1 posted on
01/05/2008 7:35:34 PM PST by
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To: libh8er
2 posted on
01/05/2008 7:36:39 PM PST by
To: libh8er
My oh my...how I wish President Bush would take these morons on.
CHANGE FROM WHAT??? What's the problem?
Record employment! Record post-911 economy...the best in American history! Tax cuts!
4 posted on
01/05/2008 7:40:35 PM PST by
("It aint what you don't know that kills you. It's what you know that aint so" Theodore Sturgeon))
To: libh8er
Ol’ Crusty heated up? best to stand upwind of that one.
7 posted on
01/05/2008 7:41:16 PM PST by
(Semper Fi ... Godspeed ... ICE’s toll-free tip hotline —1-866-DHS-2-ICE ... 9/11 .. Never FoRGeT)
To: libh8er
I don’t know how many times she mentioned the name “Bush”.
9 posted on
01/05/2008 7:41:43 PM PST by
To: libh8er
She came unglued! Her Inner Devil barred its teeth.
10 posted on
01/05/2008 7:42:15 PM PST by
Uncle Miltie
(Vote "Tax Hike Mike!" < / sarc>)
To: libh8er
Gee! I didn’t know that Hillary herself, had the majority in Congress during the late nineties to push through CHIPS
12 posted on
01/05/2008 7:44:20 PM PST by
To: libh8er
If she can make change then where’s her nickle squirter like trolley car conductors have?
13 posted on
01/05/2008 7:44:27 PM PST by
Hillarys Gate Cult
(The man who said "there's no such thing as a stupid question" has never talked to Helen Thomas.)
To: libh8er
Welcome to FR, n00bie. Nice link. Keep it up.
18 posted on
01/05/2008 7:52:22 PM PST by
(To Err Is Human. To Arr is Pirate. To Unnngh! is Freeper.)
To: libh8er
Another poll tested word.
Pray for W and Our Troops
21 posted on
01/05/2008 7:54:32 PM PST by
(Fred, the Law and Order Candidate)
To: libh8er
Edwards and Obambi plied it on PIAPS...must have a pack one or the other will be VP...if Obambi wins nomination Edwards will be his running mate...
23 posted on
01/05/2008 7:55:00 PM PST by
(A wise man's heart is at his RIGHT hand;but a fool's heart at his LEFT. Ecc 10:2)
To: libh8er
The last time the country voted for change, we got jimmaa carter.......
25 posted on
01/05/2008 7:56:30 PM PST by
To: libh8er
Lord, she is dense. She talks about attacking the oil industry and the drug companies over the years (wonder why prices go up? Government attacking them/regulations!)
She takes pride in attacking American companies that employ Americans! Duh!
28 posted on
01/05/2008 7:58:25 PM PST by
(Ron Paul: The RIGHT way to vote for freedom.)
To: libh8er
Democrats offer change. Nickels...pennies...monopoly money.
Republicans offer what people really want
30 posted on
01/05/2008 8:02:30 PM PST by
(If it makes sense, then it doesn't belong in our public schools.)
To: libh8er
31 posted on
01/05/2008 8:04:58 PM PST by
(quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat ( Islamia Delenda Est ))
To: libh8er
36 posted on
01/05/2008 8:11:07 PM PST by
To: libh8er
Another Socialist Communist Screed from the Beast. She is nothing, and has done nothing. I pray she doesn’t get elected.
39 posted on
01/05/2008 8:14:07 PM PST by
(A King is Sovereign of his life and not a slave)
To: libh8er
Just watched the video. Holy cow! They REALLY don’t like her. Well now. As things stand she is most likely to win the nomination. She has the organization, the delegates...their files... :)
But she does not have the voters, and if she wins the nomination she will peeve the black voters for beating Obama.
She will lose in November.
We might, too, if we nominate a RINO.
To: libh8er
Hillary has lots of experience making change. I hear McDonalds is looking for counter help.
To: libh8er
To: libh8er
Anyone notice....she caught herself just in the nick of time. She bagan very irritated with...”it’s obvious.....” What she wanted to say was “it’s obvious I’m being ganged up on here.” But she knew better. She stopped her thought mid-sentence and went in another direction.
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