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Topics · Post Article THIS is going to be interesting...Wanna bet how much more brutally the MSM treats him, compared to Rev. Wright of Obama's church....and videos they were so hesitant to air? / no brainer
1 posted on 01/23/2012 3:58:04 AM PST by AmericanInTokyo
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To: AmericanInTokyo; All

Not only that, the MINUTE I hit “POST” for this thread, the area in Tokyo starts shaking (8:47 p.m. Monday local) with a moderate earthquake. Hope “the powers that be” are not perturbed. Anyways, all clear now. (Hopefully). :^)

2 posted on 01/23/2012 4:03:15 AM PST by AmericanInTokyo (GOP is replete with those who run to the right (words), shift to the center, then govern from left)
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To: AmericanInTokyo
Good article AiT, hope all is well with you and yours?

I would take slight (a very slight) issue with the concept that homosexuals "Make God Want To Vomit", by saying that it is not the individual homosexual as a person, but their BEHAVIOR that creates any sort of queasiness in the Almighty's Tummy, because above all things, God IS a God of Love, He loves us wretched sinners enough to permit us to choose our own eternal destiny, even if that destination is an eternity seperated from Him.

Sorry for the verbosity this morning, basically I'm just reiterating the concept of "hate the sin/love the sinner".

As for your conjecture that the lamestream media will pound on this (and Santorum) while continuing to give a total pass to the unright Reverend Jeremiah "God D*mn America" Wright, you are as always, right on the money.

Have a great week!
3 posted on 01/23/2012 4:06:51 AM PST by mkjessup (I support the *NEWTerizer* - the only candidate who WILL Kick 0bama's AZZ!!)
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To: AmericanInTokyo

Well, there goes the fag vote.

4 posted on 01/23/2012 4:07:38 AM PST by Blado (Obama is a coprolite from the Late Soviet Era)
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To: AmericanInTokyo

Of course, this is just one of the many problems when your platform for President is that you are Mr. Goody Two attract this kind of “talent” for your campaign.

5 posted on 01/23/2012 4:08:59 AM PST by C. Edmund Wright
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To: AmericanInTokyo
"...homosexuality is “so nasty and disgusting that it makes God want to vomit.”"

Well sure, in the context that ALL sin is abhorent to God - there are no "little sins" or "big sins", there are only sins, some of which, as in homosexuality, like any sexual sin, cuts deeper into a person's soul - not that it is any worse, but the resulting bondage is greater (no pun intended).

And it is actually luke-warm fence-sitters (from the book of Revelation) that really make God want to vomit.

6 posted on 01/23/2012 4:10:28 AM PST by Psalm 73 ("Gentlemen, you can't fight in here - this is the War Room".)
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To: AmericanInTokyo

Let’s hope this talk isn’t merely diversion from a down low lifestyle. Funny he mentions something like this, fairly minor in the scheme of things, as making God want to vomit. What does he think abortion does in comparison? Or religiosity (such as Jesus referred to when he said that things would be more bearable for Sodom on the day of judgment than for those whose religiosity led them to reject him)?

11 posted on 01/23/2012 4:28:29 AM PST by aruanan
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To: AmericanInTokyo

B A H. 1 government benefit acronym for gay marriage.

If God does not vomit at gays, America will.

Government officials have received special
employee red carpet treatment from the industry and
laissez faire franchisers at the expense of willing
compromising employees using BAH arrangement for support of their whore spouseds and degenerate children.

But this gay thing is so govenrment employees get even more options for red caret treatment: ie. tax benefits for a friend or a kid
(child porn) who is “married” to the government employee.




13 posted on 01/23/2012 4:31:05 AM PST by JudgemAll (Democrats Fed. job-security Whorocracy & hate:hypocrites must be gay like us or be tested/crucified)
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To: AmericanInTokyo; C. Edmund Wright; All
1 posted on Monday, January 23, 2012 5:58:04 AM by AmericanInTokyo: “ THIS is going to be interesting...Wanna bet how much more brutally the MSM treats him, compared to Rev. Wright of Obama’s church....and videos they were so hesitant to air? / no brainer.”

Actually, I hope the mainstream media jump all over this pastor and attack Santorum for being backed by this pastor. The simple fact of the matter is that lots of black evangelicals detest homosexuality and an aggressive attack on this black pastor could help show black evangelicals that Democrats are not their friends.

Dr. D. James Kennedy had homosexuals picketing his church for his sermons condemning homosexuality, though in less colorful terms than this black pastor. My home church in New York City, Neighborhood Church of Greenwich Village, was attacked by a homosexual mob throwing rocks through windows when a group of young people passed out flyers in Greenwich Village saying homosexuals could change. There's no way to “play nice” with homosexuals and avoid their wrath, and I'm no longer willing to try to avoid antagonizing them. I've pretty much come to the conclusion, based on the extreme viciousness of the anti-Christian behavior of many homosexuals, that we're dealing with outright demon-possession. At minimum, we're dealing with people who have been given over to “shameful lusts” and a “depraved mind” (Romans 1:26, 28).

5 posted on Monday, January 23, 2012 6:08:59 AM by C. Edmund Wright: “Of course, this is just one of the many problems when your platform for President is that you are Mr. Goody Two attract this kind of “talent” for your campaign.”

Some of us happen to agree that the Bible strongly condemns homosexuality, calling it an abomination and perversion.

If you don't agree, that's your right in America. But many evangelical Christians and conservative Roman Catholics agree with what this pastor said, though perhaps not with the way he said it.

I'm required by my evangelical convictions to believe what Romans 1:26-32 says. You don't have to agree if you're not a Christian, but don't blame me for following the clear original intent of the Bible:

“(verse 26) Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. (27) In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. (28) Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. (29) They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, (30) slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. (32) Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.”

15 posted on 01/23/2012 4:35:17 AM PST by darrellmaurina
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To: AmericanInTokyo

Well, the mental image of homosexual behavior—especially male on male—does trigger the natural biological gag reflex at gross stuff in normal humans.
And we ARE in HIS image...

...very politically incorrect to say so though.

16 posted on 01/23/2012 4:35:55 AM PST by Happy Rain (The more regulations the better chance of violating them and coming under the heel of the tyrant.)
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To: AmericanInTokyo

Well, I was supporting Newt, but after this I might have to take a second look at Santorum.

18 posted on 01/23/2012 4:36:27 AM PST by Thane_Banquo
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To: AmericanInTokyo

God’s dislike of sin stems from the fact that it hurts his creations, not because it injures him in any way.

19 posted on 01/23/2012 4:36:52 AM PST by Mr Ramsbotham (Laws against sodomy are honored in the breech.)
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To: AmericanInTokyo
a·bom·i·na·tion    [uh-bom-uh-ney-shuhn] Show IPA


1. anything abominable; anything greatly disliked or abhorred.

2. intense aversion or loathing; detestation: He regarded lying with abomination.

3. a vile, shameful, or detestable action, condition, habit, etc.: Spitting in public is an abomination.

(Graybeard add on)

Homosexualality is an abomination to God.

24 posted on 01/23/2012 4:43:56 AM PST by Graybeard58 (Eccl 10 v. 19 A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things.)
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To: AmericanInTokyo

No thats not scriptural

Its luke warm Christians who get vomited out ...

God says if we are luke warm He will spew us out of His mouth

I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot: I would that you were cold or hot. So then because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth. Revelation 3:15, 16

about homosexuals God says..

‘Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is an abomination. Leviticus 18:22

‘If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads. Le3viticus 20:13

In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. Romans 1:27

Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders 1 Corinthians 6:9

Likewise, Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities near them, which like them committed sexual sins and engaged in homosexual activities, serve as an example of the punishment of eternal fire. Jude 1:7

25 posted on 01/23/2012 4:45:31 AM PST by Tennessee Nana
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To: AmericanInTokyo

“Gays make God want to vomit”

Don`t hold back, Rev.. tell us how ya REALLY feel!

28 posted on 01/23/2012 4:47:13 AM PST by ScottinVA (Liberal logic: 0bamacare mandate is acceptable... but voter IDs are unconstitutional.)
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To: AmericanInTokyo

There goes the Dan Savage endorsement.

35 posted on 01/23/2012 5:06:25 AM PST by montag813
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To: AmericanInTokyo; kingattax; DarthVader

my pastor..haha.

This article is SOOOO slanted. Rev. Dozier tells it like it is. What the article does NOT mention:

1. Due to death threats (against not only him, but his wife and children) from the left, my pastor had to get a CCL, and carry at all times.

2. Through a “Straw Buyer”, CAIR purchased the abutting property to our church and is planning a 22,000 Sq Ft MOSQUE and Islamic center for the grand total of SIXTEEN Muslim families in the area. This was done without ANY public zoning meetings with the abutters.

3. The local “arts” press publishes weekly scurrilous articles excoriating Rev. Dozier, Congressman West, Radio Host Joyce Kaufman, “Americans Against Hate” founder Joe Kaufman (no relation to Joyce), Senatorial Candidate Mike McAllister, The Tea Party, and other decent conservative people. These newspapers are distributed free everywhere, as subscriptions are unnecessary to support them. The reason? They are supported almost completely by advertising for Swinger Clubs, Strip Joints, Massage parlors, and Porn Shows.

4. The Phrase “makes God want to vomit” is actually a paraphrase from the Book of Revelation (Referring to Christ’s feelings about the “lukewarm” church). Rev. Dozier wasn’t saying anything that Scripture hasn’t already expressed.

Anyway...I love that man, and I am sure Our FRiends here on FR would love him too.

37 posted on 01/23/2012 5:14:55 AM PST by left that other site
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To: AmericanInTokyo

Be safe!!

44 posted on 01/23/2012 5:33:32 AM PST by surroundedbyblue (Live the message of Fatima - pray & do penance!)
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To: AmericanInTokyo
He campaigned vigorously for Rep. Allen West, an African-American conservative who shares Dozier’s views on gays and Muslims.

Did he retract his statement about how being gay is similar to ice cream preference?

45 posted on 01/23/2012 5:36:26 AM PST by WPaCon
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To: AmericanInTokyo

..I don’t think that was vomit that showered down on Sodom and Gomorrah...

53 posted on 01/23/2012 5:59:34 AM PST by WalterSkinner ( In Memory of My Father--WWII Vet and Patriot 1926-2007)
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To: AmericanInTokyo; P-Marlowe; wagglebee; wmfights
Gays "Make God Want to Vomit"

Santorum's chairman is not exactly correct.

Idolatry makes God want to vomit. The first and 2nd commandments BOTH a very clear about Idolatry.

As Romans 1 explains, homosexuality is a result of (and a form of) idolatry.

60 posted on 01/23/2012 6:39:05 AM PST by xzins (Retired Army Chaplain and Proud of It! Pray Continued Victory for our Troops Still in Afghan!)
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