Posted on 05/26/2011 8:31:29 PM PDT by Jim Robinson
This message is intended for those posters on FR who seem to have missed my prior statements in this regard and insist on advocating for these bastards.
I'd rather shut the place down than be involved in any effort to install abortionist/gay rights pushing RINOS like Romney or Giuliani into the White House!!
Do NOT push this crap on FR. Take your business elsewhere!! And I don't care how long you've been here!!
Aye, Cap’in!
“I’d rather shut the place down than be involved in any effort to install abortionist/gay rights pushing RINOS like Romney or Giuliani into the White House!!”
Add pothead Gary Johnson to the list too.
Errrr, that would be Jim Robinson!
[ Thomas Jefferson tells us homosexuality is more harmful to society than bestiality.. ]
It is the mainstreaming of homosexuality that is harmful to society. Tolerance of it shouldn’t be same nor its it the same as acceptance of it.
We as a healthy society can tolerate self destructive behavior as long as it stays confined to the self. We should never accept self destructive behavior as a society. It can remain on the fringe, but never mainstreamed in the schools and public areas, this is part of the social contract that is currently being eroded by the mainstreaming the homosexual agenda.
Neither should it be legal for a private citizen to hurt or harm another private citizen based on perceived self destructive proclivities whatever they may be. But this part is plain common sense. Of course the perverts seem to think this is still happening, it is not, nor was it as widespread as their propagandists want us to believe it was in the last 50 years.
I had the same question in post #28.
Jim, that didn’t happen in 2008, though.
McCain became the candidate of choice for this site. Are you saying that if Romney, Christie, or another RINO is nominated, that you will either shut FR down or try and start a conservative, er, libertarian party, and support that candidate?
I hope so.
I have to say, I am shocked that you would entertain the possibility of voting third party. I don't know why, but I thought you were firmly against it. It gives me something to think about. I have not been very open to that idea. In fact, I've lately been advertising a slogan of A.N.Y.O.N.E. but Obama. Now, I'm kinda stumped.
I was a 22-year-old youngin' and not interested in politics in 1992. Why did conservatives split the vote, in your opinion? Was it disgust for Bush Sr? Excitement over Perot's stated policies? Neither?
I think people take things seriously when they donate money and then the owner threatens to shut down the site. I’m all for Jim’s stance, if he follows through with it. I only voted for McCain because of Sarah Palin.
“We as a healthy society can tolerate self destructive behavior as long as it stays confined to the self.”
Do you support homosexuals in the military...
AMEN! and pass the gravy
What does being a conservative mean to you, Jim?
I’ve often wondered it. I think this is a great time for you to share with your members what kind of conservative should be a member at FR.
Jim hasn’t been a liberatarian since about 2000. Being a libertarian doesn’t pay the bills.
[ So if you you practice bestiality you’re not born that way? LOL! That flies in the face of your hormone theory LOL!
Intersex Disorder is caused solely by abnormal hormone production during gestation, what you are suggesting, and is part of the homosexual agenda, cannot be measured except on dead people by those with an agenda like you. ]
Did you even read my response, please re-read it. You seem to think I am justifying 100% of the gay people being “born that way”.
Let me share a story with you. I know a couple with several children 4 boys and one girl. The second to last child is a boy who is very “nelly”. The parents being conservative Christians were sharing with me that they were beside themselves with how this could happen. They raised all their boys the same, the girl was the oldest in the family and was in college when the “nelly” kid was born. So it probably wasn’t social interaction with the older sister that messed him up.
They were starting to wonder if god was testing them by making their child “gay” because they couldn’t figure out “why it happened to them”. I asked them a simple question, “was your wife on any medications while you were pregnant with him?”. His wife admitted she was a doctor prescribed drug to treat a skin condition she had. They dug around in their medicine cabinet and found a the old empty pill containers, I forget the name of the drug, but I remember looking it up online and finding out that it affects the absorption/production of testosterone. I am 99.999% this is what caused their son to become a bit of a “nancy boy”. Gee, mystery solved...
The idiot doctor that prescribed her this should have damned well known better, now the poor kid is going to have all sorts of wonderful social issues to deal with instead of having a normal life like his brothers.
People need to stop trusting their doctors so much and educate themselves so they can cross examine them when they prescribe any medication, pregnant mothers especially so.
IMHO he will screw anyone for a buck and his daughter is worse.
[ We as a healthy society can tolerate self destructive behavior as long as it stays confined to the self.
Do you support homosexuals in the military... ]
When you are in the military all your actions directly affect the members of your platoon, so any self destructive behavior is detrimental to the unit, so no.
Yeah, that Rudy purge was something to behold. Of course, now FR has its quarterly fundraiser last nearly two months instead of a few weeks, but that’s part of staying true to the cause.
I just wonder what happened to this being a Liberatarian and “Free” Republic. That went out in about 2000, when the Christians started handing over money to FR at a rapid rate.
No, I’m saying I’d just as soon shut down FR rather than support a pro-abortion, pro-gay, statist Republican party. I cannot and will not do that. And I will not go libertarian as I strongly believe in defending our nation and I’m totally opposed to the homosexual agenda. Libertarianism is not my cup of tea. If the RINOs takeover, the tea party patriots will have no choice but to run their own candidate. Romney and his RINO sycophants are idiots if they believe Tea Party conservatives will simply fold up their tents and support the architect of ObamaCare.
So FR is going to become a 3rd Party site that gives up on the GOP if the chosen candidate in the primaries doesn’t win the nomination?
I admire Jim’s stance on this, but after the Rudy purge, and then seeing the McCain supporters given free reign on FR, I’ll wait and see what happens after the primaries.
McCain 2008 was a RINO, but at least he was pro-life, pro-family and pro-defense. And he chose a pro-life, pro-family, pro-defense conservative as his running mate. Gave us some hope. Romney offers nothing but RINOism and worse. Romney is an abortionist, gay rights pushing, big government solution progressive/statist. And author and chief advocate of ObamaCare. No thank you!
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