” and the Obama youth are abandoning him in his hour of need”
Often does when the bill shows up.
The numbers are even worse than they seem.
about 75% of those who have enrolled... are ones who lost their coverage due to Obamacare.
Almost no one who didn’t have coverage before signed up.
I am sure those with AIDS ran to sign up, but anyone else with half a brain didn’t bother.
Sometimes, the kids realize who the LIAR is.
The young aren’t stupid; they lack experience. Most now have enough experience with obama to understand what he’s all about.
Those young idiots thought it was soooo cool and soooo hip to be part of the group that voted in the first black president. They could brag for decades how they were a ‘part of history.’
They are now disillusioned, unemployed, jaded and broke............................
He killed the economy. They don’t have jobs. The jobs that do exist have slashed their hours so that you could’t afford 0’Care even if you wanted to but even then the insurance has such high deductibles you wouldn’t be able to get any benefit from having it.
Any other questions?
He sounded great when he was handing out free stuff like Santa Claus and claiming “the rich” or someone else would pay for it. Now they are waking up to the fact that there aren’t enough “rich” to pay for this insane spending binge and there is no one else to squeeze for money.
The millenials are more interested in a “free” single-payer health system. They don’t see Obamacare as going far enough.
But then, what happens when the parents are out of a job, no longer have health care and will not sign up?
What happens when/if the parents sign up for Ocare, does that not BY LAW keep the children under 26 on that OCARE with them?
I am so confused..............
After learning that, I'm now against Obama Care!
Ahh...po widdle 0bama...his kiddies “abandoning” him in his “hour of need.”
Dana Milbank, geez, get a bib or something to keep your 0bama slobber off your shirt! It’s really pretty gross.
And as for those millenials, they aren’t “abandoning” 0bama so much as they’ve now realized that all along, he was throwing them under the bus. Maybe one day even Milbank will realize that 0bama uses people. It’s what narcissists do.
Even the publically educated?, whatever morsel of hope hides therein.
Someone correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t Milbank a reliable liberal? If Milbank says something detrimental about the
man child, it may true....because you KNOW he really doesn’t WANT to report the negative stuff about Zero.
They’ve finally pulled their heads out of their asses???
1) He implied they would be getting their health care for free. They’re not.
2) He implied they’d be getting student loan relief. They have not.
3) As a group they are highly, highly agitated over the Edward Snowden revelations.
4) They are about to become as riled-up over Obama’s lack of action on Net Neutrality as they are about Snowden.
5) His fifteen minutes are up and he’s just not that cool or hip anymore.
They voted for him now they have to pay for it for the rest of their life so much for thinking they took the bait hook line and sinker.
The “Obama Stashers” are finally waking up? Gawd, they’re stupid.