Posted on 06/08/2005 5:13:10 AM PDT by ken5050
Good morning, fellow political junkies. I'm starting the thread early, because I'll be out and about for much of the morning. Follow along, and comment here, as usual..
Good morning all. Today is the greatest. My 6 year old son passed his bicycle riding and safety course yesterday and he's now ready for the BMX Challenge (he wishes). Brown gets her vote. Kerry may be trying to prove he really deserved the 4 D's. Bolton one step closer to being further filibustered but getting one step closer to a recess appointed. I know there is much more great things to happen today but that should work for now.
I suspect the leftist America haters on the Court will hang on for another four years, hoping for a lib replacement.
I hope to see Brown confirmed today, and am also interested in what else Frist has planned.
She is a brilliant writer! Flat out! School children should be studying her words. They would stand a chance of becoming much better citizens.
Thanks for the ping, Ken! G'day.
Thanks for the ping.
Guess who else went to Yale. Our favorite socialist!!
So I suppose Hillary's marks will be a rooted and tooted as a "Qualifier" for Prez.
Thanks for the thread, ken. I can't wait until Judge Brown is seated on the DC Circuit, the farm team for the Supremes.
LOL. My girls love that one.
The Senate convened at 9:45 a.m. and adjourned at 5:20 p.m. One record vote was taken.
Wednesday, June 8, 2005 9:30 a.m.: Return to Executive Session and resume consideration of the nomination of Janice Rogers Brown to be U.S. Circuit Judge for the D.C. Circuit.<
Oh-goody, my day starts off perfectly---you put up my favorite animation!!!
Good morning all-especially you TOL!!!! on the link in #20..then grind your teeth..
Good Morning to You! & Thank You!
Okey-dokey, ken---
a few thoughts---I would LOVE to see a sit-in in the well of the Senate by the CBC---then I would like to see VP Cheney walk in, sit in the "big chair", and tell everyone that there will be a guest of his allowed on the floor for the duration of today's debate---in walks Janice Rogers Brown to just sit and watch how stupid the CBC are acting...
Also, I am ssssssssssooooooooooo happy the Yankees are tanking!!! We Ranger fans (George Bush's team, doncha know) love it when the Yankees lose....
If she runs for president, she will have to release her senior thesis..
Good morning, all. I wish I could watch this vote today on TV, but unfortunately won't be able to. I'll have to check in on this thread occasionally, so thanks in advance to all of you for the information. And most especially thanks for the humor and wisecracks and great laundry graphics. It keeps me sane while watching these bloviating Dems character-assassinate good people.
Rangers may well win the whole thing this year..awesome hitting ..
Thanks for the ping!
I love the way you think. Do it, Big Time.
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