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Heavy Fighting in AR Ramadi Iraq~~~ Sadr's fighters have attacked US Forces.
Fox News
Posted on 04/06/2004 11:53:54 AM PDT by Dog
Just broke on Fox
TOPICS: Breaking News; Foreign Affairs; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: almadhi; alsadr; iraq; mahdiarmy; ramadi; religionofpieces; sadr
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To: Sprite518
Iraqi Shiites supporters of Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr chant anti U.S slogans in Najaf, 170 kilometers, 105 miles south of Baghdad, Iraq (news - web sites), Tuesday, April 6, 2004. The United States declared al-Sadr an outlaw after his militiamen battled coalition troops Sunday in Baghdad and outside Najaf in fights that killed 61 people including eight U.S. soldiers. (AP Photo/Muhammed Muheisen)
Comment #242 Removed by Moderator
To: r9etb
"Arming them also causes trouble for the Turks -- whose lack of support during the war was precisely due to the Kurds [French]."There, I fixed your statement.
posted on
04/06/2004 12:39:08 PM PDT
(Media Bias means that Castro won't be punished for Cuban war crimes against Black Angolans in Africa)
To: thoughtomator
I'll pass on IDF-style... if we did that, we'd make a symbolic attack then pull out and let the problem fester some more. No thanks to that. You make a good point about Israeli meaningless gestures. I am referring to the one thing they do well--targeted assasinations. Americans would let out a huge cheer tonight if Tom Brokaw announced "Al Sadr has been blown to bits by a hellfire missile". And no one would give a damn who else was killed with him.
To: oceanview
Yep! I'm in total agreement.
To: Mo1
Bret also mentioned something about personal are also involved in the firefight and that this is very unusual for this to happenSounded like it was our 'office' guys there, not front line troops he was talking about.
posted on
04/06/2004 12:40:11 PM PDT
(Ernest Strada Fanclub)
To: kcvl
A radical Shiite cleric sought by U.S. forces said Tuesday he is willing to die resisting any attempt to capture himSounds like Saddam did.
posted on
04/06/2004 12:40:21 PM PDT
(I'm not insensitive, I just don't care.)
To: oceanview
Heli's can't do the same job. If they could, they would be used. I suggest you throw your support ENTIRELY behind the military and let the Military planners deal with who,what,when and where. The 'why' is already known.
posted on
04/06/2004 12:40:29 PM PDT
(Always remember when you are on top of the world , that the earth rotates every 24 hrs.)
To: r9etb
Very true, but once serving in the Marines has me all worked up. I trust my fellow Marines to clean house. I just worry that they may not have combat air support.
To: babaloo
Everyone needs to brace themselves.....for some really bad news.
Sadr just rolled the dice.
posted on
04/06/2004 12:41:04 PM PDT
To: Sprite518; oceanview
There have been reports of both helicopters and the large gunship being used in Fallujah. Please don't spread false information.
To: StriperSniper
Iraqi Shiites, members of Al- Mahdi Army militia stand guard outside Al Kufa mosque in Kufa, 160 kilometers (100 miles) south of Baghdad, Iraq (news - web sites), Tuesday April 6, 2004. The United States declared Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr an 'outlaw' after his militiamen battled coalition troops Sunday in Baghdad and outside Najaf in fights that killed 61 people including eight U.S. soldiers. (AP Photo/Muhammed Muheisen)
To: montag813
Heck yeah, I'd be all for that. I hope that it is the same exact type of missile too, that would get the message out loud and clear - zero tolerance for Islamonazis.
posted on
04/06/2004 12:41:31 PM PDT
(Voting Bush because there is no reasonable alternative)
To: kcvl
Al-Khaz'ali quoted al-Sadr as saying, ``My fate will be either assassination or arrested.''
today just might be your day for you and your followers
To: thoughtomator
Or even Moscow. Those bastards were advising Saddam when we first went into Iraq. Nothing changes in Moscow. Regimes come and go. The evil remains.
frustrade blogger from Iraq:
Put Saddam back in power and after he fills a couple hundred more mass graves with those criminals they can start wailing and crying again for liberation. What a laugh we will have then. Then they can shove their filthy Hawza and marji'iya up somewhere else. I am so dissapointed in Iraqis and I hate myself for thinking this way. We are not worth your trouble, take back your billions of dollars and give us Saddam again. We truly 'deserve' leaders like Saddam.
To: babaloo
Shep says an army has attacked our compound.That was Sadr's Mahdi Army.
posted on
04/06/2004 12:42:08 PM PDT
(Ernest Strada Fanclub)
To: LurkingSince'98
All im saying is, is that in a city of 300,000 if you insert only 1200 Marines into it, that leaves the enemy a lot of room to maneuver around them, building to building, the area isnt well saturated with troops. I wish we could muster 10,000 marines and 100 Abrams or so and go in with ovewhelming force.
To: thoughtomator
What week of the year doesn't have a Christian holiday of some sort? Every day is some saint or other's day.Oh, duh...I get it. You're baiting me. Whatever.
posted on
04/06/2004 12:42:10 PM PDT
(Do your part to drive the 'rats to distraction - You *too* can be a monthly donor!)
To: Dog
Everyone needs to brace themselves.....for some really bad news. Unfortunately, this is always possible. However, the US and Coalition forces will prevail.
posted on
04/06/2004 12:42:21 PM PDT
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