Because he does not want it to succeed. These are his guys, and he’s getting his cut of that $6,000,000 a day for enabling them.
Well, duh. Obama’s plan is to help ISIS, not destroy it until it’s time for the real WW3.
This should be stunning news.
But the Dems already have their spin worked out. They point to military leaders who have been fired or forced to resign and then say that of course military leaders want to go to war. it is what they do.
What BS. Every professional military leader has always spoken out that war should be the LAST resort but when it is necessary you should go all out.
It is only a PR stunt, designed to make him look ‘tough’ and placate his cowardly lion base....................
0bama knows that much. He doesn’t want to defeat “IS”. They’re his friends.
The only way to take down ISIS or whatever they’re calling the Islamic extremists is to take down its leadership.
Who is leading ISIS? 0bama and his puppet masters.
Aw come on! What does a former Marine General know about war? It’s not like he ever made it to community organizer, or Jr. Senator bravely voting present. Yep, that Barry obama, he’s a regular George Patton...
Bibi knows the truth, and so do Generals Conway, Mattis, Austin, Odierno, McInerney. I suspect that even Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey is finally catching on.
It appears that ISIS, by its actions, is outing Obama, inadvertently or not.
This is not the time to be going in. All those Generals say it isn’t going to work means a lot of dead people.
F zer0
Once again, we have a Democrat president, who thinks he can run a war, better than those that have been trained and experienced in the business.
(Do you remember how Lyndon Baines Johnson micromanaged the Vietnam War?)