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Jobs Americans Won't Do?
Business & Media Institute ^ | June 7, 2006 | Amy Menefee

Posted on 06/08/2006 11:22:20 AM PDT by freemarket_kenshepherd

The much-criticized claim about “jobs Americans won’t do” seems to have left the president’s vocabulary. But though opponents of illegal immigration call the jobs claim a myth, the network news media have adopted it as an argument that needed addressing.

“The American people are the ones hiring these people in many cases to do jobs they don’t want to do,” NBC’s Matt Lauer reminded his “Today” guest on May 1. “Few people question the ability of illegal immigrants to work hard and, according to labor statistics, work cheap on jobs most Americans are unwilling to do,” said CBS’s Byron Pitts on the April 10 “Evening News.”

The media are famous for embracing political phrases and running with them – but not usually those of George W. Bush. Back in 2004, Bush was saying “there are good, honorable, hardworking people here doing jobs Americans won’t do.” He stuck with that phrase, but his language changed recently, as the “CBS Evening News” showed May 18. “We’ve got people sneaking across here because they want to work. And I think it makes sense for them to have an orderly way to come on a temporary basis to do jobs Americans aren’t doing.”

Though Bush has gone from jobs Americans “won’t do” to “aren’t doing,” other administration officials haven’t gotten the memo. White House adviser Dan Bartlett appeared on CNN’s “The Situation Room” May 26 saying, “And we need to have a system that is above board, across the board that deals with the realities of our economy and the realities of workers who are doing jobs that Americans won’t do.”

Even the left-leaning Pew Hispanic Center proved that point was incorrect. [end excerpt]

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Business/Economy; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: aliens; bushbash; illegalimmigration; immigrantlist; immigration; jobs; labor; presidentbush
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1 posted on 06/08/2006 11:22:22 AM PDT by freemarket_kenshepherd
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To: freemarket_kenshepherd

Here's a job Americans won't do... report the news objectively. I'd learn Spanish if I could get the truth out of a MSM outlet.

2 posted on 06/08/2006 11:23:56 AM PDT by thoughtomator (A thread without a comment on immigration is not complete)
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To: freemarket_kenshepherd

I'm still waiting to hear back about that $50 an hour lettuce picking job.

3 posted on 06/08/2006 11:25:41 AM PDT by cripplecreek (Never a minigun handy when you need one.)
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To: 1_Inch_Group; 2sheep; 2Trievers; 3AngelaD; 3pools; 3rdcanyon; 4Freedom; 4ourprogeny; 7.62 x 51mm; ..


4 posted on 06/08/2006 11:28:04 AM PDT by gubamyster
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To: gubamyster

The President just said those words yesterday...."jobs americans don't do"

5 posted on 06/08/2006 11:29:29 AM PDT by Blue Turtle
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To: Blue Turtle
The President just said those words yesterday...."jobs americans don't do"

"Jobes Americans won't do" would include CEOs of major corporations, bond traders and investment bankers - if they paid only $3.50/hr.

6 posted on 06/08/2006 11:31:48 AM PDT by detroitdarien
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To: cripplecreek
They really don't want an answer to this question. Because, the answer will be -- "there are millions of able people on welfare. Put them to work."

Seriously, people are on welfare are at the lower end of society -- moms with 12 kids, drug addicts, etc.. Not sure how reliable they would be as workers.

Then again, maybe "forcing " them to work would help them get out of their hole. After all, they'd be learning a skill.

This was the belief before the sixties -- a person must carry their own weight otherwise they wont have any self respect. Self respect was important back then.
7 posted on 06/08/2006 11:35:31 AM PDT by dhs12345
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To: freemarket_kenshepherd

We should continue to document evidence showing that Americans WILL DO those jobs.

Here's what appears to be some evidence in a post I put on this thread:


According to the following, those illegals pushed out Americans willing to work for the SAME AMOUNT OF MONEY:

Back in April, there was THIS story about American workers pushed out by Mexican aliens in the Katrina cleanup:


An Alabama employment agency that sent 70 laborers and construction workers to job sites in that state in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina says the men were sent home after just two weeks on the job by employers who told them "the Mexicans had arrived" and were willing to work for less.

Linda Swope, who operates Complete Employment Services Inc. in Mobile, Ala., told The Washington Times last week that the workers -- whom she described as U.S. citizens, residents of Alabama and predominantly black -- had been "urgently requested" by contractors hired to rebuild and clear devastated areas of the state, but were told to leave three job sites when the foreign workers showed up.

"After Katrina, our company had 70 workers on the job the first day, but the companies decided they didn't need them anymore because the Mexicans had arrived," Mrs. Swope said. "I assure you it is not true that Americans don't want to work.

"We had been told that 270 jobs might be available, and we could have filled every one of them with men from this area, most of whom lost their jobs because of the hurricane," she said. "When we told the guys they would not be needed, they actually cried ... and we cried with them. This is a shame."


So, the way it appears, first the aliens pushed out Americans for those jobs by agreeing to work for lower pay, and now they're whining about the low pay and poor working conditions.

But look closer: Though the article above says the illegals are working for $10/hour, and that documented workers earn $16.50/hour, the first article said the Americans were willing to work for $10/hour:


>>>> "The men we sent to jobs in Alabama were local fellows looking for work, men who needed jobs," Mrs. Swope said. "After driving 50 miles to the work sites where they had been promised $10 an hour, they discovered the employers had found substitutes who were willing to work for less."<<<<

From the original source:

8 posted on 06/08/2006 11:36:42 AM PDT by Tired of Taxes (That's taxes, not Texas. I have no beef with TX. NJ has the highest property taxes in the nation.)
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To: freemarket_kenshepherd

There are a lot of jobs Amercans won't do. If you're paying $4 an hour, that is.

9 posted on 06/08/2006 11:38:36 AM PDT by mysterio
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To: dhs12345

" Not sure how reliable they would be as workers."

They would become reliable real quik when there wasn't a place to live and nothing to eat.

10 posted on 06/08/2006 11:39:49 AM PDT by dalereed
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To: dhs12345; All

Get rid of welfare and the people will do menial jobs..

11 posted on 06/08/2006 11:40:13 AM PDT by KevinDavis (
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To: freemarket_kenshepherd
"Jobs Americans won't do" isn't quite accurate. But to say there are some jobs that some Americans won't do is completely accurate.

I've got a client that offers some very good unskilled jobs. In the waiting room for people filling out applications, they run a video containing testimonials from current employees. The testimonials all are about how hard and how demanding the job is. They also talk about the good pay and benefits, but really emphasize that its hard work.

Not surprisingly, an initial group of 25 may whittle down to 10-15 by the time the tape is done. The truth is that there are some people who simply do not want to do the tough jobs. And there are plenty of other people who may accept those jobs, and then not show up, show up drunk, show up late, etc. repeatedly. So they get fired.

There are reasons some people are chronically unemployed, and it has nothing to do with wages or benefits. There are millions of people who lack the personal drive and sense of personal responsibility necessary to get and hold a job. Now maybe if you completely eliminated public assistance, drug dealing, petty crime, etc., you might be able to change those people. But that's not going to happen. So the reality is there are jobs out there than cannot be filled reliably by Americans, because the Americans who would be willing to fill those jobs already have jobs of their own.

Like it or not, that's the way it is.

12 posted on 06/08/2006 11:43:41 AM PDT by XJarhead
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To: Blue Turtle

Americans "don't do", or are too lazy to do? Why should they when Americans get paid more from unemployment, welfare, etc.? Cut back on the free money and we'll see Americans picking lettuce again.

13 posted on 06/08/2006 11:43:46 AM PDT by Ex-Democrat Dean
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To: Blue Turtle

"Jobs americans don't do"

Like software development? Is that why they doubled the H1-Bs?

We're being sold out!

14 posted on 06/08/2006 11:47:42 AM PDT by FreeInWV
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To: freemarket_kenshepherd

Actually, there are a lot of jobs that Americans won't do, and they're not necessarily badly paid. It's simply that people with the educational and skills level for them (low) are either collecting their "baby mama's" welfare or are living off of their drug sales.

Roofing laborers, painters helpers, construction grunts, etc. are all receiving $10-14 per hour in my area, but there is a definite shortage of native-born folks who want to do it - or can show up for work more than a day or two in succession because of their drug or alcohol habit. We do have some serious problems with the lower-skills end of the American work-force.

Americans also never see a low-skills job as a step to a higher-skills, higher paid job. A lot of the Mexicans and Central Americans and Brazilians do, however, and they have started off as laborers and ended up owning their own companies. But many lower-skilled Americans have lost their impetus and seem to think that starting at ground level is way beneath them. Even though they can barely read and write, have criminal records, etc., they seem to think that having to go to work every day is an indignity.

15 posted on 06/08/2006 11:48:29 AM PDT by livius
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To: FreeInWV
"Jobs americans don't do"

Like software development? Is that why they doubled the H1-Bs?

We're being sold out!

There is a narrative on this board that assumes that underemployment is a function of laziness, lack of drive., etc. BS. Many people I know worked long and hard, with advanced technical degrees, only to find themselves "outsourced". The blandishments about "re-tooling" and "re-educating" are insulting. These people could pick up on any new technology if they were employed. Most of us who are not trust-funded do not have the start-up cash many businesses need, nor are we able to tell the mortgage companies and utilities to "hold off a year or two" while we get a new idea off the ground. The reality for even the professional classes is that we rely on a paycheck to live - a a $4/hr job picking lettuce is not going to do it.

If the US is going to be a technological leader, it needs its technological, professional classes.

16 posted on 06/08/2006 12:12:39 PM PDT by detroitdarien
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To: livius
An interesting question:

Roofing laborers, painters helpers, construction grunts, etc. are all receiving $10-14 per hour in my area, but there is a definite shortage of native-born folks who want to do it - or can show up for work more than a day or two in succession because of their drug or alcohol habit. We do have some serious problems with the lower-skills end of the American work-force.

Here in the Washington DC area when I was growing up 50's to 60's the lower skilled parts of building construction and roofing were predominately done by two groups; local blacks and white guys from down in the Valley of Virginia and near in West Va. counties. When my father had a roof put on his house in the mid-60's it was the same mix of workers doing the job.

In 2002 I had a roof replaced. The stripping crew were all older black men who had been with the company for a good while. They were very efficient and finished in a day and hauled away all the debris. The roofing crew were all Hispanic, Central Americans I suspect. They were a nightmare to deal with. The work they did was good quality it is that they never did much. The replacement of a simple rambler roof and putting on new gutters stretched into a 14 day ordeal. I was on the phone with the owner almost every day asking when his crew would be there or why they took off early (as in 2PM). When they were around they worked very slowly and it was rare for all of the crew to be working at the same time. These events took place right after Thanksgiving and apparently many Latinos consider the whole period from Turkey Day to the end of the 12 Days of Christmas to be a sort of extended semi-holiday. The firm's owner had a large job going on a building in DC and that is where he was spending his time literally sitting on the site to see that the workers spent 8 hours there.

I had to followup and have the owner bring people back to finish several parts of the job left undone. After these people finally departed I must have picked up half a peck of dropped roofing nails as well as numerous stray shingles and hardware used to attach gutters. I even found a complete belt of roofing nails ready to be put into a nail gun, apparently dropped off the roof. As I said the quality of work was good but the manner of doing the job was a shambles. This was also not any cut rate firm but a long established roofing company that does full spectrum work to include historical reproductions. It is not a Latino owned firm. I thought by picking such a company I would get outstanding service.
17 posted on 06/08/2006 12:13:23 PM PDT by robowombat
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To: freemarket_kenshepherd
There is no such thing as jobs Americans won't do.

Plain and simple propaganda spin.

18 posted on 06/08/2006 12:14:43 PM PDT by G.Mason (Others have died for my freedom; now this is my mark ... Marine Corporal Jeffrey Starr, KIA 04-30-05)
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To: cripplecreek

AND, $50 an hour without paying taxes!

19 posted on 06/08/2006 12:14:45 PM PDT by SMARTY ("Stay together, pay the soldiers and forget everything else." Lucius Septimus Severus)
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To: livius

This is just so much b.s. Complete the sentence.

Was: "Jobs that Americans won't do."

Is: "Jobs that Americans won't do for those wages."

Pay me 25 bucks an hour and I'll take any job out there, but I'll be darned if I'll leave my present job at 25 bucks an hour for anything less. And why should I?

20 posted on 06/08/2006 12:14:58 PM PDT by Arizona Pard (Tracers work both ways)
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