Kill the bill!!
calling the move hamfisted and amateurish.
Whatever the opposite of hamfisted and amateurish is has left us with an $18 trillion debt.
We need more hamfisted amateurs like Cruz and Lee.
Mitch McConnell is like my own Senator, John McCain: He only fights conservatives. If they worked 1/10th as hard against Democrats as they do against the Tea Party, we would see progress.
oooooooooh they “went over my head” to their boss, the people of the USA
After all this theatre is over the Cromnibus will pass about 90-10.
They are representatives/Senators for their constituents. They don't work for you, McConnellllll!
Personally I see a growing divide among senate republicans as a VERY good thing!
It is a STRONG indication of movement in the correct direction!
Furthermore, I’d ask to see if McConnell signs their paychecks!
“...A senior GOP source lashed out at Cruz and Lee, calling the move hamfisted and amateurish.
Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid told reporters that he was surprised by Cruz and Lee....”
The ‘RATS and the GOPe leadership are telling us who they fear.
If Cruz and the other constitutional conservatives (and/or the Elizabeth Warren wing of the Senate ‘RATS) can succeed in amending the Cromnibus spending bill, then it will HAVE TO GO BACK TO THE HOUSE for a “do over”. And there will be a sufficient number of Republicans (who have discovered that the Republican House leadership lied to them during the first go around) changing their vote to “NO” that the bill (as it is) will not again pass the house.
The Congress’ leadership (both ‘RAT and RINO) KNOW this and FEAR this. Let’s hope it comes to pass.
McConnell and the RINOs told the conservatives to go to hell.
Cruz and Lee said the people want the RINOs to go to hell, and they’re with the people.
I really see no way in which I can vote republican again.
And since I”ll NEVER vote democrat, guess I’m out of the voting picture until conservatives take over.
Sorry, but holding my nose and voting for a RINO just slightly delays the inevatable CW-II.
May as well wait and watch the upcoming carnage.
Hate to say this, but I think this controversy is all staged theater. In the end, the bill will pass.
I say yay for Cruz, Sessions & Lee. They are among the very few who have principals and a spine.
McConnell actually stuck it out of its shell?
If what Senators Cruz and Lee did is within the rules of the Senate, then sit down and shut up, Mr. McConnell, Mr. Reid, et al. McConnell is having dry heaves because his leadership is being challenged by some in his own party.
Ole Senator Byrd KNEW those Senate rules backward and forward.
Byrd stopped an early attempt at amnesty on a technicality in 2002 during GWB’s first term.
I remember an interview he had, it is seared in my memory, wherein he was weeping about what a great country this is and how he wanted to give the best future possible for the children. Now we know exactly which children he was concerned about. ILLEGAL ALIEN CHILDREN - SCREW AMERICAN CHILDREN. Right Boehner?
Congressman Stutzman has openly called Boehner a liar for assuring him that the Crimnebus bill would be pulled after the "rule" passed. How does Stutzman feel now, knowing that with premeditation and calculated cynicism, Boehner casually threw away Stutzman's career, just as the Democrats threw away the career of Judith Margolis Mezvinsk during the Clinton crime spree. Here's hoping that things get so furballed up that Stutzman, and perhaps other "conservatives" get a do over and will promptly throw Boehner and his Obama boot licking shenanigans in history's trash can.