Haven’t bought the book yet, but I’ve always dug her.
Because she’s kept mum about any possible Presidential bid.
But is it still higher than Zero’s?
; )
Allah Pundut does some good stuff at Hotair but she is unquestionably anti-Palin. I don’t expect everyone to love Palin but Allah always takes any chance even if it involves a polling unit that is notoriously off-the-mark with it’s adult-only polling and consistent near-to-last-place finishes on pre-election day Presidential polls.
Wishful thinking is now news. Shocking.
maybe im stupid.
But why and how can someone view Sarah Palin “negatively”
even if you disagree with her politics. wouldn’t you have a positive opinion of her as a person ?
Huck sux.
Her book isn’t actually OUT yet, so the buzz hasn’t really hit. Of course, when it does, the usual suspects will be out there sniping. But she’ll also be out there doing interviews, etc, so more folks will actually get to hear and see her. As she is able to explain her views on the issues, and people see the stark contrast between her and Obama, I think her numbers will start to go up among Republicans, but also among those vaunted Independents who have dumped Obama.
Huckabee knew that he needed “name recognition” if he was to overtake Sarah Palin .. voila!! a talk show on TV where he can spew his version of Republicanism .. because he’s definitely not a conservative.
What happened is that the RINOs and the liberals did a hell of a job of concentrating fire on her as the party establishment looked on and in many cases joined in on attacking her. The real question of whether or not she will ever be a viable national candidate again hinges on whether or not the damage done to her with swing voters, weak Republican leans, and weak Democrat leans can be undone. She has the base locked up and thats key but it’ll be interesting to see if she can begin to expand her support.
I trust nothing from allahpundit.
BTW, on a related subject, does anybody else here on FR notice how most of the political polls on Facebook favor conservative answers on almost all of the issues, with the exceptions of polls on: the legalization of illegal drugs (most approve), gay marriage (most approve), and Sarah Palin (most don’t like her)?
Just like GWB, she refuses to defend herself in public.
So she dropped a whole 2 pts in a year, from 42 to 40? Wow. Amazing. A year in which the media and even many Republicans attacked her and her family non stop. And a year that included her resignation. Not too bad. Given the margin of error it basically means she’s stayed the same over the past year. And that’s before her book and hopefully some good publicity. By the end of the year she’ll probably be above 42.
I love how Gallup includes her and Edwards together. Edwards totally imploded, was revealed as a complete sleaze and criminal, dropping faster and worse than anyone in history to 21%. She pretty much stayed the same and slipped slightly from 42 to 40. But they make it seem comparable.
Obama meanwhile has gone from 78% to 56%, a decline of more than 25% in 9 months. I wonder if we’ll see any stories about that. “Obama’s popularity tanking even worse than Palin’s, new poll reveals” Biden went from 59% after the election to 48% in July. A decline of around 20%.
Her unfavorable skyrocketed from 49 after the election to 50 now. Obama was at 18 in January and above 40 now. “Obama’s unfavorables more than double in 9 months, new poll finds”
He went from a +60 to a +16. She went from a -7 to a -10(still within the margin of error).
And 41% among Independents. Not completely awful. I thought she was death to independents. A Gallup Poll as of Aug 23rd had Obama at 42% among pure Independents. He dropped from 75 to 52 amonmg overall independents, a 33% decline. Biden went from 55 to 38, again a close to 30% decline.
Of course her ratings will be lower as they were lower to start with. But for the most part she’s stayed failry constant the past year. Given all that has happened to her that’s pretty good, all things considered. If the past year didn’t totally finish her off, then she can only go up from here.
Think about it, the media has spent the past year praising Obama/Biden as the saviors and attacking her and ridiculing her like no one else I can remember. She’s still pretty much at the same place. Meanwhile depite their best efforts Obama/Biden have been steadily sinking.
And to be quite honest, if 21% of Americans still have a favorable view of John Edwards, this country is totally doomed anyway.
Is it fall 2011 already? Oh, its not? I’ll wait and see what happens when it is. This old guy will support her, I see the pioneer spirit in her, she is what America “was” all about. She didn’t quit, she is just attacking in another direction, in the words of the Marines at Chosin. I sense this woman is studying her battle plans, getting ready for the main attack. I would expect that of her, she isn’t as stupid as the MSM want you to believe.