All I have to say is: WHA???
This poor kid. These parents should be shot
1 posted on
03/04/2005 7:35:11 AM PST by
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To: cwiz24
To: cwiz24
As a tomboy, I find this hysterical!
3 posted on
03/04/2005 7:37:06 AM PST by
To: cwiz24
Boston... That says it all!
4 posted on
03/04/2005 7:37:08 AM PST by
(Millions for charity, but not one penny for tribute!)
To: cwiz24
What is wrong with these parents!
5 posted on
03/04/2005 7:37:12 AM PST by
To: cwiz24
These people need to understand that God made us who we are and we have no right to change it.
To: cwiz24
Welcome to the real world. Sigh.
To: cwiz24
but the brain of a boyObviously a superior intellect.
8 posted on
03/04/2005 7:38:12 AM PST by
(If You're Not A Part Of The Solution, There's Good Money To Be Made In Prolonging The Problem.)
To: cwiz24
"...brain of a boy."
How do they know what is in her brain? Did a CAT scan show something?? Did the parents come up with this or did the kid? Just when you think you have heard everything ..... 'scuse me, I think I'm gonna barf now.
13 posted on
03/04/2005 7:39:10 AM PST by
(For where God built a church, there the Devil would also build a chapel - Martin Luther)
To: cwiz24
14 posted on
03/04/2005 7:39:13 AM PST by
(The Liberal Media is America's Enemy)
To: cwiz24
how far from HArvard are they?
Why izzit that people can be "born with a male body and female brain", which means there's a diff betwixt the sexes, and changing genders should be celebrated, but discussing this diff is heresy?
Ask the prez of HArvard.
16 posted on
03/04/2005 7:39:46 AM PST by
(keep your mind open and somebody will fill it with something for you))
To: cwiz24
That's just child abuse. Parents should "inform" the school that they think abuse is taking place in that home. The school is required by law to report allegations of abuse. Get Social Services nosing around the house. The parents should lose custody of the child, and the child should get decent counseling.
17 posted on
03/04/2005 7:39:56 AM PST by
(The fourth estate is a fifth column.)
To: cwiz24
Sometimes with hermaphrodites, the genitals do not become apparent until puberty. Sometimes parents raise someone as a girl only to find out they get a "growth" around the time of adolescence. They have more male hormones than female's all very confusing for everyone.
If the kid is not hermaphroditic though...the kid needs to be in therapy. There may be some weird hormonal imbalance.
21 posted on
03/04/2005 7:40:53 AM PST by
To: cwiz24
22 posted on
03/04/2005 7:40:56 AM PST by
(Baruch ata Adonai, Elohanu Mehlech ha Olam, asher nathan lanu et derech ha y’shua b’Mashiach Yeshua.)
To: cwiz24
This will last until the first gym class.
"OK - Hit the showers!"
Or the first game of skins against shirts...
23 posted on
03/04/2005 7:41:18 AM PST by
(Let the embeds check the bodies!)
To: cwiz24
This takes sick, twisted and perverted to a completely new level.
25 posted on
03/04/2005 7:42:00 AM PST by
(Cub Scouts-Teach 'em young to be men, and politically incorrect in the process)
To: cwiz24
Not necessarily. There are physiological differences between male and female brains (particularly in the hypothalamus). That's what true transsexuality is: the brain (not the personality, but the actual brain itself) says, "I'm a girl" but the body says, "I'm a boy."
If the doctors have determined that the child's brain meets all the criteria for a female brain, but the child has male sexual organs, what would you have them do?
Check out this site for more detailed info on the legitimate medical condition of transsexuality:
Please note - this is very different from homosexuality and from crossdressing, things like that. Those are psychological issues. True transsexuality is an actual, verifiable medical condition.
27 posted on
03/04/2005 7:42:19 AM PST by
(A quick reminder to the liberals. The election in Iraq was done NOT IN YOUR NAME.)
To: cwiz24
"The parents of the 9-year-old child said the youngster was born with the body of a girl, but the brain of a boy."And the parents were born with the brain of a Piss Ant.
29 posted on
03/04/2005 7:42:47 AM PST by
("Everyone has a freedom of choice, but not of consequences.")
To: cwiz24
How twisted do you have to be to tell your daughter that she's now a boy, a eunuch? They need to neuter these "parents" immediately.
30 posted on
03/04/2005 7:42:54 AM PST by
(Ask me for a free "Insomnia for Beginners" guide.)
To: cwiz24
So if the kid is still biologically a girl where is it supposed to go to the bathroom?
To: cwiz24
When Larry Summers says there might be a difference between male and female brain the M*ssholes howl in protest.
When the (clearly demented) parents of a child use that as a reason to justify their dysfunctional family, then the M*ssholes celebrate diversity and tolerance.
41 posted on
03/04/2005 7:45:03 AM PST by
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