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LIVE THREAD: Day ONE - Senate debate on nomination of Samuel Alito to SCOTUS: C-span 2; 9:30 am EST
Posted on 01/25/2006 5:46:02 AM PST by ken5050
Good morning once again, all you fellow political junkies. Put on a fresh pot of coffee, put the sticky buns in the oven, put a fresh battery in the remote control, and join us for the latest episode of the world's greatest daytime soap opera, "As the Democrats Bloviate." Yup, once again, it's that time...
TOPICS: Breaking News; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: 109th; alito; alitovote; scotus
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To: kjam22
DIABETEES!!! What's this drunk talking about now? You got me .. maybe Alito hates diabetics too ??
Oh Goodie .. Dick Durbin is up now
posted on
01/25/2006 8:40:55 AM PST
(Republicans protect Americans from Terrorists.. Democrats protect Terrorists from Americans)
To: syriacus
Asbestos sufferers?? Give me a break, please! That is the biggest of the trial lawyer's scams and has put more than one reputable company out of business. If someone is suffering lung problems, unless you were a miner, it is likely from some other ailment, like smoking or pollution related asthma. If the WTC had been completed with asbestos fire proofing (IIRC they had been partially insulated with asbestos and either had to rip it out or finished the upper stories with some sort of foam insulation), they may not have been weakened to the extent that they collapsed, or at least the collapse would have been delayed.
posted on
01/25/2006 8:40:55 AM PST
("If I wanted to break the law - why was I briefing Congress?" -- W, 01/23/06)
To: Mo1
Yeah....and I have heard Biden say, on two occasions, that the Supreme Court MAKES laws.
He needs the dunce chair right next to Kennedy.
To: confederacy of dunces
Yep..... here's Durbin. Kennedy is off now taking some ridlin with his martini.
posted on
01/25/2006 8:41:03 AM PST
To: PatriotGirl827
I figured as much - even though I did call his office to press my support for Alito. I'm going to call his office and tell him to vote NO. I know he's already gonna vote NO so telling him I want him to vote yes is moot.
But after I tell them I want him to vote no I'm gonna tell him it's because it'll be just that much easier to defeat him in this years election!
To: Mo1
I think Teddy needs a royal title. I dub the Sir Rhosis.
To: YaYa123
Rush's "Sammy the Big Gavel Alito" parody ad now seems tame and reasonable compared to the craziness the 'rats are actually hurling against Alito.
Lets hope they don't have any shocking hidden camera footage of him playing tennis like the dastardly Scalia. That would bring a filibuster on for sure.
posted on
01/25/2006 8:41:22 AM PST
(The MSM - America's (domestic) public enemy #1.)
To: SandyInSeattle
LOL....Frist has scheduled them to be in until 11PM!!!
I want to see Teddy give the LAST speech tonight! What a hoot...
To: confederacy of dunces
BUT--he's not LOBBYING his fellow senators when he urgently
URGES them to vote against Alito--nonononononono!! All those democrats are voting with an open mind, yessireebob.
posted on
01/25/2006 8:42:03 AM PST
(CJ in TX)
To: syriacus
Durbin likes courts to establish new rights -- like privacy.
Of course when he first ran for office, Duplicitous Dick Durbin supported the idea of an amendment against abortion.
posted on
01/25/2006 8:42:28 AM PST
("Job discrim-in-i-Cation" --- Tedward Kennedy coinage, 1/23/2006)
To: maggief
Leahy-Kennedy-Turbin Durbin
The Dessert Cart Rolls On
posted on
01/25/2006 8:42:55 AM PST
Founding Father
(The War Against Western Civilization Has Begun)
To: Hillarys Gate Cult
Oh Goodie Dick is talking about how Conservatives (Alito) want to take back the Civil Rights Act
Ummmm ... what party was it that voted it in ??
posted on
01/25/2006 8:43:10 AM PST
(Republicans protect Americans from Terrorists.. Democrats protect Terrorists from Americans)
To: pillut48
If Judge Alito is the sole cause for the downfall of the entire Western civilization, then, what are they going to blame Bush for from now on???
To: syriacus
Drubin making the case that Bush should have appointed Sandra D. Oconnor Jr.
posted on
01/25/2006 8:43:20 AM PST
To: SandyInSeattle
Kennedy is talking about the rights of prisoners...and of course my heart bleeds for them...but when he talks about prisoners with diabetes...It makes me question Alito.
What kind of man hates people with a life altering, sometimes fatal, disease?
My question is rhetorical and sarcastic. I don't think Teddy was successful in persuading anyone.
posted on
01/25/2006 8:43:35 AM PST
(The rat 06 election platform will be a promise to impeach the President if they win.)
To: Txsleuth
"It's not another run-of-the-mill vacancy we are filling, it's the seat of Sandra Day O'Connor"??????
Dang, no wonder the dems want embryonic stem cell research so much--they desperately want a CLONE of her!!!
What kind of stupid nonsense is this man putting out?? Oy.
Never mind, it all comes back to ABORTION. Just say it, people!! ABORTIONABORTIONABORTION!!! Gads.
posted on
01/25/2006 8:43:49 AM PST
(CJ in TX)
To: kjam22
Kennedy has run the gammet. Alito is going to be in the pocket of the repubs. Will roll back 1964 civil rights acts. Hates poor people, minorities, and people of no standing. Will not PROTECT individual rights. Has done a lousy job in his current position yada yada yada..... Yeah, but has Alito ever murdered anyone? Oh, wait, I guess that would be okay. What was I thinking?
To: loveliberty2
Wow! Nice catch from the Communist Party's own publicity. I wonder who they share offices with? Medea Benjamin? Brian Becker? Ramsey Clarke?
posted on
01/25/2006 8:44:27 AM PST
(We are fighting the War for the Free World. Democrats and the media are not on our side.)
To: vollmond
About 20 years ago I saw the House of Commons and House of Lords in action in a tour. Not sure if this is still possible without a security colonoscopy.
Anyway the difference was amazing. the Commons was a madhouse and the Lords were asleep (literally, half were - it looked like they were sleeping off a 5 beer lunch).
posted on
01/25/2006 8:44:32 AM PST
(The only reason you are still conscious is because I don't want to carry you. - Jack)
To: maggief
Mark Levin leaves the "Durbin" part off of the name you just posted....LOL
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