Posted on 11/02/2007 5:35:38 AM PDT by COUNTrecount
Newt Gingrich called in to Sean Hannity's radio program to discuss Hillary Clinton's debate performance.
Her performance in that debate was so bad, on issues that matter so much, she may not be able to recover from it This issue of Spitzer trying to give out driver's licenses to people at a time when your drivers license allows you to vote for her to trap herself into saying that creates a big wound
The fact that she said shes basically sympathetic with Rangels trillion-dollar-tax increase thats going to arouse some deep opposition. The huge Democratic tax increase allowed us to win in 1994 Then, I saw in a ticker on Fox News, when Sen. Edwards said nominating her would be a victory for a corruption machine it brings back a lot of memories of the Chinese funding scandals of 1996 It takes her winning the nomination from an 80 percent likelihood to a 50 percent. Its even money. If she doesnt turn this around quick, I may have to call back in and take it even lower.
Newt wants senators to try to get an amendment on a bill banning states from offering drivers licenses to those who are in the country illegally.
Watch her closely over the next week... if she hides... she's toast.
you are forgetting the hillary v Rick Lazio debate.........the election turned to HER at that was sad.
Perhaps. Rush Limbaugh discounts that possibility (says that she wouldn’t want to share “firsts” - first woman, first minority - at the same time. It would dilute her moment of glory).
Obama is the better debator, but he only appeals to the far left. And he’s an idiot (would attack Pakistan, but would invite North Korea and Iran to the White House for talks).
Evan Bayh is mentioned as the likely VP candidate for Hillary.
Measures that curb voter fraud on the one hand and encourage it on the other will be central to the 2008 election. The Supreme Court will rule on the constitutionality of Indiana’s photo ID law next spring, while lawsuits challenging Gov. Spitzer’s moves will be in New York state courts.
Despite her muddled comments this week, there’s no doubt where Mrs. Clinton stands on ballot integrity. She opposes photo ID laws, even though they enjoy over 80% support in the polls. She has also introduced a bill to force every state to offer no-excuse absentee voting as well as Election Day registration—easy avenues for election chicanery. The bill requires that every state restore voting rights to all criminals who have completed their prison terms, parole or probation.
A common theme amongst the left is to appease enemies and feed allies to them.
Another common theme is “why didn’t we attack X instead of teh country we’re currently confronting”.
And, one that combines the two: “Why should we prevent NK and Iran from having nukes when Israel has them?”
Newt ought ot know, the Clintons do not do anything by chance.
Look at the following:
1.) Democratic oposition to firing of 8 U.S. Attornies for not inforcing voter fraud laws.
2.) The whol immigration debate, ask yourself who benefits? Hillary in 08' more voters, 12 million of them, maybe more after a victory like that, my guess is more illegals would vote.
3.) This thing with Spizter, it's the Camel's nose under the tent for more voter fraud and to evetnually do nationally what Ted Kennedy couldn't do in the Senate.
I didn’t forget that. Lazio was rather spineless - sort of like McCain. His positions were also similar to hers, so he couldn’t effectively distinguish himself from her...and name recognition won out in a predominantly blue state.
The national stage is a completely different arena than the New York race.
I knew that Newt was off base when he said she had an 80% chance of winning in the first place.
Read this.
Sen. Hillary Clinton was asked during a debate this week if she supported New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer’s plan to give driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. At first she seemed to endorse the idea, then claimed, “I did not say that it should be done, but I certainly recognize why Governor Spitzer is trying to do it.”
The next day she took a firmer stand (sort of) by offering general support for Gov. Spitzer’s approach, but adding that she hadn’t studied his specific plan. She should, and so should the rest of us. It stops just short of being an engraved invitation for people to commit voter fraud.
The background here is the National Voter Registration Act, commonly known as “Motor Voter,” that President Bill Clinton signed into law in 1993. It required all states to offer voter registration to anyone getting a driver’s license. One simply fills out a form and checks a box stating he is a citizen; he is then registered and in most states does not have to show any ID to vote.
But no one checks if the person registering to vote is indeed a citizen. That greatly concerns New York election officials, who processed 245,000 voter registrations at DMV offices last year. “It would be [tough to catch] if someone wanted to . . . get a number of people registered who aren’t citizens and went ahead and got them drivers’ licenses,” says Lee Daghlian, spokesman for New York’s Board of Elections. Assemblywoman Ginny Fields, a Long Island Democrat, warns that the state’s “Board of Elections has no voter police” and that the state probably has upwards of 500,000 illegal immigrants old enough to drive.
Rudy worships at the Church of Whatever Works for Me.
Rooty offends the sensibilities of patriotic Americans nurtured by a democracy built on freedom of religion. Giuliani is a gun-grabbing abortion worshipping RINO who is working assiduously to religiously cleanse the Repub party.
Patriots would be subjugated to second-class citizenship. A religiously-cleansed America, devoid of The Founder's principles, would perforce adhere to Rooty's irrational, valueless mentality, one that has no relevance to sacrosanst American traditions.
In an increasingly dangerous secular society, it is heartening that a candidate such as Romney not only espouses a faith but actually defends his faith to voters.
Do we really want Rudy's irrational, religiously cleansed mindset in our White House, controlling the levers of government?
Yes, it is differnent. And when Lazio approached Hillary on stage she played the female card and won. She used the Secret Service to keep reporters away from her and thus was asked NO tough questions. She still can’t handle a tough question it seems.
My guess is they know she can't win nationally, she is to polarizing, their only way to win is to cheat. And the American public doesn't necessarily see that, but this whole immigration thing is just a matter of right and wrong and it doesn't sit right with them.
She is bucking that trend.
They stole it from Nixon in 60' and he was a gentlemen about it.
They tried in 2000' and were to cute by half and blew it.
Her latest lap dog doing the dirty work of the Clinton Machine is Spitzer, love to see what file she has on him..... She is trying to rig it again if you ask me, the question is, will the Democratic Machine finally jettison the Clinton's? Have they had enough yet? There has got to be a lot of rank and file Dem's that in the booth will not pull the lever for her in primaries. IF Henny Youngman was still alive he could do a Borsch Belt comedy routine based on her, she is so not-likeable. I got to think a lot of folks just won't be able to pull the lever.
Hillary wants to pretend to be a New Yorker and that traps her into supporting (or at least giving silent approval to) the looney ideas from other New York Democrats.
“Dont start popping corks just yet. HitLIARY is slimey and as dangerous as she ever was. The traitors at the MSM will play all of this down to ensure that her coronation takes place on schedule. After all, they have a huge investment in kowtowing to and giving a pass to anything Clinton to start telling the truth about her now.”
Exactly right. When push comes to shove, ALL “Journalistic integrity” goes out the window. Look what happened to Rush and the 2.1 million dollar “Dingy Harry” auction... a complete mainstream media blackout. “News? Who cares. This makes democrats look bad, so it’s NOT going to be reported... period.” When election-time comes, they’ll dish out anything ANYONE says negatively about the Republican candidate (no matter who it is, or how true it is), and Hillary will get creampuff questions while her opponent will be pictured as a sexist “bully” who is unfairly doing everything they can to stop this brave, courageous, intelligent woman from ending up in the White House.
She's lucky there are only 50 states!!!
I wish he wouldn’t push for this legislation. If it passed, it would prevent Leftists from pushing this as part of their agenda.
The more they push this issue, the more sure our victory is.
Lazio let her play the female card. Lazio was spineless.
I don’t think it will be as effective to play the female card in the POTUS election. With a more conservative electorate (in the national election rather than the New York election), playing the female card might work against her. Even moderate democrats will not want a CIC who’s going to depend on her vagina-ownership to defend our country.
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