He never did support Israel. He is a liar and a pretender. How anyone that knew he sat in the pews at Jeremiah Wright’s Jew hating church could think he liked Israel is delusional.
A tiger is a tiger
Completely expected...
> Obama is abandoning Israel
No he did that years ago. It’s just that idiots refused to believe it until now.
I support Israel 100%
DUH...He’s a MUSLIM!!!!! IDIOT Jews that voted for him and gave him tons of money....IDIOTS.
Not a damn country in the world that respects us. And it only took 6 years.
Those who claim that a family should have to move to keep from blowing up, haven't had their own communities bombed on a daily basis and can't comprehend that when someone says the stove is hot, they ought to steer clear of it - all the while having someone grabbing them by the wrist and pushing their hand to the burner.
Per the Bible, evil will be called good and good will be called evil....
In a sense it might be one of the best things to happen to Israel in a long time. They’re getting things done without our interference and are smart enough to know that relations with us can be easily repaired when we get a rational president again.
Look at this, this was an actual article in New York magazine, can you believe it?
I hope the Israeli people know that the American people do not claim the evil leadership in control of our foreign policy now.
80% of the US hates 0bama and his regime just as bad as 0bama and his regime hate America.
That train left the station long ago
Libertarian Jews I know seem to have a keener understanding of the nature of totalitarianism and how socialism and communism are simply different flavors of totalitarian tyranny. They seem to be horrified and frustrated because they cannot convince liberal Jews among their friends and business partners that this is a "bad thing".
The conservative Jews I know are so hard working it's rare we stop to chat about this stuff. The predictable, inevitable reaction is their faces turning bright red and pretty much agreement on every point. My heart goes out to them over the other two groups, who stood by complacent and supported the people who brought us here.
When did "Never again" become "Let's compromise"?!?
Above: Quoted by Toland, 1976, p. 306
I think it would be more accurate to say that Obama is actively working against Israel, just as he’s actively working against the United States.
Maybe it’s hard for normal people to believe someone could do this, but it’s reality.
One by one the masks will come off as he knows his days are numbered. This is gonna leave a mark - on the US and the world (see tag line).
Candidly speaking, Obama is an moron!
Great article except the title. Hussein Obama has always hated Israel and her G-d.
"(Kerry) hands Israel a proposition that is so outrageous that the cabinet votes 19-0 against it," he said. "Israeli cabinets have never voted 19-0 on whether the sun rises in the east. It was unbelievable."
Needs fixing:
Candidly Speaking: The press is ending the pretense that Obama is not anti-Israel
I can’t believe Barack Hussein Muhammad Akbar Obama would abandon Israel!