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Herman Cain Is Sprinting
Ledger-Enquirer ^ | 05/17/04 | RICHARD HYATT

Posted on 05/17/2004 5:18:51 AM PDT by Maurice1962

Standing behind the pulpit rather than on the stump, Herman Cain had them shouting and he had them dancing -- and it had nothing to do with his politics.

An electric bass was putting down the bottom, a drum was pounding out the syncopated beat and the congregation at Spirited Filled Ministries was ready for church. So was Cain, a conservative Republican on grounds where only liberal Democrats usually venture.

Pastor Wayne Baker introduced him, and what the preacher said had little to do with the business world where Cain made millions or the political arena where he now seeks votes.

"He believes what I believe," the pastor said. "He believes in the Bible and he believes in hope."

Cain stood, wearing a dark suit and bright smile, wired with a cordless microphone that is as much a part of his wardrobe as his white shirt and tie.

"Preach, Reverend, preach," a deacon implored.

Twice on Sunday, the Rev. Cain did preach, at South Columbus United Methodist Church and at Baker's church. This strategy is new to the GOP.

During their two-day convention, every back was slapped, every hand was shaken and every Democrat from Kennedy to Kerry was dissed. Politics was as old school as Eisenhower or Reagan.

In the Republican handbook, little is said about campaigning in African-American churches. Even in 2004, the party is overwhelmingly white. Blacks are portrayed as liberal and Democratic, so at campaign time their congregations receive obligatory visits from white Democrats who clap their hands on the wrong beat and expect black voters to fall in line.

"For Republicans, this has always been a part of the community that is hard to reach," said Cain, the former CEO of Godfather's Pizza. "The Democratic congregations accept me and it is faith that unlocks the door."

Cain describes the technique Democrats use in black churches as Sunday wave-byes. "I don't have to do that," he said. "I happen to like church. Faith is colorblind. When it's genuine, people know it."

Veteran congressmen Johnny Isakson and Mac Collins are Cain's opponents in the July 20 primary. Their campaigns are traditional. Quietly, Cain -- an associate pastor at Antioch Baptist Church in Atlanta -- has been in church, preaching or praying at congregations all over Georgia.

After the worship service, Baker said that while his white brethren shy away from politics, it isn't unusual at his church. "We see life as more holistic," he said. "Some people have hang-ups about having politics in church but I believe life ought to be more than spiritual. The Bible itself ordains good government and we need good Christian people in government."

Though Cain didn't ask for votes at either church, Baker and the Rev. Joe Roberson of South Columbus were openly political.

"I don't know who you're voting for, but I'm voting for Herman," Baker told his flock. "Can I get a witness?"

Roberson remembered his grandfather in rural Georgia going to the polls though blacks in his generation couldn't vote unless they paid a poll tax and passed a social studies test.

"He'd show up to let them know he wanted to vote," Roberson said. "This is the kind of days our grandparents were praying for."

In his sermons, Cain touched on his own life briefly, telling folks that "Success is a responsibility to help somebody else," and "God never said the milk and honey was free."

His message was hope, hope Cain sang about in a clear baritone voice: "Oh, Lord, just a little while longer. Everything gonna be all right."

Relaxing in a restaurant after church, Cain said it is the message that connects him -- not his party affiliation or the color of his skin.

"We haven't given black Democrats a compelling reason to vote Republican," he said. "I'm not compelling because I'm black. It's my message."

'Faith unlocks the door'

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Culture/Society; Politics/Elections; US: Florida; US: Georgia
KEYWORDS: cainforussenate; hermancain; politicselections; usgeorgia
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1 posted on 05/17/2004 5:18:51 AM PDT by Maurice1962
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To: Maurice1962

I sure wish Bush would make a phone call to the other Republicans in the race and tell them to get the hell out. Cain is the real deal.

2 posted on 05/17/2004 5:40:00 AM PDT by LS (CNN is the Amtrak of news.)
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To: Maurice1962
This strategy is new to the GOP.

Not a strategy. For democrats, going to church is merely a strategy. Would a John Kerry be in church, much less a black church, if there were no cameras or reporters attending?

Mr. Cain is the real deal. Go Herman!
3 posted on 05/17/2004 5:40:05 AM PDT by kenth
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To: LS
I sure wish Bush would make a phone call to the other Republicans in the race and tell them to get the hell out. Cain is the real deal.


And think of the help Cain would be to Bush. Of course, being a true conservative, I'm sure at times Cain would be a thorn in Bush's side. But that's fine with me.

4 posted on 05/17/2004 5:52:02 AM PDT by eyespysomething (The Barbarians are at the Gates. Don't give Kerry the key!)
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To: LS
Cain has been an enigma to the establishment. By his work ethic he has forced them into giving him credit. It repulses me that so many in the hierarchy are determined to minimize his support.

Election day will be pure vendication!!
5 posted on 05/17/2004 6:07:07 AM PDT by Maurice1962 (Just Got To Believe In Miracles)
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To: Maurice1962
A bttt in support of everything said so far- Mr. Cain has my vote, plain and simple. And I'll tell the establishment GOP this- if one of the other guys ends up on the ballot, I'll leave that space blank. They are tired old Republican Retreads with all the shopworn ideas that I'm tired of hearing about.

We need new blood, and Herman Cain is the man to bring it.

6 posted on 05/17/2004 6:16:34 AM PDT by backhoe
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To: backhoe

I really wish there was a Cain for my state. Feingold is terrible senator.

7 posted on 05/17/2004 6:37:54 AM PDT by Sinner6 (Under capitalism life is hard, under communism life is death)
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To: Maurice1962

If Cain gets the nomination (I HOPE SO) I wonder if Zell Miller would consider doing a little campaigning for him? How sweet that would be!

8 posted on 05/17/2004 6:46:41 AM PDT by cpdiii (Oil Field Trash, Geologist, Pharmacist (REFUSE TO ATTEND A GUNFIGHT WITH A CAL. LESS THAN FORTY))
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To: Maurice1962

I sure hope Herman buys a ticket to go to the Bush fundraiser here in ATL later today.

Isakson's apppears to have been annointed by Rove and I read that he'll be there.

Herman can afford to shell out the bucks to get a nice big personal 8X10 with his arm around GWB.

9 posted on 05/17/2004 6:52:05 AM PDT by G L Tirebiter
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To: Maurice1962
Though Cain didn't ask for votes at either church, Baker and the Rev. Joe Roberson of South Columbus were openly political.

"I don't know who you're voting for, but I'm voting for Herman," Baker told his flock. "Can I get a witness?"

A black preacher can do that - at least for a black or (usually the same thing) a Democrat candidate. If the Christian Coalition did that for a white Republican, we would never hear the end of it.

But freedom of religion certainly includes the freedom of the preacher to espouse political opinions such as, historically, the abolition of slavery. If in fact we did have freedom of religion . . .

And in fact there would be no argument against that freedom, absent the deductibility of charitable contributions - so a flat tax or a national sales tax would restore religious freedom. When a liberal speaks of "wall of seperation between church and state" he really means "wall of protection of antichristian politics from coherent Christian political attack."

10 posted on 05/17/2004 7:10:22 AM PDT by conservatism_IS_compassion (Homepage is where the (political) heart is.)
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To: backhoe

Why don't you Georgia residents personally go to the other candidates and tell them to drop out and support Cain? Tell them you won't vote for them. Let the President & Rove know how you feel about Cain.

11 posted on 05/17/2004 7:39:10 AM PDT by WVNan (Be faithful in little things, for in them our strength lies. (Mother Teresa))
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To: Sinner6
Hey Sinner,

You need to "Escape Wisconsin" (like the bumper sticker should say). As much as I loved the place and as proud as I am to be from there, I escaped just in time. The year I moved to Georgia was the year Georgia elected it's first Republican Governor since reconstruction and Wisconsin elected it's first "Dummycrat" after 16 years of Tommy Thompson. I cannot believe the people from my home state have 2 Democrat Senators. Feingold ran for his first term on term limits and yet somehow decided not to "self impose" that term limit on himself. And as for Herb "I'm nobody's Senator, but yours" Kohl I have to ask why a gay Jewish billionaire would want to live in D.C. And don't get me started on why a state with so few Jews and homosexuals have managed to reelect his over & over. I would expect someone with his background be elected in the northeast or California, but not Wisconsin The only good thing I can say about Herb Kohl is that he apparently doesn't create much legislation, because I have never heard his name as a sponsor or cosponsor of any prominent bill. I'd prefer all of our legislator act that way. The less government does at all, the better.....
12 posted on 05/17/2004 8:27:12 AM PDT by 80sReaganite
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To: WVNan
Why don't you Georgia residents personally go to the other candidates and tell them to drop out and support Cain? Tell them you won't vote for them. Let the President & Rove know how you feel about Cain.

By God, I'll do that. Isakson and Collins aren't bad guys- but more of the same old same old. We need to do better than that.

13 posted on 05/17/2004 10:14:51 AM PDT by backhoe (--30--)
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To: Maurice1962; AuH2ORepublican; Veritas_est; WoodstockCat; UlsterDavy; SittinYonder; mhking; ...

FReepMail me if you want to be ON or OFF this list

Go Herman Go! Pray for Herman Cain!

Click Here for the Herman Cain for US Senate Web Site

See Herman Cain's commercials by clicking below...

Who Is Herman Cain? He believes...

Herman Cain on Taxes...Start Over!

Herman Cain on Hollywood

Herman Cain on The Pledge

Herman Cain on a Balanced Budget

"The Wagon"

14 posted on 05/17/2004 6:35:33 PM PDT by NewLand (Prevent the Clinton White House from being re-opened under new management!)
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To: WVNan; backhoe

"Why don't you Georgia residents personally go to the other candidates and tell them to drop out and support Cain?"

There's only one candidate who I would consider asking to drop out and support Cain---motivational speaker Al Bartell, who probably won't get as much as 5% and who, being another black conservative, could help Cain in the primary. But asking Mac Collins to drop out could be counterproductive, since it may allow the pro-abortion Johnny Isakson to get 50%+1 and win the primary in the first round. What we need is for all supporters of both Herman Cain and Mac Collins to go to the polls on primary day to ensure that the frontrunner Isakson doesn't get a majority, and whomever finishes second between Collins and Cain (hopefully Cain) can then consolidate the conservative vote and defeat Isakson in the run-off. But Cain's primary candidacy won't peak until the run-off, so we can't risk a one-on-one race against Isakson until then.

15 posted on 05/17/2004 6:48:02 PM PDT by AuH2ORepublican (Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice, moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.)
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To: Clintonfatigued

Further evidence that Herman Cain is the candidate who will lead us to the promised land (i.e., 30% of the black vote and a permanent majority of the overall vote).

16 posted on 05/17/2004 6:51:16 PM PDT by AuH2ORepublican (Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice, moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.)
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To: NewLand

Is he going to win this thang?
I'm getting a good feeling about it.

17 posted on 05/17/2004 8:03:32 PM PDT by onyx (Rummy's job is winning the war, not micro-managing some damn prison.)
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To: G L Tirebiter

Herman was there. I tell you, Cain has certainly upset the apple cart. He has effectively broadened the base of the party and expanded the conservative base enormously. Something the Used Car Salesmen in the Golden Dome don't care for.

Go Herman Go.

18 posted on 05/17/2004 8:50:42 PM PDT by Maurice1962 (Just Got To Believe In Miracles)
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To: onyx

I was talking with Sibby, Herman's admin assistant. She said they are believing they can bypass a runoff. She indicated if the dynamics continue as they are, they have this in the bag.

I am 3rd Vice Chairman in Bibb County (Macon) and can tell you Herman is the favorite by far, about 80%, Houston County (Warner Robins) is the same.

Herman came out swinging today. More forceful than I have ever seen him and aiming straight at Isakson. Rep. Eric Johnson was taken aback. He jumped right on the wagon.

19 posted on 05/17/2004 8:56:45 PM PDT by Maurice1962 (Just Got To Believe In Miracles)
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To: Maurice1962

Oh, great news.
Thank you!
I can't vote for him
from where I live,
but I've been praying
for him for months.
I adore Herman Cain.
He HAS to win.
The USA will be blessed by this great man
in the role of US Senator from Georgia.
He'll be running the majority after a short while!
He HAS to win.

20 posted on 05/17/2004 9:13:18 PM PDT by onyx (Rummy's job is winning the war, not micro-managing some damn prison.)
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