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Hoffa on tea party, congressional conservatives: ‘Let’s take these sons of bitches out!’
The Daily Caller ^
| 09/05/2011
| Matthew Boyle
Posted on 09/05/2011 10:57:27 AM PDT by martosko
While warming up a Detroit crowd for President Barack Obamas Labor Day speech, Teamsters union president Jimmy Hoffa, Jr. said unions need to fight a war against tea partiers and congressional Republicans.
President Obama, this is your army, Hoffa said. We are ready to march. Lets take these sons of bitches out and take America back to where America we belong.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Michigan
KEYWORDS: civility; corruption; cwiiping; democrats; elections; hoffa; liberalfascism; liberals; liberalviolence; michigan; newtone; nobama2012; obama; pensionfunds; postpartisanship; teamsters; teaparty; unioncorruption; unions; unionthugs; unionviolence
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To: Vendome
” They like a good fight.”
there won’t be any fight, only killing
posted on
09/05/2011 12:05:41 PM PDT
(Sarah stands for accountablility and personal responsiblity, democrats can't live with that)
To: 3Fingas
Something tells me you’re being sarcastic again....just can’t put my finger on it, lol.
posted on
09/05/2011 12:06:26 PM PDT
("Islamophobia: The irrational fear of being beheaded." Andrew Klavan of PJTV)
To: NoGrayZone
It’s sad. Almost ten years to the day of 9/11, and we’ve got major figures like Hoffa urging a second American Civil War.
To: LibLieSlayer
I agree with you 100%... but the term President Son of a Wh0re is more accurate. Another first from Hussein. First American president to have naked pictures of his mother floating around on the internet.
posted on
09/05/2011 12:11:01 PM PDT
(Deut 30, Psalm 111...the Torah and the Law, is attainable past, present and forever.)
To: piytar
I admire and respect Beck and his call for love, strength and conviction, but this was just a declaration of war against Liberty and Capitalism, and Freedom and the right to the pursuit of happiness....
However, the first salvo in this was was won in the Great State of Wisconsin, naturally.
Conservatism works every time it is tried. - Rush Limbaugh..
posted on
09/05/2011 12:11:11 PM PDT
(The undeniable truth of the Obama Administration...The numbers do not lie.)
To: Jaguarmike
To bad he has no idea how much he will lose his “little war”.
posted on
09/05/2011 12:14:32 PM PDT
("Islamophobia: The irrational fear of being beheaded." Andrew Klavan of PJTV)
To: IceAge; Admin Moderator
Well, I tried to post a thread in “Chat” asking FReepers to list non-union businesses, but it was pulled after the 3rd post.
posted on
09/05/2011 12:19:34 PM PDT
("I can see 2012 from my house!" Jim Thompson, 7-16-2011)
To: martosko
Jimmy Hoffa jr. is a poop stain. If it’s war Jimmy wants then there are plenty of us that will gladly oblige him.
posted on
09/05/2011 12:20:01 PM PDT
(Recovery won't begin until Obama loses HIS job.)
To: crz
‘xept it’s a parking lot now!
posted on
09/05/2011 12:21:41 PM PDT
(The undeniable truth of the Obama Administration...The numbers do not lie.)
To: LibLieSlayer
President Mau-Mau is behind this.
posted on
09/05/2011 12:21:47 PM PDT
(Recovery won't begin until Obama loses HIS job.)
To: NTHockey
posted on
09/05/2011 12:25:19 PM PDT
(God, guns, guts.)
To: rfp1234
Well yeah, I certainly didn’t mean to say it as something violent.
Sorry about that, I should have used different words.
But you got the idea.
posted on
09/05/2011 12:27:29 PM PDT
To: melancholy; SunkenCiv; Clintonfatigued; fieldmarshaldj; Just A Nobody; theothercheek; Nachum; ...
There has been an organized crime culture that has pervaded all too much of the American labor union movement for the better part of a century, particularly the Teamsters. So for Hoffa Jr. to use this rhetoric is hardly surprising. After all, he’s the late Godfather’s son.
To: SF_Redux
posted on
09/05/2011 12:28:49 PM PDT
(Sarah stands for accountablility and personal responsiblity, democrats can't live with that)
To: NoGrayZone
I was gonna post this....
But since I have turned over a new leaf and I don't want to an insufferable loud mouth anymore, I will post the following in response to Hoffa's heated rhetoric:
posted on
09/05/2011 12:29:02 PM PDT
( Sons and Daughters of Freedom, Committee of Correspondence)
To: 3Fingas
Don’t turn over a new leaf. You’re original is just what we need.
posted on
09/05/2011 12:34:58 PM PDT
("Islamophobia: The irrational fear of being beheaded." Andrew Klavan of PJTV)
To: HiTech RedNeck
Yep. That's a good point. We don't often see "union" stickers on anything other than the inside door frame of a vehicle. We pay cash for vehicles. It's not that we have a lot of money. We budget, and when the time comes, we simply pay cash. We've got TWO GM vehicles parked outside now (trucks) and we've been happy with them but we're NOT supporting unions again with our purchases. I'll endure hardship and a vehicle payment to buy a Toyota before I buy a GM with a union sticker on it. In order for the unions to win this one, they'll have to gain enforced commerce with respect to their products...and with that I must ask how that's working out with Obama-Care? :-)
The unions can go straight to hell. They speak out of ignorance because they really have no idea what they're asking for. The only reason they are permitted to operate with such aggression with their unsavory anti-American agenda is because we don't burn their offices to the ground in the night and shoot their leaders. I don't mean to sound overt, or to imply that this "should" happen, or that it will happen. I'm just saying that if we actually called their bluff, it would be over in a relatively short time with a lot of noise, bloodshed, and tears. They think they know what they want, but they really don't.
To: RandallFlagg
Thanks for that bit of advice. Next time I send one of the kids out on a beer run, I’ll have them pick me up some Coors! :-)
To: justiceseeker93
I know. I was once a union member and once a democrat. I think I’ll start a thread asking about how many former democrats are now here. These kinds of statements will cost them reasonable democrats and independents. Hoffa might as well have shot Obama, he’s now ruined any chance that Obama will be able to get re-elected. And Obama’s dumb ass was standing up there grinning and agreeing.
Is there anyone left on this planet who does not realize that Obama is an idiot. (Note to SS - IMO)
posted on
09/05/2011 12:44:05 PM PDT
("Before you ask G-d for something, first thank G-d for what you already have." B'rachot 30b)
To: NoGrayZone
We actually need to unite as Americans and rediscover constitutional, limited government again. I love this country and I know our future can be bright again if we can find common cause with like-minded Americans. So, Leggo Peacenick is the preferred option in conflict resolution. Gadsden flag is always there in case the SHTF.
posted on
09/05/2011 12:46:32 PM PDT
( Sons and Daughters of Freedom, Committee of Correspondence)
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