I am NOT against gays (i firmly believe it is somethign in the genese)
I am just against giving any group special treatment
“When you ask somebody a question and you expect them to support all Americans and have everyone’s general interest,” Arnold said.
Liar. “Supporting all Americans” isn’t even remotely what you’re looking for.
I’d like to here Newt’s version of the conversation.
He does have everyone’s general interest, only you were asking him to be specific about supporting homosexuals. How very disingenuous!
Good for Newt!
He was a dumbocrat looking to cause trouble. He wouldn’t change his mind about voting for the dumber dumbocrat again no matter what Newt said.
Why waste time on the proven dumbocrats.
Very dumb. Plays into the gays’ “specialness”. Just tell the guy that he needs a job like everybody else and pays taxes like everybody else. He’s better off living in a safe and strong country, like everybody else. What’s good for everybody will benefit him, too.
Sounds like Gingirch has the vinegar and vim to counter Obama and his pandering moves.
I won;t say anything about “gay” rights. But I WILL say, that homosexuality is an abnormal abberration and that homosexuals have no right to demand societal endorsement of their abberration.
What disgusting things they choose to do to each other in the privacy of their own home is their own business, but they have no right flaunting it in the face of the majority of normal people.
Also note that the Daily News does not print a direct quote from Gingrich, but rather just the interpretation of whatever Gingrich said by a gay activist who was trying to troll Gingrich in the first place.
This is refreshing. If Macy’s doesn’t have what they want and Gimbel’s does, don’t BS them, send them to Gimbel’s. Obama can have all the lefties, gays, feminists, etc., and Newt takes the rest. Every nutcase gets referred to the Dems. Sounds like a strategy. (I mean it.) The rest of us are fed up.
How about this for an answer: "We are going to accept homosexuals in any shape, form or fashion. And since homosexuals are at greater risk of transmitting diseases, we will make them pay more for health insurance. We will call it spreading the health around."
Why should any presidential candidate be concerned about what consenting adults do in their bedrooms?
Good for you Newt..
More red meat.
Uhhhhhhhh, what's left to comment on?
“When you ask somebody a question and you expect them to support all Americans and have everyone’s general interest,”
He DOES have your general interest...just not your GAY interest.
He could have told the guy to go see a psyc in an effort to give him the help he was looking for...but Gingrich probably rightly considered that this guy was not really looking for that type of “help” in overcoming his abnormality or in a President Gingrich’s representation of him
BTW, presidential representation does not mean embracing your sexual or other views. It means conducting his duties as President to protect the nation, its borders, and uphold its laws for all people.
But many homosexuals believe they are normal and must be treated as such, or DEMAND to be recognized and treated as such, changing laws, societal moreys, and tradition to accomodate them.
IMHO, common sense indicates the fallacy of this. If it were normal, then the majority of people could be that way. If they were, the species could lose enough birth rate to be in danger of going extinct...and that is just not normal.
I’m liking Newt more every day.
. BEWARE: Deceptive Headline! This is he-said, he-said anecdotalism. No confirmation from Noot in the story!
What? No pandering to the homosexual lobby? Better go talk to Mitt Rino.
Merry Christmas