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To: WilliamIII
53 posted on
07/01/2013 3:54:10 AM PDT by
(Pray for America)
To: WilliamIII
Yeah. Let’s let Time suggest who the leading non-Democrat candidate might be.
I detest Jeb Bush. He will lose badly if nominated. You can’t out-liberal a real liberal. They are simply better at being a liberal than a liberal who fakes trying to be a conservative.
54 posted on
07/01/2013 3:56:12 AM PDT by
(Silence: The New Hate Speech)
To: WilliamIII
He’s done the work, been a governor—a very fine governor, I might add
Terry Schaivo would disagree.
55 posted on
07/01/2013 4:12:19 AM PDT by
(Brutal acts of commission and yawning acts of omission both strengthen the hand of the devil.)
To: WilliamIII
Time to join Sarah’s third party.
56 posted on
07/01/2013 4:15:28 AM PDT by
To: WilliamIII
57 posted on
07/01/2013 4:19:12 AM PDT by
(Do you reject Obama? And all his works? And all his empty promises?)
To: WilliamIII
Three words for you progressive repugnants... MAMMA GRIZZLY PARTY!
59 posted on
07/01/2013 4:30:30 AM PDT by
To: WilliamIII
Has Jeb's Time Come?To retire? Certainly.
60 posted on
07/01/2013 4:49:17 AM PDT by
(Communists... Socialists... Democrats...Traitors... Who can tell the difference?)
To: WilliamIII
“Has Jeb’s Time Come?”
What, to run as Hillary’s Vice President?
61 posted on
07/01/2013 4:49:54 AM PDT by
To: WilliamIII
62 posted on
07/01/2013 5:10:44 AM PDT by
(To GOP : Any path to US citizenship IS putting them ahead in line. Stop lying about your position.)
To: WilliamIII
This will surprise a lot of people, but I have decided to support Jeb Bush running for president.
As long as he changes his party affiliation, I see no problem with it.
65 posted on
07/01/2013 5:38:43 AM PDT by
(Breaking News: Hillary not running in 2016. Brain tumor found during recent colonoscopy...)
To: WilliamIII
The elites are testing out candidates so will say "compared to Jeb, Christie's okay" or "Jeb...anyone but Rubio" etc. I get it. They have a play-card of A LOT of sellouts who they're coaching to say the right things (pun intended) so we find them acceptable. Even Palin, who in the past was compromised by McCain is a question mark.
I'm at a point where I'll trust Rand Paul and Ted Cruz as the two who can sell constitutional conservatism to the US. I suspect the global ptb are saying "anyone but them".
67 posted on
07/01/2013 5:43:21 AM PDT by
To: WilliamIII
68 posted on
07/01/2013 5:46:50 AM PDT by
(Marriage =1 man + 1 woman,when they say marriage equality then they should support polygamy)
To: WilliamIII
69 posted on
07/01/2013 5:57:45 AM PDT by
("TO SECURE THESE RIGHTS, governments are instituted among men" -- Does that still work?)
To: WilliamIII
To: WilliamIII
Or will America be that stupid to elect another Bush?
71 posted on
07/01/2013 6:48:57 AM PDT by
(People who do not study history are destine to believe really ignorant statements.)
To: WilliamIII
YES - Vote Jeb, your betters know what is good for you.
To: WilliamIII
The Dinosaur Media shaping opinions leading up to 2016...Hillary v. Bush.
73 posted on
07/01/2013 6:53:14 AM PDT by
Hotlanta Mike
("Governing a great nation is like cooking a small fish - too much handling will spoil it." Lao Tzu)
To: WilliamIII
No more milquetoast RINO’s.
75 posted on
07/01/2013 6:54:48 AM PDT by
Dead Corpse
(I will not comply.)
To: WilliamIII
Jeb Bush’s “turn”? You mean the idiotic RNC will nominate another horrible candidate just because they have “put in their time”? Just like Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney? LOL, they really enjoy losing, don’t they? Oh well, losers get replaced soon enough. The GOP probably won’t outlive me, at this rate.
76 posted on
07/01/2013 6:58:33 AM PDT by
(The public is being manipulated to fleece the taxpayer. That is the real industry in Washington.)
To: WilliamIII
Has Jeb's Time Come? Come, and gone. He's yesterday's news.
82 posted on
07/01/2013 7:25:01 AM PDT by
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