My thoughts are that we disagree. If you want to believe that there is a scheme, going back to the Reagan administration (Executive Order 12656), to round up people who are political opponents and put them in concentration camps, that is entirely OK with me. If you want to believe the worst of what happened during World War II, and second-guess those who had to make such Morton’s Fork-types of decisions, that’s fine with me, too. I’m am just grateful we won.
Wow. I wasn't aware of that, and I'm not much of a scheme-theme kind of guy. For the most part, I don't think the government is terribly good at “carry-through” on this sort of thing (WWII being a noteworthy exception). Do you think there's scheme afoot, and if so, what? I'm always interested in what others perceive to be happening. Occasionally, such perceptions hit on something, though the success rate is remarkably low (worse than Vegas). That's why this thread piqued my interest.
The ends justify the means.