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Chief Justice William Rehnquist just died!

Posted on 09/03/2005 8:07:24 PM PDT by kcvl

Per CNN...

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KEYWORDS: anncoulter4scjustice; anotherhurricane; appointjrbrown; appointkrauthammer; appointralphreed; bigopportunity; chiefjustice; definingmoments; democratsimplode; demssuck; eatthisdems; findtheyoungest; funtimesahead; goodbyegoodman; gowgowgowgo; hardballbegins; interestingtimes; janicerogersbrown; justtryintohangon; michaelluttig; nominateluttig; obituary; overturnroevwade; rehnquist; saddayinamerica; scotus; suckstobeadem; suckstobedean; suckstobehillary; suckstobekerry; supremecourt
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To: deport

"fashioned decisions over the years that diluted the powers of the federal government while strengthening those of the states."

They just can't help putting a leftist slant on things. Justice Rehnquist did NOT "dilute the powers of the federal government"; he followed, or tried to, the policy of judicial restraint and the Constitution vis-a-vis states' rights.

1,161 posted on 09/04/2005 12:15:02 AM PDT by hsalaw
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To: kcvl
Just... damn. Well he said he wasn't going to retire. I had an inkling that his illness was too serious for him to survive for very long based on what information I was able to gain. I'm sorry he's been lost and wasn't able to make it to his 20th year as Chief Justice.

That's TWO important SCOTUS appointments Bush *must* get right just in order to maintain the status quo of he court.

RIP, William H Rehnquist.

1,162 posted on 09/04/2005 12:19:00 AM PDT by newzjunkey (Cindy Sheehan: "All You Are Saying Is Give APPEASEMENT A Chance!")
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To: DB
Now all we need is a large earthquake in California

Last night's shaker just south of San Diego was more than sufficient, thanks.

1,163 posted on 09/04/2005 12:21:36 AM PDT by newzjunkey (Cindy Sheehan: "All You Are Saying Is Give APPEASEMENT A Chance!")
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To: Justanobody

Why does everyone think that waiting to confirm Roberts before nominating a new CJ is a good idea? The Dems don't control squat. They can only make one fight. Excessive patisanship now with the NO Katrina relief will look even more petty and shrill.

Bush should nominate a replacement in due course. The Dems won't be able to dominate the news cycle with their drivel. Their fight will collapse. By elevating an existing Justice to CJ would permut three fights, none of which would be strong enough to be a serious threat.

Further, there is a common thought expressed here that another SC nomination will somehow overtax Bush. That's such crap. There's plenty of time in the day to address all that's going on. In fact. it may actually be better, because it keeps him focussed on important things rather than the minor stuff that dominated the Clinton presidency.

The media can only handle one fight at a time. With all that's going on, they won't be able to chisel away at the edges. Look for Bush's approval ratings to go up.

1,164 posted on 09/04/2005 12:24:57 AM PDT by playball0
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To: jhouston
Wow! These people need mental help.Conspiracy's all around them!''Bush ,Rove and the ''military'' created the hurricane to take away the attention from'' Cindy'' cause she was so successful and then the hurricane got too big for them to control, so now the chief justices death is another diversion to divert away from the hurricane cause they have learned to control the weather to influence elections in their favor and''....... Unbelievable!I wonder if those people hear themselves. ABSOLUTE LOONS!
1,165 posted on 09/04/2005 12:26:46 AM PDT by Bush gal in LA
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To: msnimje
Three words: Janice Rogers Brown

I am with you there. I will watch with a full tub of Popcorn as the Dems try to say an African American Woman can not replace a White Man on the SCOTUS.

-----This will be very, very, VERY interesting to follow if, and I hope J.R.B. will be the candidate, especially in the wake of the New Orleans debacle, that President Bush hates blacks!??! Wow, go GWB!!!
1,166 posted on 09/04/2005 12:27:34 AM PDT by danamco
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To: kcvl
God rest his soul. He defended the life of the unborn and protected our freedom of religion against the hateful secular Left.
1,167 posted on 09/04/2005 12:33:32 AM PDT by jveritas (The Axis of Defeatism: Left wing liberals, Buchananites, and third party voters.)
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To: kcvl


1,168 posted on 09/04/2005 12:40:45 AM PDT by Albion Wilde (Judge not, lest ye be a God-fearing originalist)
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To: Common Tator
If the Media had power over the people, Presidents Gore and Kerry would have handled this disaster quite differenty.

Golden Statement and it must be repeated every time we see a "knee jerk reaction" from a conservative.

1,169 posted on 09/04/2005 12:40:57 AM PDT by jveritas (The Axis of Defeatism: Left wing liberals, Buchananites, and third party voters.)
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To: mrobison
The author is named William Least-Heat Moon. Yes, that's weird, but that's really his name.

American Indian.

1,170 posted on 09/04/2005 12:42:40 AM PDT by Albion Wilde (Judge not, lest ye be a God-fearing originalist)
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To: Common Tator
What is good for us CT is that liberals and their media whores have been believing their own lies for some years. Remember the bogus exit polls in 2000, 2002, and the most bogus exit polls in history of polling, November 2nd 2004. There is nothing better than when your opponents believe their own lies, because it will absolutely assure their crushing defeat.

"It will be the greatest election night in History". Terry McAuliff, DNC Chairman, 8:00 PM, November 2nd, 2004.

Enough said.

1,171 posted on 09/04/2005 12:49:43 AM PDT by jveritas (The Axis of Defeatism: Left wing liberals, Buchananites, and third party voters.)
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To: penowa
Hurricane? There was a hurricane you say? Did it kill anyone important? Well it's time for the media to find a new story. This is series! The evil Bush has a chance to *gasp* appoint TWO members of SCOTUS. It may thwart plans for total domination by judicial tyranny. We need to get on this top *immediately.* Besides, hurricanes happen all the time. A new chief justice is a once-in-a-generation kind of thing! Where are your priorities??

(yes, that was sarcasm!)

1,172 posted on 09/04/2005 12:53:46 AM PDT by newzjunkey (Cindy Sheehan: "All You Are Saying Is Give APPEASEMENT A Chance!")
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To: Christian4Bush


1,173 posted on 09/04/2005 12:55:10 AM PDT by newzjunkey (Cindy Sheehan: "All You Are Saying Is Give APPEASEMENT A Chance!")
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To: Common Tator
You need to make this post as thread of its own. It is a great one. I will say that many bogus polls and lies are coming this week about how the majority of the American people think that President Bush did not handle hurricane Katrina well. Of course these polls are bogus and flat out lies but it will give fake victories and fake orgasms for the delusional liberals and their delusional media whores. Just imagine the "glee" on liberals pundits faces reciting these bogus polls again and again and again and getting all orgasmic about it.
1,174 posted on 09/04/2005 12:56:11 AM PDT by jveritas (The Axis of Defeatism: Left wing liberals, Buchananites, and third party voters.)
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To: Jewels1091

My human side: Condolences to the Rehnquist family and his friends and colleagues on the court.

My conservative political hack side: now the battle begins... prepare to push the button mr. frist...

1,175 posted on 09/04/2005 12:56:45 AM PDT by Schwaeky (The Republic, will be reorganized into the first American EMPIRE, for a safe and secure society!)
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To: Darth Republican; All
They'll crush bodies under the wheels of their limos to get their flabby faces on the Sunday talk shows to tell Bush he needs to consult with THEM and that they have a list of 'approved' choices for him to pick from and whatever bull**** they've got ready to go.

We should relax a bit. Rehnquist's age and health, as well as the median age of the court, made it prudent for the Bush team to be considering nominees to fill another vacancy. It would be respectful for Bush to wait at least 24 hrs before naming a replacement. Besides, he's taking *another* tour of the Gulf Coast.

Anyone know if WHR will be lying in state at the Capital? Is that tradition?

1,176 posted on 09/04/2005 1:01:51 AM PDT by newzjunkey (Cindy Sheehan: "All You Are Saying Is Give APPEASEMENT A Chance!")
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To: playball0
Why does everyone think that waiting to confirm Roberts before nominating a new CJ is a good idea?

Psy-ops?? Without knowing who the President will nominate for the next seat the LL (lefty loons) may not withstand the strain. You and I know the demonRATS don't control squat, unfortunately, they nor the HBM (has been media) understands the "lost election" concept.

there is a common thought expressed here that another SC nomination will somehow overtax Bush.

I don't see it as thinking PRESIDENT Bush will be overtaxed, as much as how many major events he has had to deal with during his first 4 1/2 years. I believe the President is capable of handling anything that comes along. That ability in no way negates the stress that he must feel with the monumental tasks he has had to face. Overstressed, if you will.

I must say, I do see some merit in your "triangulation" theory. Don the hazmat suits and watch the Rats explode fighting 3 SC nominations, trying to appear that they care about thousands of our citizens losing their lives while trying to impeach (LOL) the President for it when everyone knows the fault lies with a Rat controlled State government. Did I mention the Able Danger investigations, the 9-11 Omissiongate...there's more, but it is 4 AM here. G'night.

1,177 posted on 09/04/2005 1:03:29 AM PDT by Just A Nobody (I - LOVE - my attitude problem !)
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To: newzjunkey

"I'm sorry he's been lost and wasn't able to make it to his 20th year as Chief Justice."

What I feel bad about is that I was hoping Rehnquist would make it a bit into this new fall session so that he would have the joy of welcoming his protege, John Roberts, to the Supreme Court, and show him the ropes. Roberts has lost a great mentor, and future colleague.

1,178 posted on 09/04/2005 1:04:41 AM PDT by flaglady47
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To: msnimje; All
Greta is talking about how the fourth amendment was "eroded" on the Rehnquist court. Her true colors are coming out.

Hmm. That's a difficult question; she may have a point. Remember, just because it's his court, for 19 sessions, doesn't mean he is talking about his opinions directly. A refresher:

Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

1,179 posted on 09/04/2005 1:08:46 AM PDT by newzjunkey (Cindy Sheehan: "All You Are Saying Is Give APPEASEMENT A Chance!")
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To: flaglady47

Good point. That *is* a shame. At least he lived to see his protege nominated and, perhaps, can watch the rest of history from a better seat.

1,180 posted on 09/04/2005 1:11:36 AM PDT by newzjunkey (Cindy Sheehan: "All You Are Saying Is Give APPEASEMENT A Chance!")
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