It should be noted that it is the RUSSIANS and not the ethnic Ukrainians who are doing this.
This is bad.
Pretty soon he’ll have all Christians registering over here.
I’m sure the United Nations will issue a strongly worded letter any minute now.
It is impossible to know now if this is official Ukrainian government policy or if this is propaganda aimed at a western audience.
I suggest we hold our fire until that becomes plain.
That flier has to be another false flag op, no local pol would be stupid enough to do anything like that.
I know, promise to show 'em your happy hat if they stop. Yeah, that's the ticket.
Russian fascism is in full bloom.
How awful for those Jewish people who have no idea if they are alone and if they have to comply
Helmets are on the way!
Beware of a possible Wag The Dog attempt here.
I know Joel Rosenberg receives some mixed reviews on this board but his newest novel, The Auschwitz Escape, is excellent and some of the parallels are disconcerting.
I am confused. I think I saw a headline about how the US is mad at Israel for being chummy with Russia. So much propaganda. So little time.
I read earlier reports than this one and the people are not sure if this is official but rather some faction who distributed these. I don’t think it is official.
Why is Kerry so shocked? The Dems want to do the same to Tea Party members.
Why would anyone believe a word that comes out of john effin kerry’s stupid lying mouth?
Okay, just read this one and it doesn’t give the text of the notice. The notice says they have to register themselves and everything they own and if they don’t do this, they will lose citizenship and have to leave the country. I don’t think it is an official document.
I guess it’s easier to target scapegoats for reprisal when they’re all registered in one convenient database.
Who says persecution has to be inefficient?