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To: WilliamIII
2 posted on
06/30/2013 10:20:54 PM PDT by
Army Air Corps
(Four Fried Chickens and a Coke)
To: WilliamIII
3 posted on
06/30/2013 10:21:17 PM PDT by
To: WilliamIII
I thought that the title suggested that Jeb was terminally ill.
5 posted on
06/30/2013 10:25:18 PM PDT by
To: WilliamIII
6 posted on
06/30/2013 10:28:13 PM PDT by
Jeff Head
To: WilliamIII
I hope his time has come. I was too young to realize that his dad was a globalist. Based my opinion on his war record and his association with Reagan.
I was and still am a fan of his brother to a certain extent.
But, they had their chance. We need some new blood and the Bush’s ain’t it.
7 posted on
06/30/2013 10:29:09 PM PDT by
To: WilliamIII
If Disney World needs a grand marshal for it’s main street parade.
8 posted on
06/30/2013 10:30:31 PM PDT by
("We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.")
To: WilliamIII
9 posted on
06/30/2013 10:33:42 PM PDT by
( .)
To: WilliamIII
TED CRUZ IN 2016 !!! (Or earlier when the revolution comes)
To: WilliamIII
This country went through a lot to get away from control through one bloodline. Now some idjits are trying to basically bring back royalty. Great.
I'll never vote for another Bush. Learned my lesson.
To: WilliamIII
I think Time’s time to go out of business has come.
To: WilliamIII
Still seems kind of early to assume that Jeb Bush will be the Republican candidate selected by the LMSM to lose the 2016 election.
To: WilliamIII
Keep out da Bushes!
14 posted on
06/30/2013 10:37:45 PM PDT by
(Sorry, gone rogue.)
To: WilliamIII
15 posted on
06/30/2013 10:37:52 PM PDT by
To: WilliamIII
You just knew 'TIME' was going to help the GOPe push Jeb. That dinosaur fossil, found these days only in barber shops with 75-year-old barbers, was at the molten core of the Democrat "mainstream" news media back in the '60s, and nothing (for them, at least) has changed.
To: WilliamIII
There they go again....
Trying to pick another losing horse for us to bet on and lose. Again.
17 posted on
06/30/2013 10:41:08 PM PDT by
(To anger a conservative, tell him a lie. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth.)
To: WilliamIII
Sure his time has Hillary’s running mate.
18 posted on
06/30/2013 10:43:06 PM PDT by
(Borders, Language, Culture....all should be preserved)
To: WilliamIII
No. And no. Did I mention no? A little repetition couldn’t hurt: NO!
19 posted on
06/30/2013 10:44:22 PM PDT by
To: WilliamIII
How about, “HEYELLLLLLL NO!!!!”?
20 posted on
06/30/2013 10:44:40 PM PDT by
(Fight with your head high, or grovel with your head low.)
To: WilliamIII
21 posted on
06/30/2013 10:45:39 PM PDT by
(Don't take life so seriously, you won't live through it anyway)
To: WilliamIII
Peter Mansbridge [ that’s his name I kid you not... I know it sounds like a false porn star name or something. After all men have peters that are a man’s bridge to a female... ] of the CBC was already floating the notion of a Jeb Bush race on election night of November 2012. The media establishment in Canada is also promoting Jeb Bush for some reason.
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