall arrests are down 66 percent for the week compared to the same period last year. Here’s the data comparisons from this year to 2013:
Citations for traffic violations fell by 94 percent, from 10,069 to 587, during that time frame. Summonses for low-level offenses like public drinking and urination also plunged 94 percent from 4,831 to 300. Even parking violations are way down, dropping by 92 percent, from 14,699 to 1,241. Drug arrests by cops assigned to the NYPDs Organized Crime Control Bureau which are part of the overall number dropped by 84 percent, from 382 to 63.
Considering how much New York, as with many of our other major cities, has leaned toward over-policing, this isn’t all a bad thing – I’m not going to get worked up about cops handing out fewer parking violations. But as a whole, this represents a completely irresponsible rejection of the duty to enforce the law. Yesterday, speaking to a graduating class of more than 800 new officers at Madison Square Garden, de Blasio was booed and heckled as he struggled to extend an oratorical olive branch.
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TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; News/Current Events; US: New York
KEYWORDS: alsharpton; andrewcuomo; bendomenech; billdeblasio; chirlanemccray; demagogicparty; memebuilding; newyork; newyorkcity; nypd; partisanmediashill; partisanmediashills; police; thefederalist
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To: SeekAndFind
If, by ‘democracy’, you mean ‘mob rule’, then it’s not a threat, it’s a surrender.............
posted on
12/31/2014 11:10:51 AM PST
Red Badger
(If you compromise with evil, you just get more evil..........................)
To: Red Badger
Elections and actions have results, as NYC is now seeing.
posted on
12/31/2014 11:12:30 AM PST
To: SeekAndFind
Boo frickin’ hoo.
On the one hand this whiny little beyotch claims the NYPD’s actions are a threat to democracy, then he praises the results.
The one thing to remember in whatever happnes.... It’s all Sharpton, Obama, Holder and DeBlasio’s fault.
And the fault of the idiots who elected and support them.
posted on
12/31/2014 11:13:44 AM PST
(NO LIBS. This Means Liberals and (L)libertarians! Same Thing. NO LIBS!!)
To: SeekAndFind
“But as a whole, this represents a completely irresponsible rejection of the duty to enforce the law. “
Then maybe people can think of that the next time they start liking the idea of innocent cops being shot.
posted on
12/31/2014 11:14:12 AM PST
To: SeekAndFind
They’ve been thrown under the bus by Obama and the democrats. Time to wake the people up to get them to throw out the real traitors. Maybe no more police will finally do that.
posted on
12/31/2014 11:15:54 AM PST
(All the days of my life were written in your book before there was one of them!)
To: SeekAndFind
forget traffic tickets - pull all security protections from Balzio
To: VanDeKoik
Then maybe people can think of that the next time they start liking the idea of innocent cops being shot.
Or, cops and cops unions could think about what they are setting themselves up for.
To: SeekAndFind
Let’s hope that this behavior of the pissed-off cops spreads to the military.
posted on
12/31/2014 11:17:47 AM PST
To: VanDeKoik
My first thought when I read that was...
What is this particular writer’s take on the border crisis?
posted on
12/31/2014 11:17:53 AM PST
(Have we crossed the line from Govt. in righteous fear of the People - to a People in fear of Govt??)
To: SeekAndFind
Is the writer advocating that the cops, and by extension the military, should “just follow orders?”
posted on
12/31/2014 11:19:39 AM PST
(Do I really need a sarcasm tag?)
To: SeekAndFind
The NYPD are still enforcing issues that impact public safety. They’re just not doing the things that collect revenue for the city right now.
And that’s why the leftist enemedia is upset with them is because the cops aren’t out strong-arming money from people.
New York City’s 2014-2015 budget is partly based on revenue from $512 million in parking violation fines.
And THAT is what the NYPD isn’t doing right now.
posted on
12/31/2014 11:19:50 AM PST
(It took Democrats four hours to deport Elian Gonzalez)
To: SeekAndFind
It’s a rebellion, but that’s what happens when democracy is not served and the rule of law is not the people at the top. In pursuit of his radical leftist goals, De Blasio has effectively destroyed the rule of law in New York City. The police are sworn to uphold and protect the law, not Warren Wilhelm.
They’re peacefully expressing the fact that he his not doing his job of supporting the law, and that they want a change. Personally, I’d say that’s democracy.
Don’t forget, virtually nobody voted in the last election, and De Blasio was elected by about 12% (IIRC) of the voters of NYC. All of the Dem candidates were bad, and the GOP had two candidates, one okay and the other a vanity candidate, like Romney, who had the money to run and no appeal, but prevented the other candidate (a very unassuming guy who would probably have been a good mayor) from getting out there.
posted on
12/31/2014 11:20:37 AM PST
To: SeekAndFind
If the cops cant arrest and jail the radical leftist “demonstrators” who illegally block traffic, why cant they do the same for other similar crimes?
To: SeekAndFind
Supporters of the NYPD have pointed out throughout the back-turning that their officers feel upset at Mayor de Blasio and others, that they feel they are less safe because of the comments of politicians. This is one more example of one of the most irritating tendencies of unionized police forces today a recurring demand that they receive the same attitude of respect for authority given to the United States military, without any of the responsibility and duty that comes with it. A poll last week found that a mere 15 percent of active duty service members approve of President Obama understandable, considering his many policy decisions and a laundry list of questionable choices. But is the American military turning their backs on the Commander in Chief? Showing contempt for him? Going AWOL with the endorsement of their superiors? Shirking their duty? Booing and jeering at him at a graduation ceremony? No. They, after all, are not unionized.
As I have been saying....
To: ryderann
Lets hope that this behavior of the pissed-off cops spreads to the military.
Be careful what you wish for...
To: AdmSmith; AnonymousConservative; Berosus; bigheadfred; Bockscar; cardinal4; ColdOne; ...
posted on
12/31/2014 11:32:21 AM PST
(Imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie.)
To: VanDeKoik
The message relates back to the ‘minor’ crime of selling cigarettes without the NY/NYC tax. How many people griped that Garner was “only” selling cigarettes?? And see where THAT arrest led? So why ticket/arrest for ‘minor’ crimes?
posted on
12/31/2014 11:32:42 AM PST
To: MeganC
Very smart of the cops.
If they hadn’t been “following orders” and enforcing the cigarette-revenue law, there would have been no Eric Garner incident, two cops wouldn’t have been murdered, etc.
It has been little noted, but because of its lousy tax base, Ferguson’s government is highly dependent on taxation-by-harassment, the main reason for tension between cops and “the community.”
The whole system of taxing-by-harassment is corrupt. Cops should not be revenooers.
To: Half Vast Conspiracy
When the dictatorship has become de facto then means of resistance other than the useless ballot box become normal.
posted on
12/31/2014 11:33:53 AM PST
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