To: Sinner6
Hey Sinner,
You need to "Escape Wisconsin" (like the bumper sticker should say). As much as I loved the place and as proud as I am to be from there, I escaped just in time. The year I moved to Georgia was the year Georgia elected it's first Republican Governor since reconstruction and Wisconsin elected it's first "Dummycrat" after 16 years of Tommy Thompson. I cannot believe the people from my home state have 2 Democrat Senators. Feingold ran for his first term on term limits and yet somehow decided not to "self impose" that term limit on himself. And as for Herb "I'm nobody's Senator, but yours" Kohl I have to ask why a gay Jewish billionaire would want to live in D.C. And don't get me started on why a state with so few Jews and homosexuals have managed to reelect his over & over. I would expect someone with his background be elected in the northeast or California, but not Wisconsin The only good thing I can say about Herb Kohl is that he apparently doesn't create much legislation, because I have never heard his name as a sponsor or cosponsor of any prominent bill. I'd prefer all of our legislator act that way. The less government does at all, the better.....
To: 80sReaganite
21 posted on
05/18/2004 5:18:04 AM PDT by
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