To: Nachum
Hey Eleanor: Shaving a little too close to the bone can lead to brain damage.
5 posted on
04/07/2011 1:36:18 PM PDT by
(A Birther: One who has questions or concerns over the birth of Barry Barack Hussein Soetero Obama)
To: Responsibility2nd
Eleanor: They can go straight to Hell! (sniff)
Eric: It's OK, sweetie. You're one of "my people".
14 posted on
04/07/2011 1:40:07 PM PDT by
(A Birther: One who has questions or concerns over the birth of Barry Barack Hussein Soetero Obama)
To: Responsibility2nd
Gaak!...What the hell is that?
To: Responsibility2nd
My eyes!!!
MY EYES!!!!!
21 posted on
04/07/2011 1:50:00 PM PDT by
Emperor Palpatine
(Tosca, mi fai dimenticare Iddio!!!)
To: Responsibility2nd
Is she trying to usurp Helen Thomas’s title? Geesh, that is one ugly little toad.
34 posted on
04/07/2011 2:20:50 PM PDT by
(Death to tyrants)
To: Responsibility2nd
If that is a picture of her, I don’t know what she is worried about, I would bet she has never had to worry about getting pregnant unless it was by artificial insemination.
42 posted on
04/07/2011 3:15:49 PM PDT by
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