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To: SirLurkedalot

I'll respond, but most of the responses were liberal hate posts about how the right can't wait for us to leave.

My question is, how can we share America? Perhaps one way would be to simply be states rights, and by doing this we seperate the federal government from the states. This way liberals live in all the blue states and conservatives in the red states.

The problem is, every time a liberal posts anything, it seems a lot of Republicans wont even listen. Most of the responses are "Ah just like them liberals, get out and stay out!" type of responses.

83 posted on 02/13/2005 4:07:54 AM PST by The_Liberal Person
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To: The_Liberal Person
The problem is, every time a liberal posts anything, it seems a lot of Republicans wont even listen. Most of the responses are "Ah just like them liberals, get out and stay out!" type of responses.

You're right, a lot of the responses on this thread have been of that ilk. It's telling that of the posts that you could have chosen to respond to, it wasn't a constructive one that you chose, that you could actually start a dialog with-- it was one which you could point to as supporting your argument.

Again, this tells me a lot about your actual motivations.

My question is, how can we share America? Perhaps one way would be to simply be states rights, and by doing this we seperate the federal government from the states. This way liberals live in all the blue states and conservatives in the red states.

See, this is actual grounds for a dialog. You're actually proposing a solution to the problem.

My question to you would be: How would decentralizing toward state govenrment allow us to co-exist, if our respective goals are so disparate?

By the way, I tend to support states' rights over federal, where appropriate. I believe the smaller, and more local the government, the more effective and appropriate it is.

94 posted on 02/13/2005 4:19:04 AM PST by Egon (Government is a guard-dog to be fed, not a cow to be milked.)
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To: The_Liberal Person
This way liberals live in all the blue states and conservatives in the red states.

Fine ~ except that aren't but one or maybe two BLUE States at the most ...

look closely at the voting map & you will see that all of the rest of the BLUE color represents only BLUE CITIES within RED States.

95 posted on 02/13/2005 4:20:31 AM PST by Zacs Mom (Proud wife of a Marine!)
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To: The_Liberal Person

You can't simply 'kick all the red people out of the blue states' and vice-versa. That just won't work.

There really shouldn't be the divide that exists, I believe it is fueled by a continued downward spiral of mud throwing politics that may be with us awhile, but this isn't the best forum to discuss liberal and conservative harmony. You are lucky to have made it this far without the viking kitties attacking.

I support Bush, but have a small fear someday my account may be deleted for not supporting the FR party line.

105 posted on 02/13/2005 4:35:37 AM PST by Reform4Bush
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To: The_Liberal Person

You had to expect a ribbing with this post. But since you took the time to respond in a civil manner, I'll offer my opinion. I don't think Balkanizing this country is in the lefts best interest. Think about that for before you start proposing we carve the country up. Good Luck.

114 posted on 02/13/2005 4:45:42 AM PST by SirLurkedalot (I'm back...with NEW and IMPROVED knuckle-dragging action.)
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To: The_Liberal Person
I have been wanting to answer your four questions for a while now, but waited to see if you would respond to any first.

Since you finally did respond, and others have actually answered closely, to what I would have said, I'll simply tell you this.

I used to be a Democrat, NOT a liberal. I have no doubt I am much older than you, have followed politics since long before John F. Kennedy became President, therefore I have more experience than you.

I have watched the Democrat Party, the party of Jefferson, adopt the principals of Communism/Socialism, hence the term "liberalism,"

Now you, the liberals, are adopting the term "progressive," which, if you actually studied our history would tell you that "progressive," used in this sense, is nothing more than an early Twentieth Century name for Communism.

Read the Bill Of Rights, and the Constitution of the United States. We, the people are the government, not the elected officials in Washington, D.C.!

We, the people (including you) were granted freedom and rights by God, our Creator, our form of government is to protect these rights, not "grant" them.

I don't want you to leave this nation, but I would like for you to learn and understand that your party has become the Communist Party, which is anathema to what this country was built upon.

115 posted on 02/13/2005 4:53:00 AM PST by Budge (<>< Sit Nomen Domini benedictum. <><)
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To: The_Liberal Person
I have a liberal ex-friend (he abandoned me after the election) who complain about health care, actually telling me someone should pay for his doctor bills. My response is "Who me? So after I pay my wife and kids bills I should pay yours too?"

No response.

Then I ask why the state of Washington (where my liberal friend lives) doesn't just do it and show the rest of the country how well it would work. I go on to inform him the reason is every hypocondriact in the US would flock to Washington and every self supporting citizen would move to Texas (where I live) causing the state of Washington to go bankrupt.

The number of liberals stays the same or is shrinking while the moderates are turning conservative because you wont accept them.

You guys wont accept a pro-life, gun owning , Christian, union worker because you insult his gun owning, pro-life Christian ways and only want his union vote.

Liberals are the only party that opposes at least one of the Bill of Rights as party policy. Liberals are the ones who must disguise their label as progressive while conservatives tell you who they are.

116 posted on 02/13/2005 4:56:19 AM PST by normy (Don't hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft.)
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To: The_Liberal Person
This way liberals live in all the blue states and conservatives in the red states.

Do you plan on forced relocation or may I continue to live on my little red island in a sea of blue?

The problem is, every time a liberal posts anything, it seems a lot of Republicans wont even listen.

Try saying something sensible.

125 posted on 02/13/2005 5:03:13 AM PST by metesky ("Brethren, leave us go amongst them." Rev. Capt. Samuel Johnston Clayton - Ward Bond- The Searchers)
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To: The_Liberal Person
"This way liberals live in all the blue states and conservatives in the red states."

Kind of like creating our own East and West Germany then? Yeah, that's a BRILLIANT idea.
135 posted on 02/13/2005 5:15:55 AM PST by jdm (Stockhausen, Kagel, Xenakis -- world capitals or avant-garde composers?)
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To: The_Liberal Person
Ah, A reply at last. I'll make this a 2 for one for you, and reply to both your posts in a single shot.

1. What are your goals as Republicans?

Like many here, I'm not a Republican. I'm a registered independant. My goals aren't party line, and quite frankly, they probably only belong to one person in the entire world: me. The values that lead me to frequent a conservative news forum rather than a liberal one are that I demand personal liberty, responsibility, and accountability; I believe that the Constitution under its original intent is the supreme law of this Republic; I love my country; and I love God and my fellow man.

These values can be extrapolated to a number of different positions on situations, such as opposition to a nanny-state and a pro-life stance on abortion. I hope you can see how I can hold such opinions based on my beliefs, but they remain mine alone. I don't have to agree with anybody else. (It is nice to be able to , though.)

2. Is your goal to make Liberals to leave America?

Heck no. If liberals leave these hallowed shores, they'll NEVER learn. ;) Moreover, sometimes I make mistakes, and opposing viewpoints help me correct them (even if I don't come to agree with the opposing viewpoint. There's more than one way to slice cheese.)

What I have NO tolerance for is liberalism shoved down my throat. I cannot in good conscience respect your right to free speech if you will not respect mine. I will not be silenced in the name of political correctness, nor will I accept rule by judicial fiat. Its just un-American.

3. If you want us to stay, when does this country go too far to the right?

This question doesn't make much sense, because everybody on this forum, and everybody who is conservative or even Republican will have a different answer. Suffice it to say that right now, the vast majority of us would tell you the country is being governed too far to the left. For me, though, the country will be too far to the right when I feel compelled to vote to the left. It will always be in flux, and we vote to be ruled as we see fit. That is how our Republic works.

4. If you want us to leave, will the US government pay for our plane tickets?

I know you've been hammered on this before, but i'll do it again in the hopes of knocking some sense into you: GET OFF IT. This is exactly the kind of nanny-state liberal nonsense that conservatives find revolting.
1. It is not "The US Government footing the bill. It is the taxpayers, not some infinite money mill in the basement of Congress. Remidial Econ lesson: Money comes from somwhere.
2. Why should my tax dollars pay for such a ticket? I've never voted for any candidate with any such policy.

That said, if you really want to leave, pay for your own ticket, and don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you. I think Fidel Castro would pay to relocate you to Cuba, in all seriousness. Its good PR for him.

I find, though, that most liberals don't want to live in the leftist paradises they praise.

On to your second post.

I'll respond, but most of the responses were liberal hate posts about how the right can't wait for us to leave.

Pshaw! We're all friendly here. We'll be glad to help you break your addiction to liberalism, if you care to stick around. The forum, however, will not tolerate posters of excessive profanity, malicious posts, or hate speech. Try that and you'll get yourself zotted faster than you can say "Admin Moderator."

I think the fact that you've recieved 81 posts, all of which were pretty civil, that we don't "hate" you. We want to help you. There's lots of really smart ex-liberals out there.

My question is, how can we share America? Perhaps one way would be to simply be states rights, and by doing this we seperate the federal government from the states. This way liberals live in all the blue states and conservatives in the red states.

Ok, thats just nuts. Keep in mind, you're already "sharing America." Liberals live in all the blue states and in all the red states. Conservatives do too, and forced relocation won't do. See Yugoslavia for reference. This sort of isolationist thinking betrays extreme narrow-mindedness. You should never be protected from the discourse of ideas.

Moreover, federal government is separate from the states. (I am also of the opinion that it should be more separate than it currently is, but I digress...) Your state government is in charge of a great many things. Some examples include licensing marriage and maintaining roads. Liberalism, however, tends to shift powers to the federal government. Interesting to see that you naturally think conservative thoughts, even if you've been misled.

The problem is, every time a liberal posts anything, it seems a lot of Republicans wont even listen. Most of the responses are "Ah just like them liberals, get out and stay out!" type of responses.

We'll listen when there is a rational argument. Most of the lefties who feel inclined to come and post on FR are only here to cause trouble, rather than to learn. You'll also find that most of us are pretty secure in our beliefs, morals, and standards, so you will be unlikely to convince many here to agree with loony-leftism, Socialism, and Communism. They've all been thoroughly debunked for us.

If, however, you make sense (and a precocious few of you do, although they tend to be conservatives at heart) you'll find us more than open to discussion.

All I can really say to you is stick around and learn.
138 posted on 02/13/2005 5:19:14 AM PST by NationSoConceived ("Truth bestows no pardon upon error, but wipes it out in the most effectual manner." - M.B.E.)
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To: The_Liberal Person
"Ah just like them liberals, get out and stay out!" type of responses.

It use to be mostly about "Ideas" with morale compass. Liberals for the most part have abondoned "Morale Values and Any Judgements." America ceases to exist without an acknowledgement of GOD.

You can't expect the oppotition to value or respect your veiws when the dems (for the most part) have abandoned the very idealic foundation of the country. And most of all try to tear the fabric of tradition on which it was founded.

Conservatives don't want another socialistic anything goes Europe, we want America!!

145 posted on 02/13/2005 5:34:23 AM PST by sirchtruth (Words Mean Things...)
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To: The_Liberal Person
I'll respond, but most of the responses were liberal hate posts about how the right can't wait for us to leave.

There you go with a typical liberal response.

Republicans do not 'hate' liberals. We disagree with the direction in which they would lead the country, and try to engage them in a dialog.

On the other hand many liberals shout out their hatred of Republicans from the rooftops. Just look at the published language of Michael Moore and his ilk, as well as that of the new chairman of the DNC.

Hatred is a liberal value and is one of the reasons you find so many of your brethren who would post here being banned. They show up, spout hate and then run. They do not want dialog, they want to shout down disagreement and have their 'feelings' become law.

152 posted on 02/13/2005 5:47:24 AM PST by Vermonter
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To: The_Liberal Person

first, you misrepresent the character of the posts.
second, if you really want to discuss this in a civil and thoughtful manner, go here:
as you will see, we are several steps ahead of you.

202 posted on 02/13/2005 7:37:49 AM PST by King Prout (Remember John Adam!)
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To: The_Liberal Person
Perhaps one way would be to simply be states rights, and by doing this we seperate the federal government from the states.

YOU mean actually follow the constitution as designed??? Nah, wouldnt work. You liberals dont believe in the constitution.

234 posted on 02/13/2005 8:05:55 AM PST by SwankyC
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To: The_Liberal Person

You were quick to pick out the responses that solidified your world view of conservatives and ignored sincere attempts at dialog. We DO share America, and many in "blue states" are conservatives (I live in a blue state!) and many in "red states" are liberal so dividing the union by states is not a viable solution. Didn't work in 1861-1865, won't work now.

Try responding to the more reasoned posts, start with mine, if you'd like, which don't resort to insulting you, despite your baiting and goading by generalization of all conservatives.

Leaving America is your choice--most of us have no real opinion on it; it is amusing at times, and annoying at other times. But on a practical level, it's not our business if you choose to leave America. As to how far right is too far, that's kind of a loaded question. If you stay a while and read through the threads on FR, you will find that we are not a monolithic group with one mind and one opinion. We often quarrel as much amongst ourselves as we would with someone on DU. Some of us are farther to the right than others. So the response to that question depends on who you ask.

Generally, we don't want liberals to leave--I have family members who are liberals. My beloved father and sister are liberals. My daughter would be devastated without her favorite aunt. You don't seem to understand that our communities are entertwined and connected by family, work, community. We don't all live on some compound in Idaho. I wish liberals would think more for themselves, but that's another issue. I do wish liberals who hate this country and wish death upon its citizenry, like your compatriot Ward Churchill, would leave, since it is so obvious he despises not only America, but her people. Someone like him could be dangerous to our citizenry.

And no, no one should pay for your ticket to leave, should you make that decision. But I think you knew that.

I await a civil response to mine.

297 posted on 02/13/2005 10:21:54 AM PST by ariamne (reformed liberal--Shieldmaiden of the Infidel)
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To: The_Liberal Person
'll respond, but most of the responses were liberal hate posts about how the right can't wait for us to leave. My question is, how can we share America? Perhaps one way would be to simply be states rights, and by doing this we seperate the federal government from the states. This way liberals live in all the blue states and conservatives in the red states. The problem is, every time a liberal posts anything, it seems a lot of Republicans wont even listen. Most of the responses are "Ah just like them liberals, get out and stay out!" type of responses.

I disagree with you. Most responses have been good responses meant to honestly answer your questions. There has been a lot of joking and sarcasm, but good Lord, man(woman?), you have to lighten up and be able to take a joke. The ones who are giving sarcastic answers are mostly having a little fun. Don't take yourself so seriously. By the way, I don't think anyone has done this yet, so Welcome to Free Republic.

344 posted on 02/14/2005 2:36:24 AM PST by beckysueb (God bless America and President Bush.)
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To: The_Liberal Person
"My question is, how can we share America?"

Simple--get a job, buy a piece of property, live like a responsible human, and before too long you'll be a Republican, too. Then we'll "share."

"The problem is, every time a liberal posts anything, it seems a lot of Republicans wont even listen. "

We've tried "listening" to you Liberals. In return we got partial-birth abortion, a public education system that spends like drunken sailors but is producing the most ignorant generation of Americans since the Industrial Age, some twisted version of "equal opportunity" wherein the Left says it supports the progress of Blacks while attacking every non-Leftist Black forwarded for a high government position, over 3,500 federal, state, and local gun control laws, not a single one of which has done anything but increase violent crime and make people less safe.

In short, virtually everything you people people get a hold of turns to crap!

If the definition of insanity is trying the same thing, again and again, each time expecting to get a different result, then listening to Liberals is about as close an act as I've ever seen to the textbook definition of "INSANE"!
360 posted on 02/14/2005 4:45:34 AM PST by RavenATB ("It is seldom that any Liberty is lost all at once." David Hugh)
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To: The_Liberal Person
The problem is, every time a liberal posts anything, it seems a lot of Republicans wont even listen.

That, is a two way street The_Liberal Person. Liberals, as a rule don't listen to us, and even call us all sorts of rude names. We have been putting up with this childishness from the political left in country for a long time now (pretty much all my adult life, and I'm rapidly nearing 50). We have been called evil, Nazis, heartless, cold, uncaring, et cetera, ad inifinitum et ad nauseum.

Even to this day, we face this constant onslaught of invective from your fellows, and you have the temerity, the unmitigated gall, to complain that those whom have been marginalized, demonized, and slandered for so long have decided to be less than civil in return? Actions have consequences, and the consequences of the political lefts constant imbibing of a cocktail consisting of one part unbridled arrogance, mixed in equal measure with one part abysmal ignorance, are, and by right, should be severe...

the infowarrior

364 posted on 02/14/2005 6:06:11 AM PST by infowarrior (TANSTAAFL)
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