Posted on 08/08/2009 6:38:12 AM PDT by kellynla
The Army National Guard is now recruiting individuals to fill job positions described as an internment/resettlement specialist according to job postings on Monster.Com and other employment based Internet sites such as one listed here. In other words, they are recruiting individuals to man facilities that could be used to house political dissidents, so-called terrorists and other individuals that the government doesnt like. The term resettlement indicates that individuals holding this job position could also be responsible for moving people to other locations against their will. It is a documented fact that the U.S. government has numerous facilities at their disposal that could easily be used to house large numbers of people. Combine that, with this new job posting by the Army National Guard, and it seems as if the U.S. government is continuing to prepare for an eventual popular uprising.
Lets look at some of the evidence we have of the U.S. governments intentions to establish the infrastructure that could be used to house large numbers of political dissidents, so-called terrorists and other individuals the U.S. government wants locked up.
HR 645 the National Emergency Centers Establishment Act is a proposed bill in the U.S. House of Representatives that would authorize FEMA to build no less than six National Emergency Centers throughout the U.S. on closed or open military facilities. These facilities are to be designed to house large numbers of people. Why would emergency centers need to be built on closed or open military facilities unless there was a need to keep people from coming in and out of them?
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Cavallaro, Gina; "Brigade homeland tours start Oct. 1"; Army Times, online, Monday Sep 8, 2008
“It is interesting that this URL has been blocked by the site owner and all traces of this story have been scrubbed from the net. It was a well known story a few years ago on FR.”
Google “question 46” and you’ll find references. “I feel lucky” will get you there straight away.
Interesting. Thanks for the lead.
The troops today are trained in what is a constitutional and legal order; much better than when dugout Doug led troops against the bonus marchers.
Well, I didn’t mention Bonus Marchers, but it’s certainly interesting.
Regarding training, I suppose it has the potential of being beneficial, but is it actually efficacious in the soldier’s decision process? I’ve had training in bomb deactivation and disposal (no kidding). It lasted all of about an hour. Would I say that I’m qualified to go around deactivating bombs and disposing of them?
There is training, and there is TRAINING. Whether your information should reassure me depends, to a great extent on the quality of said training. Since you brought it up, tell me how comfortable you are re. the quality of training on this subject (No, not bomb deactivation and disposal! You know what I mean.).
Please read the links. I don’t feel like spoon-feeding you this any longer. Shall we agree to disagree? If you want to believe that there is a scheme, going back to the Reagan administration, to round up people who are Obama’s political opponents and put them in concentration camps, that is entirely OK with me.
So you can’t find old references to RESETTLEMENT. If you could, you’d paste it right here, instead of sending me off on goose chases instead. Fine. I’ll take that. Have a nice day.
My thoughts are that we disagree. If you want to believe that there is a scheme, going back to the Reagan administration (Executive Order 12656), to round up people who are political opponents and put them in concentration camps, that is entirely OK with me. If you want to believe the worst of what happened during World War II, and second-guess those who had to make such Morton’s Fork-types of decisions, that’s fine with me, too. I’m am just grateful we won.
Good grief. There is an entire division of DHS that deals with this. It is described in Title IV, Chapter 2 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as “The Refugee Resettlement Program.” I am aware of your reluctance to look up and read actual legislation, but that isn’t my problem. We have been “resettling” people in this country since the end of World War II. DHS has its own Contingency Support Project for a possible mass exodus from Mexico, and the contracts were awarded to Haliburton. There is a separate grants program set up to house and resettle refugees from natural catastrophes such as Katrina, under HHS. If you think the government is coming to get you, in order to “resettle” you, so be it.
Wow. I wasn't aware of that, and I'm not much of a scheme-theme kind of guy. For the most part, I don't think the government is terribly good at “carry-through” on this sort of thing (WWII being a noteworthy exception). Do you think there's scheme afoot, and if so, what? I'm always interested in what others perceive to be happening. Occasionally, such perceptions hit on something, though the success rate is remarkably low (worse than Vegas). That's why this thread piqued my interest.
'Question 46,' RevisitedHowever, the study did suggest the existence of a sizable pool of military personnel willing to carry out that mission. In that particular group, 79 Marines a little more than a quarter of those surveyed replied to Question 46 in the affirmative, a response Cunningham said "showed an alarming ignorance of the Posse Comitatus Act ... and of how to treat an unlawful order."
In September 2006, - on the same day the Bush Regime effectively dismantled the habeas corpus guarantee, it inflicted what may be lethal injury to the Posse Comitatus Act as well by providing the president with the means to make the National Guard units of all 50 states into his personal army, to be deployed domestically in any way he sees fit. At least three combat brigades are now assigned to domestic duty as a homeland security force under Northern Command.
Those troops would supposedly be used for the sole purpose of dealing with catastrophic events, such as terrorism involving the use of non-conventional weapons; however, the initial report indicated that these combat veterans, during their domestic deployment, would be equipped and trained to deal with crowd control and other population management tasks. This is why the unit would be outfitted with "non-lethal" weaponry, in addition to the conventional variety.
The ends justify the means.
Well, 16 years ago when I retired officers and enlisted were both trained in the laws of war and in what constitutes a lawful order. This is not to say there are not some senior officers who would try to act on an unlawful order; putting their career advancement over the right thing to do but overall today’s military are a lot more aware than in past times. Unlike what the democrat party would like everyone to believe, the average military member is not an ignorant robot followers.
If 0bama wanted to institute martial law, or use military troops in some other way against civilians, which officers do you think would be selected to carry out his orders? Would he pick a General Petraeus type or a Wesley Clark type?
Obviously a weasel clark type and there are plenty of those but one or even a couple of general officers will not sway any large unit or part of any of the services to go along with them if the intent is unconstitutional, such as rounding up or firing on citizen dissenters who are not breaking any law.
No, of course not. Not after thoroughly explaining the entire situation and answering all of their questions before deploying them to do anything. As always every last private and lance corporal will have to be fully informed and convinced that the jags have completely approved all the actions they will be asked to perform.
I agree with the decision to use the atomic bomb, too.
And you know I'm not talking about the atomic bomb.
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