To: cwiz24
To: The Old Hoosier
California doesn't have a monopoly on fruits and nuts. Many, like these people are in Boston.
To: The Old Hoosier
These parents suck. Oh, I didn't know he/she had two dads. K
89 posted on
03/04/2005 8:00:01 AM PST by
(5 minutes of prayer for Terri, every day at 11 am EDT, until she's safe.
To: The Old Hoosier
This is disgusting beyond description. The kid should be in a foster home and the parents locked up.
268 posted on
03/04/2005 1:41:24 PM PST by
To: The Old Hoosier
These parents should be arrested for abuse.
289 posted on
03/04/2005 2:31:01 PM PST by
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