He sounds like a drunk.
Whaaaaa? Is he saying that we'd all be better if we were united happily under The Won's lash?
Funny how those Mormons roll. They must have a different version of the bible or something.
We live in the age of, “the Wuss is King!”
Can’t he just ask Boehner out on an extended date to the other side of the planet or something.
Funny, I don’t recall him dividing the country just reporting the facts.
There is no such thing as regrets because at the time it was exactly what you wanted.
Weird. Barry Soetoro doesn’t regret his part in it. I would have thought Barry was the sissy man between the two.
He gives himself too much credit.
Delusions of grandeur.
I’m still waiting to hear about this “Special Announcement” that would shock the United States. I do believe this was back in the fall of 2013.
I’ve said from the start, he is a Fake and a Fraud. Same mold as Geraldo Rivera.
BS. He’s always been a little emotionally unstable. That’s just his way. Some men just get emotional easily.
I remember a few of his investigative journalist pieces to be extraordinarily good... whatever you think of his odd style.
He was calling out Soros before it was popular to call out Soros.
Sometimes it’s not rhetoric. Sometimes it is just plain truth. If they happen to overlap, it just means the issue is important.
I wasn’t aware that glenn beck held so much power and that everyone obeyed him.
Somebody has made him an offer he feels he cannot refuse.
He is a weird genius. He’s so protean. That’s what makes him interesting. Rush is Rush and always will be. Same with Hannity. You never know what your are going to hear from Beck. Kind of like Savage.
How much did Soros pay him?
Personally, I’m happy about all this. Years ago when his show was popular, certain people tore me apart for suggesting this man was a complete nutcase.
Who watched him so much that he managed to tear the entire country apart? What an ego! Did he cry when he said this?
I’m waiting for Olbermann’s repentance.
Beck is a goofball. A rich, successful goofball,but still a goofball. He should be listened to as much as Kim Kardashian.
It also comes not long after Edward Snowden ratted out the NSA. You KNOW Beck the alcoholic has some pretty big skeletons in his closet. And I noticed he came back to Fox to apologize. That tells me he’s doing what he’s being told to do. JMO