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BREAKING: FOX reporting IDF has video proving Qana building had launchers
Posted on 07/30/2006 7:16:37 AM PDT by AZRepublican
Just breaking on FOX that the IAF has viedo of the bombing of the Qana building that proves rocket launchers were present. More to follow soon...
TOPICS: Breaking News; Israel; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 2006israelwar; alqaeda; hamas; hezbollah; islam; israel; killalqaeda; killhamas; killhezbollah; lebanon; mohamedanmedia; muhammadsminions; muslim; qana; terrorists
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To: Shqipo
Quite right. "Woe is us, the oh-so-innocent victim" is a propaganda strategy.
posted on
07/30/2006 1:04:52 PM PDT
To: Jameison
its getting better..not only were there childern in that building from 2 extended families but also childern from a handicapped center CNN just reported
To: ARealMothersSonForever
"I clearly and unequivocally state that the government of Lebanon, the faction of Hizb, AND the Israeli government all share fault. "
It's Israel's fault that they withdrew from Lebanon in 2000, as per UN resolution 1559, and the Lebanese government and the UN then failed to get Hizbullah forces out of South Lebannon like they were supposed to?
It's also Israel's fault that the rabid Hizbullah vermin abducted 2 Israeli soldiers and started this war, is it?
And its Israel's fault that Hizbulah keep firing Katyusha rockets deliberatel;y aimed near exclusively at civilians targets too, yes?
Lemme know when you stop smoking crack will ya?
To: janetjanet998
"not only were there childern in that building from 2 extended families but also childern from a handicapped center CNN just reported"
It merely means the rabid Hizbullah gathered all the handicapped children they could in one building, and started shooting their rockets just besides that building.
Further proof of the utter inhumanity of these Islamofacist vermin, that's all.
The bombing will continue unabated.
To: DCPatriot; Phocion
Reports are that the missle struck adjacent to the building (where the rocket launchers were) and that the concussion of the blast pancaked the building holding the cowering women, children and old men. . [human shields]
posted on
07/30/2006 1:16:23 PM PDT
To: Jameison; Darksheare; MikefromOhio
That will come as a surprise to General Franco, and all those who have won hundreds of civil wars all over the world against enemies who did not fit "a clear definition of the enemy state". Great to see you revere a man that committed unspeakable atrocities. The lack of a concise statement of a position on the Israeli/Lebanon conflict leaves many of us with the impression that you are a rabble-rouser. Enjoy your brief stay.
To: ARealMothersSonForever
"Great to see you revere a man that committed unspeakable atrocities. "
This was a direct answer to your this sweeping statement from you:
""Absent a clear definition of the enemy state, it is impossible to wage and decisively win a war."
And to prove that you were wrong.
There is no "revere" of anybody.
Just facts.
You are all over the place ain't ya? Once you lose one argument, you swiftly try and change to something else altogether. Its not working.
To: Howlin
RE; Daily Live ThreadThanks Howlin....that's what I do.
When I leave the forum for a few hours, I return and start at my bookmark or at the top of the current latest 100 posts and catch up there.
if there is something of great importance, I work backwards until I find it.
posted on
07/30/2006 1:29:07 PM PDT
("It aint what you don't know that kills you. It's what you know that aint so" Theodore Sturgeon)
To: DCPatriot
Why didn't you just post this information on the daily LIVE thread???I disagree, this appears to be bigger than what's posted on the daily LIVE chat thread. I think it deserves it's own thread.
posted on
07/30/2006 1:32:58 PM PDT
Jean S
To: ARealMothersSonForever
"The lack of a concise statement of a position on the Israeli/Lebanon conflict leaves many of us with the impression that you are a rabble-rouser"
Nothing to say to my talking apart your false statements huh?
"Lack of concise statement" eh?
Where'd you cut and paste that crap from?
"Enjoy your brief stay."
How much you wanna bet on that?
To: metesky
You forgot "buy as many seats in the UN as possible."
posted on
07/30/2006 1:46:16 PM PDT
(Uni-FAIL - UN peace keeping force in Lebanon has lived up to its name.)
To: bert
First the spellin police, then the grammer police, now the thread police. Heh.
My own personal favorite is the Compassion Police.
Although you don't get too many of these on Freeper threads I used to write for a group Blog and the place was filthy with Compassion Police.
"Have you no compassion?" went the mantra. Often this was in connection with my unbridled assertion that homosexuals should not be allowed to get married and for me to say such showed my complete lack of compassion.
There's always someone who has to be teeny, tiny, small when confronted with a differing opinion, especially opinions that lay as lie to all they choose to believe in their isolated little world.
Sorry, got off topic. But your cute little post spurred me on.
posted on
07/30/2006 1:48:04 PM PDT
( Search the word "kaitlyn" on FreeRepublic for my Blog posts)
To: Howlin
"Is somebody forcing you to read it?"
I'm not reading it... I checked it out and it wasn't worthwhile.
To: babygene
That's your opinion; no need to trash anybody about it.
posted on
07/30/2006 1:52:49 PM PDT
(Pres.Bush ought to be ashamed of himself for allowing foreign countries right on our borders!!~~Zook)
To: paulat
"I avoid the "live" thread like the plague. Full of small talk totally unrelated to this war, and hard to find actual news. Seemed like a good idea when they set it up, but now it seems more like a chat room."
100% AGREE!
To: DCPatriot
"Reports are that the missle struck adjacent to the building (where the rocket launchers were) and that the concussion of the blast pancaked the building holding the cowering women, children and old men."...Who no doubt went there with their loaves of bread, gotten from the bombed-out marketplaces at cost of great injury/death/mental anguish in order to hide from the Zionist Occupiers.
This pattern is DECADES OLD and DARNED tiresom. EVERY TIME Israel has the moral high ground, some international support (thanks to President Bush, that international support is at an unprecedented level) one of these staged "massacres" happens...and the media conveniently never notices just HOW convenient the "massacre" is; they just vapidly report how the Zionists are annhilating innocent women and children in wheelchairs who simply cowered in a military target because they all just suddenly thought "Hey, there's the perfect place to hide from the Zionist bombs!"
DUH! Those people are partly nutballs hoping for Muslim paradise as martyrs and mostly innocent people driven in at gunpoint by the Islamist nuballs hoping for Muslim paradise. There is no mystery here and hasn't been for over three decades.
We now return you to your original thread, so I can catch up on all the hundreds of posts.
posted on
07/30/2006 1:56:36 PM PDT
(One presidential visit to Baghdad is worth 1000 pathetic declarations of defeat from the left)
To: Eastbound
is that the building in Qana?
To: ARealMothersSonForever
Wow, that's intelligent. Someone uses history to refute your point and you come back by insinuating he's a fascist. There are plenty of good websites out there - this one doesn't need your drivel.
To: DCPatriot
Checking articles posted using keyword "2006ISRAELWAR" will show only the titles related to this war.
You can scan them fast and find threads of interest.
As new events occur they're key-worded quite quickly.
posted on
07/30/2006 2:08:42 PM PDT
To: All
What angryjordanian posted must have been really interesting. Shame I missed it.
posted on
07/30/2006 2:13:12 PM PDT
(One presidential visit to Baghdad is worth 1000 pathetic declarations of defeat from the left)
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