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Bad Boys (FBI finds "deserting" police on New Orleans payroll don't exist)
Fox News ^
| September 27, 2005
| Tony Snow
Posted on 09/28/2005 1:11:57 AM PDT by Cincinatus' Wife
Edited on 09/28/2005 3:09:04 AM PDT by Admin Moderator.
Hours before New Orleans Police Superintendent Eddie Compass announced his resignation, Tony relayed some hot information he had heard from his Capitol Hill sources. It regarded an FBI investigation currently under way.
You can go to the source above and listen to that segment of his radio show.
Direct Audio Link
TOPICS: Breaking News; Crime/Corruption; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: badcops; bigeasy; bigsleazy; blanco; compass; constructivefraud; corruptdems; corruption; crookcompass; crooks; d; dirtyrats; donutwatch; eddiecompass; filthyrats; fraud; incompetence; katrina; katrinafailures; landrieu; leo; mediahatestruth; mediaisevil; medialies; moneywhores; nagin; nawleansiscrooked; neworleans; nopd; norebuilding; phantomcops; police; racketeering; rats; rico; rita; tonysnow
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To: getmeouttaPalmBeachCounty_FL
Sometimes you can get information from the Dallas County Appraisal District website, which lets you search by name or address. I doubt it would be updated so quickly though, it takes 4-6 months for new data to appear.
To: Designer
I*'m not! read the threads a little bit better.
posted on
09/28/2005 10:43:56 AM PDT
To: Cincinatus' Wife
I opined that this was the case many days ago. People just refuse to acknowledge the extreme extent of the corruption in the State of Louisiana and in the dim party itself.
Nam Vet
posted on
09/28/2005 10:44:32 AM PDT
Nam Vet
(Don't imagine you can change a dedicated liberal-unless he's in diapers.)
I don't assume it will be rebuilt in such low areas. No one has signed off on any details yet. That will be a big consideration in any rebuilding..."Uhhhhhh, you say you want to build that WHERE?" I don't THINK so............LOLOL!
To: TheErnFormerlyKnownAsBig
So you're not on the N.O.P.D. payroll?They couldn't afford me. 8>)
posted on
09/28/2005 10:46:38 AM PDT
Horatio Gates
(I do not like Code Pink and Sheehan. I do not like them Sam I am.)
To: leadhead
Wouldn't "Churchlady" have a reply to this!Uh huh:
"How conveeeeeeenient."
To: flutters
To: Night Hides Not
Of the 700 "phantom" cops, how many are minorities?Good question. This should ring a few bells with other city admin types around the country fudging the books. I'm sure this is happening elswhere. Check out post 603
posted on
09/28/2005 10:54:44 AM PDT
Horatio Gates
(I do not like Code Pink and Sheehan. I do not like them Sam I am.)
They're asking for it. Don't mean they're gonna get it!
posted on
09/28/2005 10:55:19 AM PDT
To: Night Hides Not
posted on
09/28/2005 10:55:23 AM PDT
Horatio Gates
(I do not like Code Pink and Sheehan. I do not like them Sam I am.)
To: Cincinatus' Wife
oops! Remember, this is an ACCOUNTING error on the part of the Democrat run government in LA.
Karma works brothers and sisters!
posted on
09/28/2005 10:57:08 AM PDT
( Anál nathrach, orth' bháis's bethad, do chél dénmha)
To: Horatio Gates
603 was pretty good, too.
I apologize if I repeated anybody's views/comments, but my eyes glaze over at a thread longer than 150 posts.
posted on
09/28/2005 10:59:15 AM PDT
Night Hides Not
(The only NOC list containing the name of Valerie Plame was stolen by Ethan Hunt.)
To: KSApplePie_two
I happened to catch the Compass interview with Dr. Phil (don't ask me how). Compass said during the chaos that he was almost kidnapped! What's up with that? I kinda thought that was weird. Maybe he made it up. Who knows, but the guy looked looks about as trustworthy as John F'n Kerry.
posted on
09/28/2005 10:59:46 AM PDT
(The Republican Party: We Suck Less.)
To: getmeouttaPalmBeachCounty_FL
it's for the appraisal website.
I checked for Nagin R and no records pulled up - too soon on the purchase unless he has it listed under someone else's name or corporation name.
It's unbelievable that you can find anyone that way.
To: Designer
Don't include me in that post.
My family is more diverse than the UN.
My reply was in response to that.
And yes, we have a Cajun, too.
To: billygoatgruff
And like clockwork, Blanco's refusal to answer Brown's charges under oath get shoved under the carpet as DeLay gets indicted.....
To: Danae
Remember, this is an ACCOUNTING error on the part of the Democrat run government in LA.
Did they really claim this? Damn those decimal points!
This is funny!! NOT
The first thing that went through this old head is...
"Is that why they could not get the bus drivers too???"
posted on
09/28/2005 11:23:27 AM PDT
To: msnimje
where was all that money going? we need to know. this is a democrat run state.
To: wildbill
You're probably right...however, this would be so easy to uncover. There are records outside of NO that can be checked. ALL police officer candidates undergo an NCIC check for criminal backgrounds to include fingerprint search. They also have to be certified with the State as police officers (another record outside of NO) and there would be training records, daily assignment sheets...God, this is too easy. I used to do financial investigations on a PD in Ohio and the drug dealers were smarter than this....Can I please volunteer to work this case!!!!
posted on
09/28/2005 11:27:14 AM PDT
(spending WAY too much time here)
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