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Fulton Co. Judge shot and killed in courthouse shooting (BREAKING Fri 9A)
| 3.11.05
Posted on 03/11/2005 6:39:06 AM PST by mhking
This is a breaking news situation.
A man entered a courtroom in the Fulton County Courthouse this morning and shot a Fulton County Sheriff's deputy, a clerk and a judge; there are reports from both WSB and WAGA, the judge is deceased.
The perp has carjacked multiple vehicles -- now on his third -- and is still at large.
I've just come from downtown Atlanta, and the city is a madhouse.
TOPICS: Breaking News; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Front Page News; News/Current Events; US: Georgia
KEYWORDS: ankleholster; assasination; atlanta; backupgun; bang; banglist; blueduck; briannichols; ccw; courthouse; crime; criminal; donutwatch; frcohesiveness; hci; judge; justdamn; mmm; sarahbrady; shooting
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To: Carolinamom
The post upthread said that when he hijacked the reporter's can, he did not have on a shirt. Taking off his blue shirt was probably his means of trying not to be identified quickly. Wouldn't not wearing a shirt make him more conspicuous? On the show COPS, the criminals never wear shirts - must be some sort of evolutionary reflex.
To: Crawdad
Somebody in the audience on Linda Vester's show that David Asman is emceeing today.
posted on
03/11/2005 10:31:39 AM PST
(Free the Eason Jordan Tape!!!)
To: Howlin
Dear lord, a guy on Fox News just asked Judge Napolitano "If this guy is captured, will he still have the same jury?"< jaw drops > Give me a dang mic and a camera, even I can do better than that!
To: retrokitten
The attacker seems to have shape shifted in those pictures. ;-) hehe! Good eye! :^)
posted on
03/11/2005 10:32:04 AM PST
(There is only one GOOD 'RAT: one that has been voted OUT of POWER !! Straight ticket GOP!)
To: Dead Corpse
or "medium tan gwailo"
"hearing impaired" could mean anything.
"differently abled" means nothing.
"medium" conveys no useful data.
posted on
03/11/2005 10:32:04 AM PST
King Prout
(Remember John Adam!)
To: Lazamataz
From the movie, Muad Dib can kill with a word.
posted on
03/11/2005 10:32:10 AM PST
Dead Corpse
(We now return you to your regularly scheduled tagline)
To: eastforker
Well he does know how to use a gun , thats evident and the balls to use it. I am not complimenting the guy BTW, just stating facts.Yeah, but it seems to start and end there. Like you said, why not run or just not show up for court?? I don't think anyone ever has used this guys name and "smart" in the same sentence too many times.
To: FourtySeven
He was in the audience, but I agree, we do need our own show!
posted on
03/11/2005 10:32:13 AM PST
(Free the Eason Jordan Tape!!!)
To: mikeus_maximus
lived there for 3.5 years.
posted on
03/11/2005 10:32:36 AM PST
King Prout
(Remember John Adam!)
To: Popman
"I could understand a small 1" knife, but a gun?"The escorting deputy's gun was unsecured at the time and this violent prisoner was not shackled because the court "didn't want to prejudice the jury." He simply took the deputy's weapon away from him and started shooting.
I've read about lots of these incidents over the years. Tragically, some people just never learn.
posted on
03/11/2005 10:32:42 AM PST
(Of course, it must look like an accident...)
To: Howlin
"If this guy is captured, will he still have the same jury?"
IMHO at this point the words "if" and "capture" should NOT even enter the equasion.
posted on
03/11/2005 10:32:43 AM PST
(Freedom Of Speech Makes It Much Easier To Spot The Idiots)
To: JeffAtlanta
You last point is an excellent one though....he could have just vanished.
posted on
03/11/2005 10:32:56 AM PST
(Free the Eason Jordan Tape!!!)
To: eastforker
Along with the AMBER ALERT, they ought to issue a $25,000 reward for his body, if some citizen can get to him and take him down, and offer $50,000 if he can be mortally injured with a massive and extremely painful gunshot wound leading to slow, eventual death over the next 48 hours.
posted on
03/11/2005 10:33:09 AM PST
(Illegal Aliens "Those Wonderful People" in Jail Now Are $1.4 Billion A Year For California Taxpayers)
To: MeekOneGOP
In most cases it's me asking for my own dumb mistakes to be taken down.Same here. I've asked for a couple of my posts to be pulled. One got pulled, in the other case the whole thread ended up getting pulled.
posted on
03/11/2005 10:33:12 AM PST
To: Howlin
Linda would've told the guy he was on thin ice.
posted on
03/11/2005 10:33:48 AM PST
(The following statement is false. The preceding statement is true.)
To: Howlin
Did the Judge choke? I love the Judge BTW, he is so sort of cute and cuddly and when he gets all serious, I just want to ruffle his hair.
To: Howlin
"......just asked Judge Napolitano......." Saw that. All I can do is shake my head at the stupidity of the question.
posted on
03/11/2005 10:34:00 AM PST
(The Fourth Estate is a Fifth Column!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
To: Bonaparte
The escorting deputy's gun was unsecured at the time and this violent prisoner was not shackled because the court "didn't want to prejudice the jury." He simply took the deputy's weapon away from him and started shooting.It has been reported that he was out on bond - why would he be in shackles?
To: mict42
Did the guy take the weapon from the deputy shot in the mouth initially ?
posted on
03/11/2005 10:34:27 AM PST
(Be polite. Be professional. But, have a plan to kill everyone you meet. ©)
To: JeffAtlanta
One poster said he might have been viewed as someone going to the game. When everyone is looking for a blue-shirted African-American, his not wearing one might have fooled some.
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