Another one for the email/twitter lists...
Dear Lord, PLEASE help people to WAKE UP. Encourage them to LISTEN to more than what these candidates are saying NOW. Lord, we have the internet. Please... let them use it to learn something!
May God guide our course.
Starting at 3:20, I've paraphrased, since I'm doing this mobile on a bus. mostly quoted (removed the "uhs" and "you knows").
Republicans, to our credit, have sort of morphed away from the Goldwater idea, you know, that the government needs to be smaller, needs to do less, it needs to be doing nothing except what it's core functions are, to a party that says we need to restructure the way we do programs to create the kind of incentives, help and programs that gives that authority to solve these problems to folks closer to these people, the family or individual themselves.
I don't think Mittens is even that bad.
Barry Goldwater was, on social issues, a libertarian and a Constitutionalist. He was not a social conservative. He did not think the federal government should impose its will on the states or the people thereof, which was taken as code for endorsing segregation, which it wasn’t. (Goldwater was himself instrumental in ending discrimination in Arizona, through his business and, when he served in the state government, in education.)
Man, he can say that again.
True enough, probably. Republican is the new Democrat, while Democrat is the new Communist.
Senator, Rick, the GOP was never the party of Goldwater, smaller government etc, unless they are dragged into it kicking and screaming. Look at what Boehner has done after the Tea Party made him Speaker. He’s either fabulously incompetent or on the other side (or of course both). Explain his “deals” starting in the lame duck session through today.
Clearly displaying the justification of corrupt use of power by someone who has been in DC too long.
You cannot legislate morals but you can legislate morally. Santorum’s time to do the right thing has passed. Stand down, Rick. You’re embarrasing yourself and conservatives.
Rose colored glasses, ear plugs, and Kool aid, please.
Bump for later.
Now we're going to nominate either a liberal from MA or a big government statist from PA. Either way (or with Obama) we're done.
The difference between the packaging and the contents with Santorum today is at least as great as it was with the Kenyan in 2008. Clearly, Santorum is no conservative.
987 people have viewed this video. Good luck on your destruction of a great man who will be your President in January 2013. lol. 987......your a joke.
Folks on this site don’t want to hear it but there is one conservative running as a republician and that is Ron Paul.
“Santorum - Republicans no longer the party of Goldwater and small government”
That’s true and Santorum did his part to make it that way.
Can anyone name the President or Congress that shrunk either the number of Federal employees, the amount spent in a year or the number or Federal regulations? Santorum is right. The GOP is for big and even bigger government. That’s why they hate the tea party and the conservatives.