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GNR Pulls Out Of 'Rock In Rio' Fest
Billboard ^
| 3.30.2004
| Barry A. Jeckell
Posted on 03/30/2004 5:26:57 PM PST by NYC GOP Chick
GNR Pulls Out Of 'Rock In Rio' Fest
Guns N' Roses has canceled its scheduled May 30 headlining appearance at the Rock in Rio festival in Lisbon. In a statement, sole original member Axl Rose places the blame on guitarist Buckethead, who has apparently exited the lineup.
"The band has been put in an untenable position by guitarist Buckethead and his untimely departure," Rose says. "During his tenure with the band Buckethead has been inconsistent and erratic in both his behavior and commitment -- despite being under contract -- creating uncertainty and confusion and making it virtually impossible to move forward with recording, rehearsals and live plans with confidence." Rose cites Buckethead's interest in furthering a solo career first established with the 1992 release of a self-titled album on the Avant label. The masked artist, who is never seen in the flesh or without a KFC bucket on his head, will kick off a solo tour tomorrow (March 31) in Milwaukee supporting jam band Particle.
"It appears his plans were to secure a recording contract with Sanctuary Records which I encouraged my management to make available to him, quit GNR and to use his involvement in the upcoming Guns release to immediately promote his individual efforts," Rose says.
"There is not a member of this camp that is not hurt, upset and ultimately disappointed," Rose adds. "We as a whole definitely feel that we afforded Bucket every accommodation perhaps so much so that it may be that we, or more precisely, I may have done Guns a disservice and unintentionally allowed Guns to be put in this position."
The Rock in Rio appearance was to be the group's first since a disastrous 2002 comeback tour that was canceled with 13 dates remaining. "On behalf of Guns N' Roses and myself I apologize to the fans," Rose says. "The festival and its tradition mean a lot to me personally and I sincerely do not enjoy being robbed by one of our own of the opportunity to be the first artist to play it for the third time."
Rose admits that "there are obviously several issues to resolve" regarding Buckethead's longtime involvement and the band's long-awaited Geffen album "Chinese Democracy."
"In the meantime rather than dwelling on the negative, Guns will be moving forward," Rose says, "and surprisingly (without giving away any details) this unfortunate set of circumstances may have given us the opportunity to take our recording that one extra step further. Regardless we hope to announce a release date within the next few months."
TOPICS: Culture/Society; News/Current Events
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To: Alberta's Child
LOL! Figures you'd come up with a hockey reference! ;D
posted on
03/30/2004 7:08:56 PM PST
("If I could shoot like that, I would still be in the NBA" -- Bill Clinton, circa 1995)
To: T. Jefferson
for a time I winced at the old music we loved growing up...but looking back I think it was the last golden age of "Average American guy music".
Eddies old guitar and DLR schreeching as you are doing 80 on a back road.....good times.
It was stuff dudes could play in the Camaro while cruising for chicks. Back when drinking a few beers and chasing girls was still acceptable behavior for young men.
Nowadays that'll get ya arrested, in treatment, or thrown into a consiousness raising class.
Everything became really "sissified" sometime in the 90's. While not a great fan, I think the grunge guys were the last gasp against the "non-threatening-pretty boy band"/teen tart mentality of modern pop rock.
I miss the days of loud @ss bands, loud cars, jean jackets, bad hair and the cheapest beer/women you could find. Oh, to be young again....
To: NYC GOP Chick
LOL. The first time I saw that photo a couple of years ago, I knew I'd be posting here on FR with boring regularity.
posted on
03/30/2004 7:14:17 PM PST
Alberta's Child
(Alberta -- the TRUE north strong and free.)
To: NYC GOP Chick
I don't have HBO, but you can be sure that someone ripped it from TiVo and will post it. We have MP3's and boots coming out the ears. And Dave doesn't care. Good PR. :-)
To: NYC GOP Chick
you know what's so annoying about bands like GnR and VH? They could make a mint by reforming with their old lineups and touring that way, as other bands have done. They still, however, cling to decade-old feuds and petty ego trips.
GET OVER IT, GUYS! You're all in your 40's-50's, not 20 anymore, and you're all millionaires. Whether somebody stole a groupie from somebody else 20 years ago is a kid's fight.
Eddie, quit worrying abour Roth's showmanship and ego...people went to see him as much as you. Just play the damned guitar. Stop blaming him for your alcohol problem, too.
Axl, just call up Slash, apologize like a man and get to makin' some good hard rock again. You probably don'r remember what either of you did to pi$$ the other off anyway. Point is, you guys made good music together. If you want, put on the gloves, get in a ring, and brawl it out, but stop all this schoolboy crap.
posted on
03/30/2004 7:18:05 PM PST
Long Cut
("Man, don't hit me with those negative waves SOOoo early in the morning." - Oddball)
To: Alberta's Child
LOL. The first time I saw that photo a couple of years ago, I knew I'd be posting here on FR with boring regularity.Yep, just like the Clymer Street sign (it's on my profile page) that I used to use quite a bit. ;D
posted on
03/30/2004 7:23:00 PM PST
("If I could shoot like that, I would still be in the NBA" -- Bill Clinton, circa 1995)
To: Long Cut
Well said! I mean, if Pete Townshend and Roger Daltrey can still get together and make music, so can just about any other band! ;)
posted on
03/30/2004 7:23:39 PM PST
("If I could shoot like that, I would still be in the NBA" -- Bill Clinton, circa 1995)
To: NYC GOP Chick
Townshend and Daltrey have actually become mature men who act their age. Too many rockers still want to believe that they're 22 again, and act that way.
Jeez, compared to EVH, Roth acts pretty good lately. he doesn't take himself too seriously, and most of his act is just him poking fun at himself. The rest should lighten up, as well.
I went to that DLR site referenced above. Some REAL wierdos there, including one guy named "ford" who refuses to listen to VH because...Hagar's a REPUBLICAN!
Whod'a thought? BTW, Sammy when he was a solo artist had some pretty good tunes, too.
posted on
03/30/2004 7:35:13 PM PST
Long Cut
("Man, don't hit me with those negative waves SOOoo early in the morning." - Oddball)
To: Long Cut
Exactly right...there is no reason that EVH and DLR shouldn't be back on a tour. I heard Roth talk about it on the Radio almost ten years ago...he wanted to do it, but said Eddie was the problem. Eddie wouldn't let him back in the band....then Roth said "Eddie, if you ever want us both back in the stadiums, we must reunite....our breakup is so far in the the rearview mirror..."
Roth is right. VH could have one last big venue tour in them with DLR. Why those guys don't get it, I don't know. They can recreate their immortality once again, sell a ton more records, and maybe luck out with a new generation exposed to the music.
That said, I did see a VH concert with Hagar, loved it, and will go this summer if the rumors are true. VH with Hagar is still better than most bands. I saw VH with Gary Cherone six years ago and it was not good.
To: qam1
Aged rocker ping
posted on
03/30/2004 8:23:31 PM PST
(We want a cowboy, not a gay rodeo clown.)
To: Long Cut
Townshend and Daltrey have actually become mature men who act their age. 'Mature' is a relative term when speaking of Pete Townshend.
He went from Chinese eyes to short eyes, if you get my drift.
posted on
03/30/2004 8:28:57 PM PST
To: Long Cut
Townshend and Daltrey have actually become mature men who act their age. 'Mature' is a relative term when speaking of Pete Townshend.
He went from Chinese eyes to short eyes, if you get my drift.
posted on
03/30/2004 8:30:16 PM PST
To: kenth; qam1; ItsOurTimeNow; PresbyRev; tortoise; Fraulein; StoneColdGOP; Clemenza; malakhi; ...
Xer Ping Ping list for the discussion of the politics and social aspects that directly effects Generation-X (Those born from 1965-1982) including all the spending previous generations (i.e. The Baby Boomers) are doing that Gen-X and Y will end up paying for.
Freep mail me to be added or dropped. See my home page for details.
posted on
03/30/2004 8:40:27 PM PST
(Tommy Thompson is a Fat-tubby, Fascist)
To: ccmay
I'd heard about that little incident. You do know he was cleared of all charges, and he was never even CHARGED in the matter?
Since he had no prior history of scandalous behavior beyond that of any Rock Star, I'd give him the benefit of the doubt.
posted on
03/30/2004 8:45:00 PM PST
Long Cut
("Man, don't hit me with those negative waves SOOoo early in the morning." - Oddball)
To: NYC GOP Chick
I still can't believe they are around, I saw them in the early 90's in their concert with Metallica at the Meadowlands.
Metallica blew them off the stage, They should have taken all their money and quit then.
posted on
03/30/2004 8:50:21 PM PST
(Tommy Thompson is a Fat-tubby, Fascist)
To: NYC GOP Chick
WTF happened to Axl?
Dancin' with Mr. Brownstone one too many times?
posted on
03/30/2004 8:52:09 PM PST
Dan from Michigan
("Had to cool me down to take another round, now I'm back in the ring to takea-nother swing")
To: NYC GOP Chick
In a statement, sole original member Axl Rose places the blame on guitarist Buckethead
Spinal Tap - Episode KFC...
To: Diddle E. Squat
Where do we go now, where do we go now?
To: NYC GOP Chick
If it ain't with DLR, I ain't interested in Van Halen. OMGosh, you can't be serious. The DLR era was awesome, but the Hagar years were equal or perhaps even better. Its like '64 Mustang convertible vs. '04 Pathfinder, both completely different but both outstanding in their own niche. "Dreams", "When Its Love", and the intro to "Love Walks In" are unsurpassed.
To: Diddle E. Squat; NYC GOP Chick; All
I'll use Diamond Dave's own words as to the Van Halen/Van Hagar comparison:
"Classic Van Halen made you want to drive fast, drink whiskey, and F***. The New Van Halen makes you want to go home, get a Nissan, and have a meaningful relationship."
posted on
03/30/2004 9:07:55 PM PST
Long Cut
("Man, don't hit me with those negative waves SOOoo early in the morning." - Oddball)
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