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Clinton Hints At Sharing Ticket With Obama
| March 05, 2008
| Staff
Posted on 03/05/2008 5:42:39 AM PST by jdm
NEW YORK (CBS) ― Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton hinted at the possibility of a democratic "dream ticket" with Sen. Barack Obama.
Speaking on the Early Show on CBS, Clinton said "that may be where this is headed, but we have to decide who is on the top of the ticket."
Clinton said the race between her and Obama remains "incredibly close," with just "smidgens of difference" between them.
Clinton's remarks after her campaign won two big states yesterday: Ohio and Texas. She also won Rhode Island. The wins enabled her campaign to break Obama's 12-state winning streak and pick up some momentum of its own.
Speaking later on the Early Show, Obama congratulated Clinton on her victories while maintaining he would be able to wrap up the democratic nomination.
"We still have close to an insurmountable lead in delegates," Obama said. Obama said his campaign had won nearly twice as Clinton as well as a greater share of the popular vote.
TOPICS: Breaking News; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Arkansas; US: Illinois; US: New York
KEYWORDS: 2008; 2democrats1cup; arrogant; barackhusseinobama; bitchandblackie; chebama; clinton; clintonistas; clintoon; cultofobama; darthanddarkie; democratparty; derhildebeast; elections; hellary; herroyalhighness; herthighness; hildebeast; hillary; hillaryrodhamclinton; huma; mrsbillclinton; muslim; nobama; obama; obamarama; obamasama; osamabama; rats; rodham; ticket; x42
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To: HD1200 tracking with your point I almost overlooked the obvious. What was he talking about? Michelle Obama isn’t white (well, only partly). Why would he say something like that??
posted on
03/05/2008 8:24:11 AM PST
(Just say "no" to the Obama Cult and the Clinton Machine!!)
To: jdm
My tag line has been my tag line for some time now.....
posted on
03/05/2008 8:25:00 AM PST
(Hillary / Obama - 2008 <---Bet on it. She will do it to win.)
To: txrangerette
I believe he was talking about his father, not himself.
To: jdm; All
To: jdm
Drivin Mzzzzz Crazy administration will be a disaster for America !
posted on
03/05/2008 8:30:55 AM PST
(Be polite. Be professional. But, have a plan to kill everyone you meet.©)
To: HD1200
posted on
03/05/2008 8:31:42 AM PST
To: OB1kNOb
And I'm not the only one believing that a Hitlery/Osama ticket spells curtains for McInsane. I fear our chickens are about to come home to roost. this is what i've been posting for the last two weeks, and many Republicans here on FR just don't see it... they were actually voting for Hillary... and Rush was telling them to do it... dumb, dumb, dumb!
To: dfwgator; All
"Where are the white women at?"
To: jdm
Democrat dream ticket would be Teddy Roosevelt.
posted on
03/05/2008 8:34:41 AM PST
(Iron Maiden in two weeks' time.)
To: jennyjenny
Ok, thanks for that information...”talking about his father, not himself”.
But the question remains, isn’t that an odd way of putting it? That he came from Kenya and married a white woman.
The way to put it is that he married an AMERICAN woman...
posted on
03/05/2008 8:34:59 AM PST
(Just say "no" to the Obama Cult and the Clinton Machine!!)
To: stevio
“Lets hear from all those giddy Texas Republicans that voted for her yesterday. Idiots.”
I have to agree. I couldn’t live with myself if I’d voted for either of the dims, no matter what the strategy. I know of one Republican who voted for Obama just to put the stake in clintoon’s heart, but don’t know of any who voted for her.
To: Pistolshot
Would that make it the “Barack with Two Beasts” ticket as opposed to the Beast with two Backs?
posted on
03/05/2008 8:38:03 AM PST
(There once was a dream called, "Hippy Beat Down." The mere whisper of if caused cops to cry.")
To: txrangerette
Of course I think it’s odd but my guess is we’re not suppose to ever bring that up, just like we’re not suppose to say his middle name or show pictures of him he doesn’t like.
To: Brian S. Fitzgerald; All
"wheres the k-y jelly this is going to hurt really bad"
To: jdm
"Speaking on the Early Show on CBS, Clinton said "that may be where this is headed, but we have to decide who is on the top of the ticket."And there in the problem lies. Neither one is going to agree to be underdog.
posted on
03/05/2008 8:41:38 AM PST
(You are free to make choices, but not free from the consequences)
To: jdm
Regarding Obama as VP.......I can't imagine Obama hasn't heard all the gory details about Gore's VP days, especially the fact that it was Hillary herself who made Gore not much more than a thumb-twiddling, subservient, ass-clown. I don't see Obama walking into that scenario...but, much more so, I don't see Obama's WIFE allowing him to be Algore II.
posted on
03/05/2008 8:42:04 AM PST
("The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity." Yeats)
To: musicman
That rhymes with something - I just can’t put my finger on it. Probably make a good bumper sticker.
To: Blood of Tyrants
I believe the brokered convention will end up yielding a Beast/Obama ticket. The dem party will try to push this to make sure they get the White House. In the end whether they are on the same ticket or not, the two are politically the same and the same votes that would vote for Obama won’t sit out just because it is the beast and vis versa.
The hippies and idealist effected the ‘68 and ‘72 conventions and no matter what dem ran in ‘80 they would have lost after Carter’s debacle as President. The dems want the presidency and while McCain is a “maverick” and may get some crossover votes it won’t be enough to over take the loss of Conservative votes (unless McCain picks a hell of a VP).
posted on
03/05/2008 8:46:09 AM PST
A Texan
(Oderint dum metuant)
To: jdm
I think this is more calculated than people realize. She’s hoping people will hear this and think, “I really love Obama, but maybe he needs to spend some time as VP before he’s really ready. Hillary will nominate him as VP, so I’m going to vote for Hillary now even though I faint at all the Obama rallies.”
There’s no way Obama names Hillary VP if he gets the nomination though.
posted on
03/05/2008 8:46:37 AM PST
(I hated McCain before hating McCain was cool.)
To: jdm
To cite Dennis Miller and Chris Rock, Hillary and Obama on the same ticket would result in whomever was on top to be in a precarious situation...
Rock commented a decade ago that no white person would ever have a black VP because some crazy person with a gun would do his best to make sure there was a black president.
Miller posited that the most important person in an administration with Hillary as VP would be the presidential food taster...
posted on
03/05/2008 8:47:25 AM PST
(Tá mé, tá tú, tá sé...)
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