I keeel you!
1 posted on
04/07/2011 1:31:45 PM PDT by
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To: Nachum
Too bad congress has some say in what happens int D.C., that pesky Constitution...
2 posted on
04/07/2011 1:34:04 PM PDT by
(Proudly posting without reading the article carefully since 2004)
To: Nachum
Pro-lifers are compared to being genocidal?
Cuckoo! Cuckoo!
3 posted on
04/07/2011 1:34:21 PM PDT by
(All that is necessary for evil to succeed, is that good men do nothing)
To: Nachum
There is NO EPA provision in the bill. That is a lie.
The ONLY STICKING POINT now is the ban on federally-funded abortions in DC...that's it.
But didn't Stupak get a promise from Obama that that would never happen?
To: Nachum
Hey Eleanor: Shaving a little too close to the bone can lead to brain damage.
5 posted on
04/07/2011 1:36:18 PM PDT by
(A Birther: One who has questions or concerns over the birth of Barry Barack Hussein Soetero Obama)
To: Nachum
“This is the functional equivalent of bombing innocent civilians,”
non compos mentis
6 posted on
04/07/2011 1:36:34 PM PDT by
(Palin / West '12)
To: Nachum
Listening to Elenor Holmes Norton is the functional equivalent of being run over by a large truck.
7 posted on
04/07/2011 1:36:48 PM PDT by
Steely Tom
(Obama goes on long after the thrill of Obama is gone)
To: Nachum
no federal funding for abortion = bombing innocent civilians?
Wouldn’t federal funding FOR abortion have more in common with bombing innocent civilians?
To: Nachum
This is the functional equivalent of bombing innocent civilians,"I agree. The abortions performed here each year are the equivalent of killing innocent civilians.
9 posted on
04/07/2011 1:37:57 PM PDT by
To: Nachum
It makes complete sense. Not forcing taxpayers to pay for killing unborn children is the same as bombing innocent civilians. It makes total sense: to a liberal lunatic.
To: Nachum
How dare the greedy, thieving taxpayer try to tell their government what to do!
12 posted on
04/07/2011 1:39:18 PM PDT by
(Never forget that the American Revolution began when the British tried to disarm the colonists.)
To: Nachum
How dare the greedy, thieving taxpayer try to tell their government what to do!
13 posted on
04/07/2011 1:39:59 PM PDT by
(Never forget that the American Revolution began when the British tried to disarm the colonists.)
To: Nachum
This is exactly the sort of thing that happens before a civil war but I fear the enemy will win without a fight.
15 posted on
04/07/2011 1:40:26 PM PDT by
(smallpox is not a person)
To: Nachum
Insane lieberal logic. Good is bad, killing babies is good.
16 posted on
04/07/2011 1:43:45 PM PDT by
(Democrats: Robbing humans of their dignity 1 law at a time)
To: Nachum
No!.....You go straight to hell!
To: Nachum
I keeel you! Is that your new slogan, Nachum?
22 posted on
04/07/2011 1:52:41 PM PDT by
Cyber Liberty
(Oh, well, any excuse to buy a new gun is good enough for me.)
To: Nachum
Awwwwwww! Poor Eleanor Holmes Norton. She so wants to be a representative. But alas, only a non-voting delegate.
To: Nachum
The “government” of D.C. should be abolished, and its’ functions returned to the appropriate House and Senate committees.
25 posted on
04/07/2011 2:00:25 PM PDT by
Jim Noble
(The Constitution is overthrown. The Revolution is betrayed.)
To: Nachum
The “government” of D.C. should be abolished, and its’ functions returned to the appropriate House and Senate committees.
26 posted on
04/07/2011 2:00:36 PM PDT by
Jim Noble
(The Constitution is overthrown. The Revolution is betrayed.)
To: Nachum
“Equivalent to bombing innocent civilians!!!”
Now that’s unbelievable, even for a black Democrat!!!
To: Nachum
Congress should go "straight to hell" for trying to meddle in D.C. affairs. I guess she has a problem with the Constitution, or she's very stupid. Either way, she should be charged with and tried for sedition.
32 posted on
04/07/2011 2:14:39 PM PDT by
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