So desperate they have been to re-define what “mainstream” is. The mainstream doesn’t buy it. Progressivism is fringe and always will be.
Liberals have won the culture war. Since the Great Depression, the United States has shifted left both socially and economically. Conservatism has served only to slow this shift, not to arrest or reverse it. And even conservatism has gradually been redefined to the left.
Look at the nation we live in today compared to the nation our grandparents and great-grandparents lived in. To claim that liberals have lost the culture war, that there has been a rejection of liberalism, is just preposterous.
Wishing this were different doesn't make it so.
An excellent commentary on the culture by Roger Hedgecock.
He’s put into words something that most of us Tea Party rebels have been feeling for years, and that is; Americans have reached the end of their tolerance and patience with left-liberalism.
The American people naively accepted that the left truly wanted to improve this country, and allowed them to slowly and incrementally violate our Founding Principles, our traditions, and our Constitution, in a million ways, large and small.
The cumulative damage done to the country by nearly 100 years of left-liberal destruction has brought us nearly to the brink of collapse.
I think that most of us have seen that brink approaching, and are now applying the brakes with everything we’ve got. This is the natural, and predictable response of a great people.
we need to change the liberal, commie brainwashing happening in U.S. schools everywhere. It is one critical breading ground for all of this mess.
Good article here.
Good article.
So for the last 45 to 50 years, we have been forced to accept rules/laws that we are not in agreement with. We are still a center right country, and the majority is sick and tired of living according to the rules set by the minority.
Lack of jobs and the poor economy got this revolt going, but intensity is increased because of the culture wars. When congress passed health care, that was adding insult to injury.
Americans hated the HMO’s that substituted their review panels for the judgment of their own doctors. They see no reason to accept government bureaucrats mucking up the doctor/patient relationship.
I agree that the liberals won the culture wars in court, but they have not yet won them in the hearts and minds of the majority of US citizens. We just need to be as relentless as they have been, and roll back their agenda.
It has taken them more than half a century to get where they are. Maybe it will take that long to roll it back. I hope not. I hope it takes less time.
Taking back control of the congress is just the first step. We need to push back in government at all levels; education, news services, churches, and entertainment outlets must all be involved.
When no one would be caught dead in an abortion clinic due to cultural mores, then Roe v Wade ceases to be important, because no one will choose it. At that point, a constitutional amendment to outlaw abortion should be an easy thing to do.
I can only hope so most sincerely. But this of course depends upon argent defense and exposure of the evils of liberalism!
We must expose to the leftist how this threatens them as well.
There is no equality or fairness in Affirmative action. There is no justice in the forced redistribution of wealth!
Theses things are antithetical to true equality, justice, and the American way.
It is a simple thing to expose them for what they are. A simple thing to remind people that 2 wrongs don’t make a right, and if they did then all theses “minorities” would be “equal” by now.
This must end.
we now have at least 2 generations of utterly brainwashed folks from around aged 42-44 and under
it's all blame whitey and the history of western civilization is one big crime against brown and black and yellow and red humanity by whites...especially white Christians
nothing whatsoever like the perceived reality from when I grew up
they seem to be winning the homo war too and 1-2 million babies a year still get culled before their first breath of air
marriage itself has become an anachronism and white men seem pretty damned gay and eunuch like
Hollywood almost only makes movies which demonize the FReeper ideal
don't guess i agree with the author
They had it all when Obama won, and all they had to do was play the moderate game just a leeeeetle longer...
But they couldn't help it.
They started dancing and celebrating when he won, and the "I want Obama money" crowd couldn't hold in a victory dance any longer.
On MSNBC, and The View and Hollywood and all their usual haunts, from Pelosi and Frank to "I won" Obama himself, the libs destroyed their decades-long charade and let us know who they really are. From the "mosque is about religious freedom" BS to "Arizonans are racists for enforcing the law" lies, they just decide "To heck with it, WE WON! WE'RE IN CHARGE! WE CAN SAY ANYTHING!"
And they spent our money on the non-productive, and vented their hate at the military (Call me senator you fascist scum!) and just relaxed, and became who they really are...
And those who bought the "coming together non-partisan" lies realize they've been had, and are finally (maybe if reluctantly) admitting the truth--the dems are the socialism with a human face party, and cannot be trusted, or allowed to hold power.
Sorry for the no-paragraphs double post, been a long night.
Nothing has been won yet!
The culture war has just begun.
Fox News and the Internet have radically changed the battlefield. They together with voting booth are the shot and blade we will fight with.
Word is spreading, cannon balls are being forged,and military units formed. There are the cities of MSM, Hollywood, Universities and public primary education to capture. Some of our adversaries will die and some will desert and join our cause and like Saul/Paul they will become the most fierce warriors for our cause.
We haven’t won yet but the peasants with pitchforks are forming on the ridge lines and the Liberals look up and see impending doom.
November will be our Battle of Trenton.
Obama, Reid and Pelosi will be awakened in the middle of the night to be cast out into the cold darkness to flee for their political lives.
The Dinosaur Media will be left writhing in pain in the dust and filth as it bleeds out.
When the history of this era is written the names Palin, Kantor, Pence, Arpaio, Brewer, Breitbart, Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, Levin and others will join Washington, Jefferson, Hamilton, Paine, et als.
When your great grandchildren study the history of this era will they see your name? Will the family have passed down stories of your efforts to restore America?
America is at a turning point. Will it die fat, old and drunk asphyxiated in its own vomit or will it reach inside itself and find the spirit of the patriots who came before and renew and reform itself? Will it reach greater heights than before?
The second revolution has begun!
..In 2010, the tide has turned...
...Underlying all politics is the culture. It is changing. The dominant liberal culture has yielded division and decay in American societyand a government-directed economy destroying our standard of living. The rejection of liberal culture has begun; the rejection of liberal politics will follow...
We still are going to have lots of those who will always be on the liberal side.
But what has happened is that a lot of people on the Conservative and undecided side have woken up and taken notice of what is going on and is starting to get serious.
We now have, and will continue to have, two groups of people in this country with two very different and separate views of how things should be.
How this plays out long term is not going to be pretty (in my humble opinion)...
I like this. The culture aspect is often overlooked. When it is mentioned the response from the left is,”oh,those evil conservatives want to take us back to the back old days.”
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I agree with the article; he left a few things out that I would have included but it's an excellent general overview. And very interesting discussion on the thread. I see it as another call to action. Those pushing defeatism, trying to demoralize others, should get out of the way and shut up.
Read my tagline!
The current, fleshly attempts to turn us back to a moral society are anemic, misdirected, and disorganized. When you have Glenn Beck saying that he doesn't care if same-sex "marriage" happens, you know this is true.
1. Completion date for Flight 93 Memorial crescent: 9/11/2011
2. Proposed Ground Zero mosque dedication: 9/11/2011
3. One World Trade Center rooftop level: ‘4th quarter of 2011’ although the spire’s completion is expected to be 2013.