Liberals have won the culture war. Since the Great Depression, the United States has shifted left both socially and economically. Conservatism has served only to slow this shift, not to arrest or reverse it. And even conservatism has gradually been redefined to the left.
Look at the nation we live in today compared to the nation our grandparents and great-grandparents lived in. To claim that liberals have lost the culture war, that there has been a rejection of liberalism, is just preposterous.
Wishing this were different doesn't make it so.
Ah....one of FR's brightest rays of sunshine weighs in.
No, Drew. No one's rejecting liberalism, the Democrats are going to win even MORE seats in Congress this fall, and everybody just loves Obama.
Unfortunately, I have to agree with you. Witness George W. Bush's "compassionate conservatism" which resulted in a huge Medicare benefit increase for prescription drugs, and also in an Administration which looked the other way while illegal immigration got completely out of hand. Today, the Republican Party is pandering to homosexuals. It's all about the votes and power, there is no principle.
You are correct, sir!
Sadly, I agee with you - I see the Sacco and Vinzetti trial as the turning point. We’ll never get a foothold there - the Right abandoned culture generations ago.
In this country, things can change swiftly, so I am hoping that 2010 will mark a change of the magnitude such as marked the 1820s. Time will tell. Pols like Miller and Rubio belong to a generation born after the last of the Boomers. Not all the Boomers were liberals, and DeMint is evidence of that.
You’re right. The AAL (Anti-American Left) has lost some recent skirmishes, but they’ve won so much for so long that it will take herculean efforts to bring America forward to its Christian roots.
“Wishing this were different doesn't make it so.”
Exactly and well stated. The gays have won so much that they can't ever be criticized, even by the church. We have no real freedom of speech. Look at a woman the wrong way and you can be charged with sexual harassment. Crimes against minorities have double penalties because of hate crimes legislation. The Log Cabin Republicans just had a big party led by Bush's out of the closet campaign manager, while Freepers galore here twisted themselves into knots saying that they didn't even care about homosexuality.
Television is a wasteland of half hour long commercials because most old time programs and movies can't get past the invisible curtain of political correctness.
But we supposedly won the culture war, according to this guy. Liberals lost on guns, the ERA and the death penalty, but they filled up the judiciary with judges that won't enforce that third item, so they won there too. They have won so often and so much that their horses have to stop and rest. That's all.
This is a single election, and afterwards the press will blame Republicans for everything from snow storms to hurricanes to toilets not flushing. And the same idiots that believed the media liars since 2004 and for sixty years before that will believe them again.
I hate to spoil the party. Enjoy the win. It will be a win. Just remember we only get one of these every twenty years, and only after the Dems achieve full and total power and begin to drink the people's blood.
Every now and then we slow the train down. That's about it.
I'm afraid you are right. Look at much of the "conventional wisdom" that too many of our younger generation have unquestionably accepted from the public indoctrination centers. I think the left might have overreached too much, too soon, due to hubris and the underestimation of residual common sense, but the long term trend is not good.
Yes, liberals have won the culture war. But, maybe the tide is turning. Maybe the "silent majority" is silent no more. But after 50 years of incremental and stealth socialism, maybe there will be real change that features common sense, borders, language, and culture.
We are but at the beginning of a long and arduous battle to restore freedom, free enterprise, and culture. Today's initiative may be just a momentary stall of our fall to socialism and economic ruin, but, then again it may be a real beginning, unlike 1994.
I’m curious as to where you are at in your life. I am 47, have 3 kids. I see things from a totally different perspective. While the papers make you think that the next generation coming up is full of radicals, I can’t say that I know of any. The next generation coming up behind us has also seen war. They have seen things and have been places that nobody would ever go to because of the oppression. These young men and women for the most part are conservative. They will have a very different perspective on the world.
I was posting only a day or two ago about how some of these policies the regime is putting in place, actually will work against them as it forces the restoration of: The Family.
At first people will cringe at exactly what this author talks about, “The hypocrisy had gone too far. Americans noticed the one-sidedness; they saw The Agenda at work.” It is there we have the creation of the vacuum of ideas.
They removed God and we “progressed.” We have now realized the deception. This creates a vacuum. And all science indicates you cannot have a vacuum without something else filling in the emptiness.
To fill in the emptiness will either be evil(chaos) or goodness (family). Charity will be re-learned to be understood it begins at home, not at the hand of the federal government.
I have to agree with you. The abortion battle has been a slow drift towards total surrender: federally funded abortion on demand. Same goes for other issues like gay marriage, societal norms, etc. Crosses in the desert are little more than distractions from the big picture.
I don't think so a bit. I remember being defensive about my pro-life views circa 1982. Now, it's the pro-aborts who are defensive.
Gun control is no longer cool unless by gun control you mean squeezing the trigger rather than jerking it.
I also think the taboo of criticizing homosexual behavior has reached the high-water mark and won't advance much further.
I personally am very tolerant of homosexuals but I no longer care whether they tolerate me or not when I express disapproval of their behavior.
I agree; there certainly hasn’t been a shift to the right. There is some cause for optimism, between tough economic times (where anyone would baby seals in their fireplace if it would heat their home) and unrestricted immigration that is bringing in many people who live in the 7th century. It will be a shift to the right, but I don’t know what it will look like...
Outside of religion, conservative institutions are basically banned in this country.
The GOP focused on the mosque and not the Prop. 8 decision, which has a far greater threat to conservative way of life. It's almost like the Republican Party is the controlled opposition intended to make conservatives think they have a voice in the way the country is run.
I'd like to open up a second front within the Democratic Party, to force Republicans to compete for conservative votes and to force Dems from going too far left, but I don't see where to begin. Regardless of Congress & the presidency, the Democrats control the government bureaucracy, and you can't shrink the bureaucracy unless you control it yourself and can advance your partisans while tossing out your enemies.
The GOP belief that it can abolish this government from the outside is laughable.
-the few, the proud, the irrelevant...